Siphon for a shower pallet


Siphon for a shower pallet

Shower cabins are very popular in apartments and private houses. Especially they are good in small rooms, where it is difficult to put the bathroom. Whatever the cabin, it is necessary to organize the flow of water from the pallet in the sewage, for which a special siphon is needed.

This device works quite simply. It consists of a curved tube, at the bottom of which there is always water. The siphon is mounted not only for the shower, but also for all other plumbing devices working with water.

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon types for pallet

The sanitary market market offers a variety of siphons on the material of production, configuration, quality and price. Its choice also depends on the shower pallet itself, namely from the drain hole. There are several options for the classification of such devices:

According to the principle of operation:

  • Bottled. Siphon received this name, as it has a form of a simple bottle. But it does not prevent him from being as convenient for use and functional as possible;
  • Pipe. Such siphons on their device are even easier than previous ones. They are made in the form of a curved pipe, are performed from plastic, metal, so they have different properties and scope. But the most common appearance is a corrugation that can be simply stretched.

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

According to control methods:

  • Normal. Management of conventional siphon is made using a simple plug. When it is drawn, water enters the pipe, and from it - in the sewer;
  • automatic. The drain opens automatically, a person only needs to click on a special lever. It is very convenient, because you do not need to bend;
  • Click-Clack device. The special design of the plum plug allows you to press it onto it, after which it automatically opens. This is the most complex system, therefore the most expensive.

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Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon device

As already mentioned, there are quite many different types of siphones for the shower. But the most popular view is plastic siphons that have a better combination of price and quality. Such a device has the following configuration:

  • The grille that closes the drain and warns the entering large particles in the pipe;
  • Grid sealer. In order for the lattice as close as possible to the pallet and did not let the water, the rubber seal is laid between them;
  • Tighted release. He has a side, to which the seal is mounted;
  • The seal for the nozzle made of rubber;
  • Screw screwed into a nut of a nozzle;
  • The main detail of the siphon, or a bowl, in it always dwells water;
  • Corrugation or tube connecting a cup with sewage.

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

These items must be supplied with each siphon. For example, rubber seals and gaskets warn flowing water. They must be with the outer and inside of the drain of the shower pallet. All screws are made of stainless metal, which will ensure the durability of the entire design of the siphon and its attachments.

Siphons for low and high shower pallets

Low shower pallets impose some restriction on the use of various sanitary devices for their maintenance, including siphones. To organize the drain of water from such a pallet, a standard bottle siphon will not fit. Of course, the pallet can be installed on a small pedestal, so that there is more free space under it. But it negates all the advantages of such a soul. To solve the problem of plum, experts recommend using:

  • Corrugated siphon. Due to its flexible design, such a siphon can be placed in a limited space, organizing the necessary tilt to drain the water. But the minus corrugation is its low strength, and the dirt is quickly accumulated on its inner surface. It is possible that soon such a siphon will have to change. Fortunately, its cost is low.
  • Pipe siphon. It has the shape of a S-shaped pipe with a water plug. It takes a little space and provides reliable drain. The pipe is much easier to clean than corrugation.

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Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

And for high shower pallets, absolutely all kinds of siphons can be used. Thanks to such a design, install and replace pipes and other elements are much easier.

Connecting siphon

Set a new or replace the already existing siphon is quite simple, for this you do not need special knowledge and special tools. First you need to read the instructions, make sure that all components are available. To connect the siphon successfully from the first time, such tips should be followed:

  1. To ensure reliable plum, the pallet must be higher than the sewer input.
  2. Experts recommend using flexible plastic pipes, because they are much easier to regulate.
  3. The tilt of the pipe is approximately 1-2 centimeters per 1 meter length.
  4. If between the shower and the sewer entrance is a distance of several meters or more, then you need to install a special pump that will pump water from the pallet.

The siphon itself is set pretty simple. First, the grill is inserted into the drain, the tap release. It is connected at the bottom of the siphon bowl, to it - a pipe that goes to sewage. The pipe is put on the tap of the sewage, the pipe of the siphon is mounted. It is necessary to use rubber gaskets and seals to make the impossible leakage. The system is tested for about 10-15 minutes. If, with a large water, the water leaks is not detected, you can safely use the shower.

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon Safety Tips

To choose a suitable siphon for your soul, such tips should be followed:

  1. One of the main criteria when choosing is the diameter of the pallet drain. Most models have a diameter 52, 62 and 90 mm. The amount of the amount should be in the manual of the shower, but you can extinge it yourself. Of course, you can take the siphon of smaller diameter, but it will make it impossible reliable sealing.
  2. Masters and flowing power of the siphon. It is calculated depending on the height of the pallet, in which one or another volume of water can be located. For example, if the diameter of the siphon is 52 or 62 mm, then for normal drain, the maximum water level in the pallet should not be greater than 12 cm, and for larger siphones - 15 cm.
  3. In order to clean the siphon in the future without dismantling the whole soul, it is better to buy self-cleaning devices. Be sure to install a small lattice on the drain, through which the hair and other small particles will not fall.

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Siphon for a shower pallet

Siphon service and care

The maintenance of the device consists in its regular cleaning, depending on the frequency of use of the shower. If siphons are used with a diameter of 52 or 62 mm, it is necessary to provide access to them for cleaning, because they are quite rapidly contaminated. Siphons with a diameter of 90 mm can be cleaned through the receiving nozzle. Most models have special bowls in which all trash is delayed. It is simply unscrewed from the siphon and clean.

Use chemicals for cleaning can be even needed, but for this you need to get acquainted with the instruction. However, plastic or corrugated siphones can be deformed by some substances, therefore it is worth being careful when choosing cleaning products.

Siphon for a shower pallet

Thus, in choosing and installing a siphon, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to adhere to all the recommendations and the Soviets set out in the article.

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