Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options


You bought a closed cloth for curtains, identified the method of fastening and design curtains, you can now think about such things like accessories for eaves. These are various hooks, champs, clothespins, brackets and tips, without which it is impossible to beautifully cheat the curtain in the room.

Do you think the accessories are the thing of secondary importance? However, it is the details that turn ordinary matter, no matter how wonderful it is, directly in the stem. Completed to order or purchased in the store, accessories will give a special kind and completeness of the window composition.

Any accessories should be purchased together with the cornice, because each model corresponds to their decor options.

Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options

Magnetic clips

Now in stores for sale magnetic clamps (clips) for curtains that help make beautiful drapery without using bows or ribbon. They can be made in the form of a flower, keyfob, decorative stone, and also have a concise design. After their attachment, a closed ring is formed in which the curtain is taught.

Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options

Tips for Karnizov

Special plugs or flerons have a purely practical purpose: they do not allow fabrics and hooks to jump from the cornice, and can also be used as an additional decorating element. With the classic design of the room, the tips should be purchased in one style with a cornice.

If you stopped on dense curtains, you should pay attention to forged eaves and tips. For simple curtains, plastic rods with conventional plugs are suitable for simple curtains.

The shape of the tips may also be sophisticated and become an additional window decoration. The most popular option remains a round knob, but you can buy products with curls, with a floral motif, in the form of a veser, peaks or rhombus.

Fans of non-standard solutions can be advised to break the tips that differ in shape or material from the cornice itself. For example, on a wooden barbell, you can place glass, forged, ceramic elements. Country style will emphasize leather plugs or rattan tips, they can also be made in the form of cones or twigs.

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Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options


These elements can be hidden from guest gaze, and can become a decoration of the window opening. So, designers came up with the holders in the form of a flower, head angel. To attach one cornice, at least 2 bracket will be required. Holders can be attached over the window to the wall, to the ceiling and even to the window frame. However, if the rod has a length of more than 2 meters, it is better to think about the additional attachment immediately (otherwise the eaves can "sign" under the ceiling). For example, two holders are installed on the sides, and one is attached in the center of the window opening.

Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options


The popularity of chalks has increased markedly lately, and this is not surprising. These details help create beautiful drapery and smooth folds on the fabric, and also differ in practicality. Many housewives stop their choice on the champions of the rounded form, since they are easier to move along the barnis along the cornice. However, standard products can be neglected - for example, find exquisite forms: in the form of a flower, dolphin or steering wheel. Such playful fittings will probably enjoy your babies.

The question arises about what better remover is plastic or metal. Of course, metal products look more reliable and attached a rich species to your curtains, but they leave rusty stains after washing and can scratch your eaves. Plastic chalks do not attract much attention, but have some advantage: they can be wrapped with a curtain and not getting ugly mark on the fabric, and they are somewhat cheaper. Attach plastic recordings to the curtains will not be great, it can be done even at home.

Separate fasteners should be selected depending on the massiveness of the curtains. Metal chammets are more suitable for heavy curtains, but the weightless curtains are better to hang on plastic fasteners.

To the curtains can be easily pushed, you should take into account the width of the cornice. So, for better slip, the curtain diameter of the holes of the chalks should exceed the rod width by 1.5 cm.

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Before installing champions, pay attention to the important circumstance: the number of units must be even! Otherwise, one edge of the curtain will ugly bent.

Carnuses accessories: Consider the main options

Clothespins and hooks

Hanging curtains in the room is an unpleasant activity that members of the family are trying to avoid all means. If this circumstance is familiar to you, get the clothespins instead of hooks. Small plastic parts require painstaking work and take away a lot of time. At the same time, hang curtains on clothespins - a matter of minutes. The fact that it is not necessary to calculate the gaps too thoroughly, is one of the advantages of these products. They can be attached in random order and create the necessary drapery.

The hooks are considered the cheapest element of the fittings, but many mistresses fell in love for strength in holding curtains. Hooks are usually placed pretty close to each other, which helps to avoid the provisions of Gardin.

Products can be made from different materials.

  • Metal: They have high strength, but can break the cloth with a sharp jerk.
  • Polycarbonate hooks have high resistant to the effects of chemical reagents, but become fragile after long-term use.
  • Polyacetate is a material with great flexibility, so the hooks will not be afraid for a long time and will not break. Polyacetate hooks are quite practical acquisition.

The disadvantage of plastic hooks is their low decorativeness and the ability to quickly fail. If you decide to use this element as an accessory, it is better not to dreamed and purchase an additional set. However, now in stores you can find decorative hooks stylized under the antique, which will become an additional decoration for curtains.

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