Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use


Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Current floors are gaining great popularity, as they are high-quality and incredibly beautiful-wiring industry constantly developing, all new and new materials come to world markets. Especially happy inventions for floor decoration. Here and the soft half-puzzle in the nursery, and very similar to the real tree laminate, and the filled 3D floors. With the help of the latter, you can create at home the most unusual interior. Today you will learn what is a liquid floor and how to arrange the apartment with your own hands.

What is liquid gender: video and description

Before making a decision regarding the use of liquid floors in its apartment, it is necessary to understand what is the coating, as well as to determine its advantages and disadvantages. Otherwise, the result of such an expensive finish can disappoint you.

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

The filler floor is not only attractive externally, but also characterized by excellent quality.

The fuses consist of a thin transparent polymer layer, which is flooded with drawn image or volumetric items. Thanks to such a design, you can create amazing optical effects and 3D images in your home.

For the first time, such floor coverings began to be used in the West, for the design of concert halls and restaurants. Later, the bulk floors that won the hearts of the wide masses came to residential buildings and apartments, becoming an excellent solution for trimming baths and kitchens.

The advantages of the filler floors:

  1. Amazing appearance. With this finish, you can create original and unique interiors designs.
  2. Despite the seeming fragility, such coatings are resistant to mechanical damage and abrasive effects
  3. The polymer bulk floor is safe for health and has excellent fire safety. You can be sure that this type of finish will not harm the health of your children and domestic animals.
  4. Flip floors will not spoil the washing with chemicals.
  5. Such a coating firmly seals concrete, preventing the formation of dust. It is also an excellent waterproofer.
  6. Make cleaning such a floor is very simple. It does not absorb water and fat and is perfect.

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The disadvantages of the filth floor applies that it is quite difficult to make it. Also for many it turns out of its price.

Repair of floors for filling coatings

In order for the filler to the floor to serve for many years, and the repair did not have to be updated in a few years, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis. It also includes the elimination of all the irregularities and processing of concrete with a primer.

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Before starting to install the filth floor, you should carefully prepare the surface of the floor, clean it from the old coating and dirt

Stage of preparation of the base for fill 3D. Paul:

  1. Remove all the furniture from the room, remove the doors and close the wallpaper with a protective film, unless of course you want to change them. It is also necessary to remove the old material and clean the surface from garbage and dust.
  2. Now you need to close all cracks and pits with cement mortar, on top of laying the waterproofing film, if necessary, install a warm floor.
  3. When all internal elements are ready, the self-leveling mixture is poured for a floor screed. Its drying takes from two to three weeks.
  4. After the flooded screed dried, it is necessary to check the floor for the presence of new cracks, if there are such, they are shuffled with cement mortar and grind.
  5. Next, dust and sand is removed from the floor surface. To better clean the reason better to use the vacuum cleaner.
  6. The surface is thoroughly ground. The primer should fill all the slots and pores of the screed. After drying the first layer of primer, a second layer is applied.
  7. Next poured a layer of leveling polymer substance. This stage is the most important. Here, the main thing is to be correctly kneading the composition, it is best to use the instructions for use indicated on the package. This layer is the basis of the 3D coating, and it should be translucent. It is also important to choose the right to choose a shade, it should be combined with the future pattern and with the rest of the interior decoration. You need to mix the polymer substance and the means for its solidification in the 2/1 ratio. After that, the composition of the uniform layer is applied to the base and is distributed to a needle roller.

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The preparatory stage is very important. If the fill of the screed or the background layer is wrong, then the polymer floor is cracking or simply, it will be uneven and nonesthetical.

When filling the floor, you will have to move around it, so as not to spoil the finished parts. Use instruments such as paint. They are attached to the shoes and do not spoil the non-frozen liquid layer.

The polymer layer is hardening during the day. At this time, it is desirable that the room did not walk through the drafts and the sun's rays did not penetrate.

Apply an image before making the bay floor

When the polymer base can dry out to the most interesting stage - image application. You can invite a professional artist for this purpose or draw the drawing you need yourself yourself. There are two ways to make beautiful drawings.

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Bring out the drawing to the floor on the floor follows only when the polymer base is completely dry

Methods for applying images on the floor:

  1. Drawing pictures with acrylic and polymer paints. If you are making images in this way, it will turn out to be more interesting and expressive. However, to create a drawing with the help of paints, you need to be able to draw well. You can also invite an artist, but its services are quite expensive. Another point in the costs for this option will be expensive paints, they must be resistant to the rays of ultraviolet and fading.
  2. The second, simpler method, - sticking the finished image. In this case, your gender will look not so luxurious, but also quite original. This picture must necessarily be bright and printed on dense paper. Also consider that the image must be applied to a whole web like that under a transparent polymer layer, all the joints are perfectly visible.

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The drawing that you apply to the floor will task the tone of the interior of the room, so it must be performed in one style with the rest of the room elements. Also do not forget that with such a bright finish, the furniture must be as simple as possible.

The final stage of the installation of the filling floor with their own hands

The last layer is poured a transparent polymer substance. It also needs to be properly diluted, relying on the instructions marked on the package. The thickness of such a layer should be no less than 3 centimeters, only in this case the coating will be sufficiently strong.

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Additionally, the filler floors will need to be covered with a special varnish, which will ensure the strength and stability of the future coating

To cover the floor to be protected, after drying the transparent polymer layer, it is desirable to operate with a special varnish.

Fill the polymer layer parts that need to immediately align the rule and needle roller. The polymer coating finally dries after the expiration of three weeks.

Bay floors do it yourself (video)

Flashing 3D floors look truly fascinating. They will perfectly fit into modern interiors. The high cost of such a coating with interest pays off with excellent technological characteristics, excellent appearance, as well as long service life. Discontinue your apartment in bulk sex, and your interior will be the most original!

Examples of the filling floor with their own hands (photo)

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

Flip floors: do it yourself video, how to do and what it is, liquid repair and photo yourself, instructions for use

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