How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals


The appearance of the curtains adorning window openings, largely determines the overall impression of the room. If the fabric is fresh and clean, the same aura is in the room, and if the canvas look untidy, it's time to be alarming and take action.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals


Features of dry cleaning curtains

Despite the many methods of dry cleaning of curtains on home, there are fabrics that cannot be treated with unverified means and methods, since there is a high risk of their damage. In this case, a dry-cleaner of a curtain, which is divided into:

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

  • removal of contamination in stationary conditions;
  • Cleaning the porter at home.

Independent dry cleaning of curtains and curtains often leads to sad consequences: fading fabric, loss of attractiveness. The hostess is trying to return the fabrics the original gloss with the help of household swaps, which only aggravates the problem, driving the dirt inside the fibers.

Tip: Cleaning the curtain with their own hands is allowed only with moderate or weak contamination of the curtain. In all other cases (especially if the curtains are sewn from elite or delicate tissues) it is advisable to apply for help in dry cleaning.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

However, the biggest problem during self-washing or cleaning the curtains - shrinkage of the fabric. This is especially true of natural fiber powdered: flax, cotton. When choosing an incorrect washing mode, the product is compressed by 10-20% of the initial volume and it cannot be corrected.

Be sure to pay attention to the label with a decoding of possible modes of cleaning the curtains: if it is indicated "DryClean", then the product is intended exclusively for dry professional dry cleaning. If the label shows a crossed circle, this means that the chemical treatment of the fabric is prohibited!

More recently, dry cleaning of the porter was the service provided only in specialized establishments. With the advent of mobile cleansing equipment and powerful tools, there was a possible dry cleaning of the curtain with departure to the house.

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How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

Advantages of professional dry cleaning

Dry cleaning staff know how to make curtains fresh and clean. Professional dry cleaning ensures the following advantages:

  1. Curtains return the original color, cleanliness.
  2. The cleaning method is selected individually for each product, taking into account the characteristics of the fabric type.

It is possible to clean the scope of different volumes (even for theaters, museums) and type (even dry cleaning blinds with departure and without).

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

  1. Dry-cleaners are equipped with high-tech equipment, which is guaranteed cleanses the surface from dust or complex spots of various origin.
  2. The customer is a guarantee for completed work.

Specialized dry cleaning curtains - the only way to save the curtains from premature wear and the loss of appearance.

From the moment there was a possible dry cleaning with a departure to the house, the care of the Tulius delivers less problems. The breakdown service of the departure immediately appreciated many hostesses. Now there is no need to spend personal time for transporting the curtains - the dry-cleaner employees go to the house at the appointed time in order to quickly take the necessary measures.

Stages of dry cleaning

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

Dry cleaning at home

Dry cleaning curtain at home is carried out in stages:

  1. Preview curtains. At this stage, specialists carefully examine the canvas and determine the degree of pollution.
  2. Determination of type, level of fabric worn. A very important stage, on which the choice of cleaning method and subsequent work with the product depends. Each type of density involves individual accounting of the temperature mode of treatment, the selection of cleaning agents (the masters take into account that the tweed is brushing exclusively by the dry method, and Lyon gives a strong shrinkage, etc.).

Test. On an invisible piece of curtains, the fiber reaction to the use of solvents or other chemicals is tested.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

  1. Direct preparation of curtains for chemical processing. Lightweight and medium pollution is brushed on weight without removing loops.
  2. Preparation of fabric to dry cleaning (preliminary stage). At this stage, spots are removed.
  3. Direct chemical cleaning. The mode of complete cleaning of the canvas is used.
  4. Tissue protection.

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In the process of work, non-toxic chemicals are used, often on the basis of carbon. They do not harm the surrounding atmosphere, but they effectively cope with pollution.

Dry cleaning methods

The main advantage of professional chemical treatment of fabric is the correct selection of technologies that guarantee the expected result.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

In addition, it disappears the need to remove the curtains from the cornice to be cleaned. The porter treated with a chemical way does not require ironing.

However, if the fabric is strongly contaminated, and the cleaning method does not give the necessary effect, the curtains will have to be dismantled to be turned into a dry cleaning, where they are soaked in the medium of active solvents, and then erased, stroke, squeeze.

Cleaning the blinds at home, like curtains from the fabric, is made in one of the following methods:

  • dry tissue cleansing;
  • Foam generation;
  • Steam generation.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

Most often, dry cleaning curtains at home suggests dry purification or steam cleaning.

Dry cleaning is performed using perchlorethylene, which securely copes with many types of stains, except for water-soluble.

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If the curtains are not contraindicated with water contact, the method of steam generation is used.

Purification by the steam generator should be made by chemical composition whipped in a special device to foam.

Each method requires taking into account the nuances of the fabric, a professional approach. After cleansing processing, the canvas are treated with special means that do not allow to enjoy into fibers with liquid pollutants. To the touch and visually, the fabric will remain the same, but becomes reliably protected.

How to dry cleaning curtains at home and with exit professionals

Tip: To less often apply dry cleaning of the porter, you should take a vacuum cleaner once a month with a special nozzle, paying special attention to the upper edge.

But even these preventive measures do not save the canvas from the need for professional chemical cleaning. Dust microparticles gradually accumulate in tissue threads and are firmly held there until they are removed from there with powerful proven methods. Now you know how to dry cleaning curtains.

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