Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill


Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

The most popular base under the finishing floor covering today is a concrete fat-concrete screed of strength and durability. That is why its installation is so popular among the bases under the finish coating. In addition, thanks to her you can hide the flaws of the floor, aligning it.

Types and appointment of a concrete tie for the floor

Before you knead the cement composition, you need to deal with what it is necessary. The screed is a concrete layer that needs to be pouring between the draft floor and the finish coating. Solution cooking technology can be different. It all depends on the cement brand, type, from the floor covering and other factors.

Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

As a rule, the concrete screed is poured between the finish coating and the draft floor

The functions that concrete screed performs:

  • Aligns the floor;
  • Hides the wires and pipes that are in the floor;
  • Performs the protective function of the draft floor and evenly distributes the load;
  • Heats the floor.

Sometimes the fill are made for the floor slope. For example, in the bathroom, when they equip the plum in the floor. The composition and method of preparation of the draft floor determine the types of screeds.

Classification of screws:

  1. Dividing - a mixture of a cement-sand fraction that is placed on the waterproofing layer. Such a method is used in the arrangement of the draft floor under the soil, as well as in homes where there is a high likelihood of moisture from under the floor.
  2. Related - Cement mortar to pour to the floor with a low humidity level. This species uses a team of workers when filling the floor between floors.
  3. Floating - Screed for insulation base. The mixture is poured on the insulation and the reinforcing grid. No contact between walls and draft floors is not allowed. The thickness of the layer of such a screed is 6 cm.

Each species is used for a specific purpose. Some can hydroize the floor, others - insulate. The main thing is to make a solution and make a screed.

To create a solution, explorer are often used. Such material is obtained after recycling concrete into the crumb. A mixture of dropout is the cheapest option than buying cement.

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Characteristic of concrete brands for floor screed

Concrete is used in premises of various purposes: from garages to multiofright houses. Requirements for concrete are determined by the desired load on the floor. Somewhere it is necessary that the floor can withstand significant loads, in other cases wear resistance is required. Criteria, which is choosing concrete - compressive strength.

Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

Selecting concrete for a screed in the store, you should carefully examine the characteristics of affordable brands

The apartment is the most optimal brands of using concrete:

  • M100;
  • M150;
  • M200.

M100 is used for the base for the reinforcement frame and when building a foundation. Also with this brand you can make a warm floor. Mark M150 is suitable for personal construction. It is used where there is no aggressive impact of chemical reagents. Also, this brand can be used in the arrangement of the garage.

M150 can be used for the garage only under the condition that the load on the floor will not be significant.

The concrete M200 has moderate strength, which refers to B15 class. This is the most correct option for a screed. The service life is several decades.

M250 and M300 brands have greater strength. They are resistant to groundwater and adverse weather conditions. M350 and M400 brands are not used to arrange residential buildings.

Methods for creating light concrete for floor screed

Sometimes it is necessary to make an easy floor to reduce the load on the overlap. There are several ways for this. Thanks to them, the screed will become easier and air.

Methods that will help reduce the weight of the solution:

  • Purchase of finished mixtures;
  • Creating a light fill with your own hands.

Purchased options are in their composition cement, several fillers and additives. Such light mixes are necessary when wooden based. At the same time, they cannot be installed on open areas and in cold rooms. Paul humidity should be 85%.

Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

In order to significantly ease the concrete screed, you can use perlite or clay

Light ties have significant advantages. They quickly freeze and already a day later you can start installing the main coating. Also he insulates the floor and provides sound insulation. Works on the pouring of such a screed can be easily done independently. It will delight and small shrinkage - 0.5 mm per 1 m.

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You can prepare a lightweight solution. In this case, the strength of the material will not be lost. And concrete for such a pouring will need less, which will help save.

It is possible to alleviate the screed using the following materials.:

  • Ceramzit;
  • Vermiculite;
  • Perlite.

Keramzit is clay granules of oval shape. At the same time, they have many pores and different sizes. They ate it to add to the solution, then it turns out a ceramzite concrete. Concrete screed on a clamping cushion helps to raise the floor level.

Vermiculitis is a laminate natural material. It is strong enough due to silver threads in its structure. Usually use expanded material.

Vermikulite has high absorbent qualities. 100 g of substance can absorb 4 times more water. Due to this, the solution is obtained as uniform as possible.

When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the size of the granules. If it is too big, then a durable screed will not work.

When using perlit, it must be heated to 1000 degrees. The form of perlite resembles crushed stone. It provides good sound insulation and warmly insulates the floor.

Prerequisites: how to make a tie

Before the fill, you need to take care of the preparatory work of the foundation itself. It is necessary to get rid of deep holes, cracks and irregularities. The premises itself should not have drafts. You also need to hydroize the floor, perform reinforcement and insulation.

Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

Before making a tie of the floor, you should thoroughly treat the surface, wash it away from dust and dirt

Procedure for training:

  • Need to make a layout, install communication;
  • Clean the foundation from dirt and dust;
  • Make the marking of the zero level;
  • The base should be handled by primer and give time to dry.

For a private house you will need to take the soil and align it. For this you need crushed stone and sand, which should be wet. And only after that you need from

Markup, waterproofing and frame.

If the old screed has significant defects, it is better to completely eliminate it.

When the draft floor is in good condition, then you only need to need a thin screed. Communication output must be treated with sealant. Along the walls will have to stick a special tape. The insulation is used only if the owners are desired.

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Floor tie devices technology: Step-by-step instructions

After preparing the surface, you can start pouring a screed. This process includes several consecutive processes. You also need to prepare the necessary tools in advance.

Concrete screed: gender how to make, device and technology with your own hands, concrete brand for fill

If you decide to independently make a concrete screed, then it should be previously learned to study step-by-step instructions

Floor fill device:

  1. Installing beacons. For this you need to prepare a solution from sand and cement in proportions 3: 1. It is laid out in small parts every 50-60 cm near one of the walls. At the same time, the interval between the beacons and the wall should be 20 cm. The beacon is installed in the solution and align its header at the zero markup level.
  2. Preparation of the solution. The composition includes sand, cement and water. In some cases, lightweight materials may be. The mixture is mixed to homogeneity.
  3. Fill tie. You need to start with a long corner of the room opposite the doors. You need to control the level of fill levels all the time. After that, the screed is left to dry for a day.
  4. Removing beacons. It is necessary to carefully remove them from the concrete mix and immediately pour the resulting emptiness with a solution. After that, the floor should dry about a month.

In some cases, for better strength of the screed and to accelerate the drying process, a concrete solution may be chased. For this use special chemicals. Dry technique implies filling material over a screed. Such impregnation falls at all the pores of the solution and helps strengthen it.

It is desirable to fulfill all work on the pouring of the floor in one day. This will provide a homogeneous surface and uniform floor drying.

It is also important to slightly dry the screed. The first days after her fill need to water the floor with water. After three days of water procedures, the fill is covered with a film and sprinkle with wet sawdust or sand. They are also needed to periodically water. After 10-15, it is only possible to begin the finishing germination of the floor.

Concrete screed pouring (video)

Make a concrete screed with your own hands is quite real. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account the mass of factors. Fill screed - a long and painstaking process.

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