Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas


Tape for curtains is like a "fighter of an invisible front." Everyone knows about her, but no one notices on the curtains and porters. It is considered the most imperceptible element of fittings. Yes, at first glance, this ribbon does not carry a functional load. But the professional seamstress or specialists from Atelier know exactly: modern and luxurious curtains are the result of "work" it is braid.

Going for the purchase of curtains, everyone dreams of being beautiful, fashionable, exclusive. Beautiful curtains are modern style products from expensive fabric, individual or delicate sewing rich in fold and drapery. And if you ever thought how the folds on the curtains are formed? Why are some folds small, and other big? The answer is obvious: to achieve drapery on the curtains, they should be survived a little. But what element of the fitness is able to keep the sweaty folds in unlimited quantity? There is no secrecy here is a special braid, a curtain tape. It rarely happens very rarely when the function of the part is significant, and the price is democratic.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

Curtain Tape: Opportunities and Restrictions

Tape for curtains is a tape having a type of woven strip or a dense wicker lace. The tape can be made of a grid or textile, in which dense threads or cords stretched through certain intervals. They are responsible for the rhythm and the step of the folds received.

Using braid, you can drape almost all kinds of curtains:

  • tulle;
  • Curtains;
  • Gardina;
  • lambrequins;
  • Curtains.

Perhaps only blinds exclude its application.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

Decorative side of the question

In its functional purpose, the tape is two types.

  • Decorative - fully implements its potential, being a worthy decoration for the curtains. Chic, Glitter, Beauty - Properties that acquire the porter draped with a special braid. Together with her, even the ordinary products look different.
  • Finishing - Used in the case when it is necessary to tie the product from textile fiber, pull, drape.

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The finishing curtain tape opens up ample opportunities for curtains, facilitates the time-consuming process of drapery. With such a braid, their drapery is even the most inventive folds - one pleasure.

Tape curtains is made of filaments with relative strength:

  • linen;
  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • woolen.

The ribbon width is so diverse that all wishes and preference will satisfy: it is in the range of 6 millimeters to 15 centimeters. Therefore, without problems, you can drag as curtains for small cuisine and tremendous curtains for the concert hall.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

Types of curtain braid

Want economically, simply and gracefully arrange the curtains? Try "make friends" with braid. The curtain tape will help the original and stylishly arrange the curtains of absolutely any style and varying texture. It is organically combined with tissues of any format: from delicate tulle to weighty velvet.

The market of textile goods is so rich and diverse on elements of decor and accessories, which has about 100 types of tape for curtains.

It is worth studying the main types of folds, the choice of which is dictated by the type of tissue.

  1. Tape with folds in the form of a box or cylindrical folds. These types of braids are created on the curtain clear and correctly defined figures of the geometric shape. And the clarity of the form determines the correctness of the formed fold. Drapery looks neat and well fixed. Such a braid is desirable to use for dense tissues or if the curtains are on the lining. For sewing curtains, adhere to the ratio: the width of the fabric is greater than the cornice length 3 times.
  2. Tesma with folds having a "patrontal". When using such a folds, the folds are obtained by a cylindrical form, the correct and identical intervals occur between them. Strict appearance acquire porters with such a curtain braid and loops. And the ideal option is achieved if the fabric used for sewing is heavy.
  3. The "smoked" braid is an extraordinary view that allows you to achieve the effect of weaving the folds. If the fabric is flexible and amenable to uniform changes, choose a loop braid.
  4. Normal drapery - successful builds absolutely on any kind of fabric, but the width of the fabric must be 1.5 times more than the length of the eaves.
  5. Rays folds. If the burline size is 3 meters, it means that the length of the fabric must be 7.5 meters. The ratio of cornice and fabric - 1: 2.5
  6. Bowful folds take single textiles. As in the previous case, the width of the fabric must be 2.5 times larger than the length of the eaves used
  7. Triple folds look restrained and elegant. The length of the fabric is three times more for the length of the cornice.

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Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

The choice based on the rules

Going to the store curtains, fabrics and fittings, remember that the selection of the curtain ribbon depends on the following components:

  • Type of textile;
  • fabric texture;
  • the dimensions of the tissue canvase;
  • Density of matter.

If the choice is made in favor of the classic style of the porter, take the exclusively wide curtain tape. Be carefull! Incorrectly selected additional item is capable of changing the initial image of the curtains you like.

The tape for curtains does not imply clear restrictions when choosing, but specialists in tailoring and interior designers are recommended to select the color of the tape for the color of the curtains themselves. In other words, harmony in everything.

  • The closer there are color shades to each other, the more perfect the result.
  • Are your curtains from Citz? Stop your choice on the simplest braid that is easy, simply and reliably drapes the fabric into an ordinary well-known assembly.
  • Porters in the living room from velvet? More relevant will be a tape with triple or cylindrical folds.
  • If textiles are not bright, but a calm and even muted, tape, if possible, should also be like this color.
  • Pepling and even "causing" fabric? The curtain ribbon must repeat the color of the fiber.


Choosing a curtain ribbons, be sure to take into account the ability of the fabric to the drapery and do not neglect it with weight.

On the sweaty tissues, it is much more problematic to get ray folds. Very interesting look at such fabrics cylindrical type of folds.

In any case, whether you experienced seamstress or newcomer - contact a consultant in the studio or special shop. Do not neglect the advice of professional designers, if suddenly found themselves in the studio.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

Calculate Length

Type of tape curtain is defined, and now the time to calculate the necessary merar.

Remember that the length of the tape directly depends on the desired drape density. Some types of braids have special coefficients, considering which one can achieve the perfect species of the porter. The ratio has a form of two digits, where the first is the value of the size of the braid, and the second is the length of the straightened canvase. In other words, this expression will help calculate how many braids and fabrics need to buy so that the curtains have an organic look.

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For example, the ratio of 1: 3 means that for sewing the porter with a sufficient number of ready-made folds of 1 meter wide 1 meter, you must purchase a tissue material 3 meter width. It is desirable that another pair of letters for seams be added to these sizes.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

Decorative character braid

The sewing industry does not stand still, but develops, introducing new varieties of decorative braid for curtains.

  • Tape in the form of Ryush. It is recommended to use for monophonic tissues. The decorative direction of Ryushi is one of the options for radiation drapery.
  • Tape to create buffers. It looks originally on any type of tissue, regardless of color saturation and drawing. More self-sufficiently, this decorative finish looks like a monophonic textile and stinging tissue. Organically takes Tulle.
  • Braid "Wafers". Using such a finish option, you will achieve an elegant form for curtains.

Very often you can see that the manufacturers are laid with a tape for curtains:

  • Rings for chalks;
  • Special hook pockets;
  • seals for lambrequins;
  • Two, three, four cords.

Tape for curtains: original drapery ideas

How to sew a braid to the curtain?

  1. Tape from the inside of the curtains, using two parallel lines.
  2. Pull the cords that are trained through the braid.
  3. Collect the fabric in the fold.
  4. The amount and quantity will determine independently by adjusting the cord.
  5. Tie a thread by the knot at the ends of the tape.
  6. Do not cut them down.

Thanks to the curtain tape, the curtains will long look like attractive as in the first days of operation. Select curtains - a task based on preferences and taste, choose a tape for curtains - the task is also solved, but requiring the calculations of length, select color and type. It will not be possible to buy what "fell to the soul". You should rely on the selected type of porter.

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