Faucet for shower


Faucet for shower

The mixer plays an incredibly important role in the functioning of the shower. Because today we will tell you in detail about its varieties, features of the choice, repair and many other things.


Mixers used in shower cabins differ in two criteria:

  • Installation method;
  • Design.

By the installation method, in turn, devices are divided into two types:

  1. Wall. You can distinguish it from the mixer for the bathroom by missing nose. All other parameters are identical. Control is semi-turn, sensory or joystick. Today, the most budget options for shower cabins are equipped with wall mixers. They are easy to install enough, often for installation does not require special preparation and assistance of masters.
  2. Built-in. It is installed behind the panel, with the result that on the front part we see only the control panel. If it is a stationary cabin, then the mixer is mounted directly on the wall.

Faucet for shower

Faucet for shower

Compared to the wall, the embedded has obvious advantages:

  • Unnecessary design elements are hidden, they are not visible and do not disturb the aesthetics;
  • They act less from the walls, thereby the level of comfort from the adoption of the soul rises;
  • The level of reliability of the mixer is significantly higher.

It is noteworthy that such a complex design does not provide for complex repair. Install, dismantle, replace the device is quite possible.

From the point of view of the design, there are already three types of mixers for shower cabins.



The easiest and most accessible option with the three ways to control the kranboks, joystick and valves. And the last today is a big rarity. It is preferable to choose a joystick type, since it is easy for them to adjust the temperature, pressure, plus it can be equipped with a thermostat.

Faucet for shower


Relevant only for those who have no hot water all year, and is served only in the heating season. The essence is that a small flow-type heater is embedded in the mixer, thanks to which hot water is supplied through the watering can. The type of management is always a touch or joystick.

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Some believe that electric faucets are very powerful and because of them will have to significantly increase the cost of payment for electricity. However, it is rather error, since the electric type faucet will require no more than 500 W.

Faucet for shower

Faucet for shower


They are digital or sensory mixers. The device of a new generation, which has a wide range of benefits over other types. But the most important plus is an easy control. You only have a touch panel, through which you manage all sorts of mixer operation modes. What it is more expensive, the more functions in it laid. In addition to the control of the flow and water temperature, the panel can have functions of the phone, ventilation, backlight, radio, TV and so on.

Faucet for shower

Also, do not forget about the modes that are offered for mixers. They can be from 2 to 6. At the same time, 3 and 4-sample devices are most popular:

  • 3 positions - manual watering can, upper shower and hydromassage of the loaf department;
  • 4 positions - manual watering can, shower, hydropassage of the loin and hydromassage Stop;
  • 5 and 6 of the provisions are additional extensions, enjoyed in practice extremely rare.

Faucet for shower

Criterias of choice

Options for choosing today more than enough:
  1. Installation type. It will affect the cost and on your convenience of using the shower. The question is largely individual.
  2. Type of mixer. Also, you need to choose, based on personal preferences and wishes, plus on financial capabilities.
  3. Number of modes. One fairly simple soul from ordinary watering can, others want a tropical shower above their heads, massage for the whole body. Think which modes you want to see in your shower, and what you really will use.
  4. Quality. Perhaps this criterion should be put in first place. However, the modern market is literally filled with all sorts of shower cabins from the simplest structures to the most ultramodern solutions. Therefore, the question of quality is somewhat moving into the background, since they are all originally not so fragile and tender, as they were at the dawn of their appearance.
  5. Additional features. Now manufacturers are ready to offer a lot of additional properties with which they equip the mixers. Some shower cabins turned into a bath, wage, entertainment complexes with radio, DVD players and many others.

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The quality of the mixer in cheap showers leaves much to be desired. If repair attempts were not crowned with success, the only way out of the current situation is a complete replacement of the entire mixer. This task is not out of simple, because it is better to immediately entrust to those skilled in the art.

Sometimes the repair gives only a temporary result, so think about buying a new mixer, determine its parameters to not be mistaken with the choice. You already know what criteria is worth paying attention to, as well as what varieties of cranes for showers exist.

But let's talk about popular faults and ways to eliminate them.


Malfunction in a single-grazing mixer

As practice has shown, most often the reason lies in a faulty cartridge. It is necessary to replace it, read more in the article about the repair of the cartridge in the shower mixer.

Weak water pressure

It is likely that the aerator was clogged, that is, the nozzle, which is installed on the extension of the crane. It is necessary to act as follows:

  • Remove this nozzle (aerator);
  • Rinse it or blow it. As a rule, there is enough simple washing under the jet of water;
  • Install the aerator at its rightful place.

Faucet for shower

Switch with hussaku on shower

This suggests that the sealing rings of the spool failed. Therefore, they need to be replaced:
  • Discharge in the apartment or house water;
  • Unscrew the nut from the hussak and remove the scum;
  • Now you need to pull the adapter, as well as the lever responsible for switching water;
  • From there, old seals are removed, new ones are installed on their place. It is not a problem to find them, but make sure that they are exactly the same;
  • Be sure to lubricate the gaskets and the spool so that it can be easily assembled into place;
  • Collect the design in the reverse order.

A button mechanism that is responsible for switching modes

Also, most likely, seals were worn out. It is not difficult to replace them:

  • First removes the button to switch modes;
  • Then dismisses the switching mechanism using a wrench;
  • The rod is removed, the serviceability of the seals is checked;
  • If necessary, rubber elements are changed, the mixer is collected in the reverse order.

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Faucet for shower

Violation of the button of the push-button mechanism due to the spring

Also a common problem, to eliminate which can be replaced by spring:
  • Remove the hose and shower;
  • Accurately remove the adapter;
  • Remove the decorative plug, unscrew the locking screw;
  • Next, the shower button is pulled out;
  • Removed the rod together with the failed spring;
  • Washed a piece of wire as a replacement of the spring. Be sure to check how efficiently it works;
  • If all is well, collect the crane in the reverse order.

Permanent leaks of hussak or spout

The reason lies in the gaskets, or "shalyat" sealing rings. They need to be changed for what:

  • Remove the spout nut. If it does not succumb to boiling water;
  • Dismantle the scratch;
  • Next, carefully unscrew the sleeve and nut. This will require a hex;
  • From the nut, get the sleeve;
  • Change the sealing rings to new;
  • Collect the crane back.

During the repair process, remember that using a specialized tool is only necessary to obtain the desired tension level of fixtures. Do not make too much effort, since the mixer can be finally spoiled. Then your only way out will be the full replacement of the crane. And this, as you understand, the pleasure is not cheap.

Faucet for shower


Due to prevention measures, you can significantly extend the life of your mixer.

Recommendations here are quite simple, to observe them strongly recommended:

  1. Avoid mechanical damage. Be cooked with a mixer, then he will answer you long and efficient work.
  2. Do not use cleaning products, contraindicated for materials from which the mixer is made. Do not use aggressive substances, as they can harm.
  3. Water purification. Ideally, the hydromassage system needs to be provided with water purification system so that there is no sand, lime and other components that can harm the mixer operation. The installed coarse and fine cleaning filters are periodically washed, in order to maintain them in the desired functional state. Alas, our tap water leaves much to be desired.
  4. Caring for the cab. Periodically wash the cabin, clean the hydromassage nozzles, clean the watering can, when possible. If chrome elements are used, then try to wipe them dry after the adoption of water procedures.

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