Energy saving or LED lamp: what to choose


Each person who creates lighting in his home immediately begins to ask the question: Which light source choose? As a rule, people choose between LED and energy-saving lamps. However, many do not understand what they differ and what are the best. Therefore, in this article, we decided to compare LED and energy-saving lamps, remember the main characteristics, let's talk about economy, pluses and minuses.

Energy saving or LED lamp: what to choose

Comparison of LED and Energy Saving Lamps: Pros and Cons

Power consumption

By buying a light source, each person is primarily thinking about their economy. As a basis, take a standard incandescent lamp and imagine that it consumes 100%. Energy-saving light sources consume 20%, and LED 10% with the same brightness of the glow.

Output! LED consumes less electricity and create similar lighting. Accordingly, here they seriously win.

Brightness of the glow

Immediately pay attention! The gloveness of the ice is a few times better than an energy saving analog.

If you know more about fluorescent lamps, then they do not correctly transmit the luminous spectrum, there are also many shades. LED in this regard performs more stable and universal.

Look in the photo than the light stream is different.

Energy saving or LED lamp: what to choose

What is the most economical lamp - a visual example

Ecology and security

LED lamps and here seriously won, this is due to the fact that they do not contain mercury. But in ordinary housekeepers there is mercury, it refers to the first class of danger (the most dangerous). We even considered the article: how to dispose of fluorescent lamps, so buying them, you should clearly understand that you need to quickly throw them away after use.

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The second serious problem of luminescent lamps - they make harmful infrared radiation, it can cause many diseases. LEDs do not have such shortcomings, so that in modern realities it is better to buy them.


Each light source flickers. If we speak for economical lamps, they flicker 50 times in a second. This flicker may cause eye fatigue and irritation. However, it also needs to be understood that much depends on the quality of the assembly. If a good driver is installed, the flicker will not be too destructive for the human body.

If we talk for LEDs, they are seriously allocated. Since they do not make flicker and fill the room only with high-quality light. But, also depends on the quality of the lamp, if we speak for Chinese manufacturers, their quality begins to seriously suffer and flicker can manifest itself.

How long serve

Here we will immediately give the list:
  1. Energy-saving lamps serve to 10,000 hours.
  2. LEDs can boast a service life of 50,000 hours.

The indicator is more than 5 times! The advantage here is significant, even despite the fact that the LED is a little more expensive (if we speak for expensive manufacturers).

Who turns on faster

Fluorescent lamps are included in one second. This is due to the fact that the driver need time to warm up, it is also necessary to heat mercury. Accordingly, the heating takes more time.

Pay attention! After one year of use, energy-saving light sources can be turned on even longer.

LEDs and there are no problems here, they come into operation instantly and do not lose the brightness of the glow even after a certain time.

Energy saving or LED lamp: what to choose

Which lamp is better: LED or energy saving


It is also very important to look at the guarantees from manufacturers:
  • on ice manufacturers give a guarantee for three years;
  • Energy saving can only boast a guarantee for one or two years.

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Conclusions here should be done on your own.

Heating temperature during operation

The housekeeper is heated to 50 or 60 degrees during their work. This is not much, but it can ache even stronger over time, since the main elements of the driver wear out.

The LED at all shows stable operation and never overheat. Accordingly, they can be used in any rooms.


The average cost of both lamps in our territory is 220 rubles. So, you can call an honest draw. However, it is worth clear here that much depends on the manufacturers. We strongly recommend choosing only high-quality light sources, because it is better to pay and use it for a long time. Cheap Chinese analogs will almost immediately fail, and they will have to buy new, as a result will have to overpay funds.

Video on the topic

On the Web we found some more interesting rollers from which you will learn:

  • Advantages and disadvantages;
  • life time;
  • design features;
  • The spectrum of light and much more.

These rollers will help each person to understand the main subtleties of choice.


That ended our comparison of LED and energy-saving lamps. As you might notice, the LEDs are ahead of all points, so we recommend to stop your choice on them. However, during the acquisition, try to watch only qualitative models, where there is quality assurance.

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