Hooks for curtains and pickups, features and rules of operation


Among the variety of decorative and functional accessories used in the design of the window opening, the hooks for curtains occupy a special place. In addition to the fact that elements provide unhindered movement of the cloth on the eaves, they are capable of acting as decorations. Do not forget about the hooks for pickups - the products that are tied with elegant accessories, can be the result of a very fine work and resemble the works of art. When selecting auxiliary elements, it is necessary to take into account certain factors, then the curtains will not deliver the hassle and serve as long as possible.

Hooks for curtains and pickups, features and rules of operation

Appointment, features and advantages

The main function of accessories is fixing the curtains on the cornice. Due to the specifics of the design, the canvas moves gently, without obstacles, makes no effort. Hooks can be sold already striking on a tape, which is simply sewn to the curtains canvas. Such an approach eliminates the set of hassle - the products are risted on the string, such hooks can not roll off.

Such clamps can be calculated not only on standard string eaves or models with special furrows, but also on classic round products. Pretty large "ears" with clasps allow hooks to perform the role of a transitional element between large decorative wooden rings and a mounted curtain.

In addition to the listed properties, the hooks for the curtains have another number of benefits.

  1. This is the most economical value and energy cost option if you do not take into account the line.
  2. If you follow the rules of operation and initially select the optimal version of the product, you can count on a long service life.
  3. In the event of a breakdown of one hook, it can be replaced very quickly.


Hooks - a useful thing, but in some situations they are simply not suitable for a stylistic idea used in creating an image. It is not necessary to apply a similar accessory, trying to save on trifles, it can spoil the entire ensemble.

Hooks for curtains and pickups, features and rules of operation

Types of hooks for the curtains and the rules for their selection

To pick up the optimal version of the mounts, it is necessary to understand the types of hooks and their functional features.

  • Hidden and decorative. The first option is performed from inconspicuous materials and is designed to hide behind the fold of the curtains or under the decorative part of the eaves. The second option is used not so often and is a set of attractive accessories that not only support the tissue tissue, but also act as decoration.
  • Plastic and metal. Hooks for curtains made of plastic is the cheapest, but not the worst option. They are not suitable for hanging very heavy and bulk porter, but with light curtains and curtains of moderate severity they will cope. The indisputable plus option is silent. There are plastic kits and minus - with time, the strength of the products may decrease, which leads to their deformation and constant liner jumping. Metal elements are created from aluminum, brass, less often - steel. Such accessories are much stronger, but with severe multi-layer porter structures, they will not cope either. The poor-quality material may be subject to corrosion, the formation of rust or dull plaque. Another lack of solution is constant noise when moving on an aluminum string. Recently, two materials began to combine, which makes it possible to use their strengths and level the shortcomings.
  • Open and closed. Both options have its pros and cons. To open easier to wear loops curtains. In order to complete the panels, you do not have to pull the string, but hang the curtains on one loop quite tedious. With closed hooks, loops do not sculp, so you can not be afraid, moving the cloth if necessary.
  • Basic and transitional. Clamps can act as an independent product or connecting link between the eaves and champs, decorative loops or other extravagant decor options.

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When choosing a hooks, it is necessary to consider the weight of the fabric, the loop diameter, the type of cornice, the main stylistic direction of the image, the intensity of the operation of the curtain. For example, if you need to choose fasteners for light curtains and tulles, and the curtains will constantly be in the same position, it is difficult to come up with something more convenient than transparent plastic hooks, trapped on the tape.

Hooks for curtains and pickups, features and rules of operation

What other hooks for curtains?

A separate group allocate decorative accessories intended for fixing pickups. Their main function is to hold an attractive rounded shape of a cloth by pulling out the fabric towards the wall. Products can be completely imperceptible or, on the contrary, attract attention. You can find similar hooks with a decor in the form of flowers, animal heads, complex avant-garde figures. Hooks for pickups are securely fixed to the wall using self-tapping screws at the end of the product or auxiliary brackets. Elements are created from durable materials, their design is often echoing with the design of the cornice, sometimes you can find ready-made sets of accessories.

In addition, the curtains can be fixed with the help of grabs - these elements are similar to hairpins and are designed to preserve the shape of the assembled curtains without shifting it to the wall. Here, also special hooks, closing the product from the wall side of the cloth, can also be used. For the manufacture of grabs use the easiest types of metals or wood, plastic.

Hooks for curtains and pickups, features and rules of operation


Without such small details, like hooks for curtains, the process of using the curtain would be much more complicated. Experts recommend not to save on such a cheap element and change products at least once every two years. This will not wait for the moment when the strength of the material will decrease and the loops will begin to slip or disappear along with the hooks.

It is worth considering that the tape with metal hooks is better not to acquire or use only if the curtains are not stitched, but to clean the chemical path. Any metal over time is changing under the action of water, so that frequent washers can lead to staining of the fabric into rusty color.

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