Frame from the plinth with their own hands from foam


Often, after repair, pieces of ceiling plinth remain. Of these, you can make a beautiful frame for a picture or family photo. They are made of foam. It is perfect for creating a model that can be hung on the wall.

Frame from the plinth with their own hands from foam

The frame from the ceiling plinth can be made independently, from the residues of the plinth after repair.

Polyfoam - the material is very light, and therefore the frame made of it will be light, durable and reliable.

Making frame with your own hands

Frame from the plinth with their own hands from foam

The tool for cutting the ceiling plinth must be well-fulfilled and sufficient to make the plinth cut in one movement.

Materials and tools:

  • ceiling plinth;
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • knife;
  • brush;
  • varnish;
  • Durable carsional thread.

How to make a frame from the plinth? First of all, you need to measure the picture for which the frame is manufactured. Then, on the required dimensions, 4 parts made of plinth. They are cut with a knife at an angle of 45 degrees.

Then cover acrylic paint. After drying, the paint is applied varnish. Varnish must dry during the day.

If the model is painted with aerosol paint, then it is necessary to pre-cover the PVA glue frame so that the paint does not damage the surface.

Then the picture or photo is glued to cardboard. The cardboard band, protruding from the edge of the picture, should be of this size so that it can be pasted the frame.

Printed a drop-down thread and fix it. It will stick to it.

Print frame. It is necessary to correctly combine the angles. There may be slots in the corners of the product.

In this case, the gaps close up with pieces of foam. Then they are stained and covered with varnish. Then they will not be noticeable. Thus, you made a picture frame for a classic style.

Volumetric vintage design

Frame from the plinth with their own hands from foam

The billets from the ceiling plinth are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, after gluing the frame, it can be painted with acrylic dyes and opened with varnish.

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How to make a frame of bulk design? You can make a vintage design with your own hands. Plinths are angular, which are fixed between the wall and the ceiling, and wall-mounted, flat on the reverse side.

They are with or without patterns. You can combine various species for the manufacture of a bulk vintage frame.

Materials and tools:

  • ceiling plinth;
  • Stuslo;
  • hacksaw;
  • polymer glue;
  • Acrylic paint.

You need to take an angular copy. He is scolded with the tip and form the first corner. It lies in the stupid in this way: one part is horizontally, the other vertically.

Measure the desired length from the first corner and cut off at an angle. Similarly, perform the second bar of the same size. It is necessary to work very carefully and try to accurately comply with all sizes.

Then there are two stripes of smaller sizes. Details glued together. Each corner is smeared with glue, combine and hold for a long one for a long gluing.

A peculiar cup was obtained from the corner copy. Now it is necessary to make edging from this cup from the wall instance.

Take wall-mounted plinth and cut it on a stub. It lies in the same plane.

Cut the tip of the part and form an angle. From the corner measurement. In the process of work, all billets are constantly trying on a cup. Crop the opposite corner. So 4 sides of the edging of the cup are manufactured.

Apply glue to the top side of the cup. Over the end the edging. All elements carefully customize to each other so that there are no cracks.

After that glue all the elements. It turned out a bulk stained steel frame. The depth of it is 4 cm.

Then the product is painted with gold acrylic paint. The picture to your product can be fastened with the help of small screws or design to glue to the picture.

So you can make the framework of various options, with different finishes. Use all your ability, creativity and fantasy. Your favorite photos or paintings in these excellent framework will delight you with your beauty.

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