Metal shutters on the windows: species and their purpose


Metal shutters on the windows are the necessary "clothes" for home, because the safety of the own and safety of the housing is paramount. Will you close your windows? Go along the path of least resistance and use the standard set - curtains, curtains, blinds? A good choice, but is Safe? Metal grilles protect your windows and you? Yes, it is safe - on the one hand, but not quite aesthetic - on the other. And besides this, the lattices are endowed with not all the functions that protective systems should have. From the sun, they will not be closed and will not save from cold air. And the windows are still - the eyes of the house, and I would like them to be beautiful, attractive and, of course, reliable.

Metal shutters on the windows: species and their purpose

New - well forgotten old

Shutters on the windows. They have something from the past. From them blows rustic motifs. These peculiar flaps for the windows some have already been forgotten. But fashion trends return us to them again. Metal structures today can be seen no longer only on country houses and rural huts, but also in cottage towns, where every second building is equipped with this type of protection. A very attractive range is very attracted, therefore the likelihood is that everyone will find for themselves and for their abode one of the most suitable protective systems: from the classics to modern. There is an opportunity to choose the sash for every taste: from monolithic to the ratio.

According to external signs and on the inner structure of the sash, ordinary doors are very similar, where the frame is made from the profile pipe, and one side of the shutter is fed by a metal sheet.

Metal shutters on the windows: species and their purpose

Types, species and their features

In the structure of the main metal blade, metal for windows are different.

  • Solid or deaf. Such a structure provides that the protection system will be periodically open and closed. The deaf sash is the perfect option for the case if you often leave a house without a host for a long time.
  • Create, or shutters that transmit light. Their disadvantage is the lack of heat-saving function in winter. We will not save warm with them in winter. The basis of them is horizontal rails or lamellas that are collected into a single design and are installed at a certain angle of inclination, due to which the rays of sunlight penetrate. The light becomes scattered.
  • Adjustable shutters. They are regulated similar to the lattice blinds, which change the sloping corner of the lamellae.

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Very original looks in the composition with forged elements. Their aesthetics and exclusivity of each wrought element cannot be conveyed by words. Incidentally strict on the one hand and attractively refined - on the other, the metal sash is a protective system that is worthy of recognition.

By the method of closing and opening shutters divided into:

  • internal;
  • external.

Closing them from the inside is more reliable and aesthetically, because completely absent from the outside and handles, and locks. The integrity of the design attracts an extraneous look, but the ability to open such shutters from the street is completely excluded.

By the method of fastening the shutters distinguish:

  • removable;
  • stationary.

Based on the target orientation, they can have a variety of design.

  • Single. If the windows are small in size, then you should choose shutters with one sash. Easily close from the inside thanks to a special constation.
  • Double-sided. The most common appearance, it is customary to be called classic. Symmetry and beauty with such shutters guaranteed. They possess two constipation.
  • Folding. They are more practical. Consist of several components. When folding, form a kind of harmonic, allowing you to close only a part of the window. Folding shutters can consist of both one sash and two. In the case of a two-dimensional version, each sash closes only half the window opening and can be installed both in the left and right.

Metal shutters on the windows: species and their purpose

Advantages and disadvantages

Delated circle of disadvantages, I would immediately want to note the most significant. These shortcomings are associated with the nature of the material.

  1. Reliability material requires reliable fastening.
  2. When contacting moisture (which is not unauthorized), corrosion processes occur. The metal is subjected to minor destruction under the action of moisture and in contact with water, therefore requires constant processing with paint materials and special means that prevent internal destruction.

Advantages, naturally, more than flaws, therefore, shutters are a popular type of protective systems for windows of different formations. Metal shutters have a lot of positive characteristics.

  1. Reliable. They perfectly perform a protective function, preventing penetration into the house of "unborn guests".
  2. Elegant. The appearance of the housing is transformed when shutters appear on the windows. In addition, living in such a house becomes much more comfortable.
  3. Universal. During the summer heat can be easily saved, it is enough to cover the shutters. The bad weather is not trouble, shutters reliably protect the window and glass from a strong hail or falling branches.
  4. Safe. The metal does not secrete poisonous substances under the action of bright sunlight, such as plastic.
  5. Practical. Prevent the curtains and curtains burnout, extending their life.
  6. Durable. Neither a blow from a football ball nor the abandoned stone is not scary metal shutters.
  7. Fire-resistant. If the house is brick, then it can be fastened from the inside. To do this, it is enough to smash the glass. To exclude such an opportunity and prevent vandalism, it is recommended to install steel shutters.

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Shutters do not have borders in the installation. This means that they can be installed everywhere:

  • on loggias;
  • on balconies;
  • on windows;
  • not terraces.

It is not eliminated to install them both on the outside of the house and inside.

Metal shutters on the windows: species and their purpose

Features of the structure and fastening

In most cases, metal shutters are closed from the inside with the help of a safe castle. There are special fixing elements that prevent spontaneous closure of the protective system during wind or hurricane. Mandatory in a unified system included anti-removable riglia. But if necessary, you can use removable systems. They are easily dismantled and also easily mounted back. By the method of discovery, classic swing shutters is the most popular option.

Metal canvas is made of steel. Steel sheets have a thickness of about two millimeters, large sizes are allowed. Steel profiles - frame base. Loops, Rigels and other fasteners are made of stainless steel, and therefore durable and reliable during operation.

From the outside, the canvas is necessarily processed by the paint, which gives the entire system of anti-corrosion properties. The color of the paint can be used absolutely any, so all your preferences can be easily taken into account.


So that the house looks aesthetic, paint the shutters in the tone of the facade decor. Little bar, and the image is gorgeous.

Not always, but at the request of the owners of the shutters can be equipped with forged elements or artistic casting items. The ability to use in a single design and a double protective system, such as shutters, and lattices in a single design and dual protecting system. As they say, two in one. Such a combination of effort and looks beautiful, and serves reliably.


It is recommended to purchase and windows, and shutters in one company, so you will lose yourself and your costs of costs when installing. No one will blame the other.

Nothing will protect the intruders as metal shutters from unauthorized penetration. By installing them on the windows, you will forgive the danger from the outside.

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