Accessories for shower cabins


Accessories for shower cabins

It should be understood that a modern comfortable shower cabin is not just four walls and flow of water. It is fittings that play a large role in the functioning of this device.

Accessories is a skeleton, that is, the foundation on which the entire design of the cab is based on. At the expense of it, use plumbing comfortably and easy. Accessories can be imperceptible to the eye, but this does not decrease its significance from this. We will figure it out in its views.



These devices are considered the most important component of shower cabins, because their choice should be approached with special care. Read more about Dushkuba videos read in another article.

Accessories for shower cabins


With their help ensures the tightness and waterproofability of the entire structure. To seals can be attributed Water-proof models, magnetic, as well as focus For doors. With the help of a clamping profile, all sorts of leaks during the operation of the cabin are minimized. Seals, as a rule, serve Elastic materials such as rubber, polyvinyl chloride or silicone . They are not afraid of moisture, temperature drop, have solid wear resistance indicators. There are different types of conjugation, because of what a certain classification of seals occurred:

  • A-shaped;
  • H-shaped;
  • C-shaped;
  • T-shaped.

Accessories for shower cabins

Accessories for shower cabins

Accessories for shower cabins

These items are processed by antibacterial compositions, it is easy to clean and washed, and can also be replaced if necessary.


Some of them are called cans, but it's not entirely right. Watering can be a traditional shower for the bathroom or cabin. The nozzle works together with watering can, providing additional water pressure. Modern nozzles are capable of conducting a session of an unforgettable hydromassage. They are mounted on special panels, or directly on the walls. The amount may be different, depending on the wishes of the buyer and its financial capabilities. Nozzle control is implemented by changing the position of the mixer.

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Accessories for shower cabins

Small fittings

Nevertheless, its significance is comparable with the rest of the accessories that we have already talked about. Here we are talking about hinges for doors, connectors to ensure fixedness of the walls of the shower, handles for doors and so on. The loops can be divided into several species, depending on their functions:

  • Glass glass. Connect two glass elements;
  • Wall glass. Accordingly, the wall and glass design component are connected.

Moreover Opening a loop can be both fixed and adjustable . As materials for the manufacture of such accessories, a wrought brass with an anti-corrosion coating is served, although alternative solutions are also rare.

Accessories for shower cabins

From glass

Many modern model of shower cabins are made of tempered glass. Therefore, for them it is necessary to use the appropriate accessories, which must meet certain requirements.

First of all, the materials of the accessories in no way should be afraid of water. And we are talking about the constant contact of these elements with a humid environment. Therefore, the connectors and loops are most often made of carbide brass, polished brass, matte and polished chromium.

As a result, accessories provides long-term and trouble-free operation of the entire shower system. But it should be suitable for her choice.

Accessories for shower cabins

Accessories for shower cabins

Accessories for shower cabins

Tips for choosing

  • First of all, pay attention only to verified manufacturers with a rather loud name. This is the result of not only successful advertising, but also the corresponding level of confidence from customers. Do not follow the rule about a person who pays twice.
  • Stick one company. It is not worth buying a loop of one manufacturer, the rollers of another, and the handles in general in the third. So it can seriously disturb the integrity of the aesthetic component. And this is at best.
  • Explore moisture resistance indicators, consult on this account with sellers. Not excess will explore the labeling features. The most important point is the presence of additional protection against moisture. If it is not on the fittings, it will soon come into disrepair and will have to spend money again.
  • Before going to the store, remove all the data from the cabin, sizes and so on. Alternatively, you can remove the damaged item and come to the store with it. So specialists will even easier to choose the appropriate alternative.
  • Accessories differs not only by producer and materials used. They fasten the items in a different way, so decide in advance what exactly you want to get as a result.
  • The best materials for the manufacture of fittings are stainless steel and brass. They are withstanding the loads that take place in the bathroom. Here we are talking about constant contact with water, high humidity level, sharp temperature differences, condensate, load on glass elements, and so on. At the same time, it is naive to believe that brass and stainless elements are eternal, it is better not worth it. Over time, they will have to be replaced, but any alternative options for fittings will be significantly surpassing.

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Accessories for shower cabins

As you can see, a shower cabin can well be repaired or even assemble yourself from scratch using appropriate fittings. Do not think that only components play an important role.

Practice has shown, elements such as rollers, seals, connectors and other types of accessories have a direct impact on durability, convenience and comfort of your shower cabin. Because come to this question responsibly, choose high-quality components and enjoy an excellent alternative standard bathroom. After all, people are increasingly moving on shower cabins.

Accessories for shower cabins

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