Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology


Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Modern, safe and durable coating is the polyurethane floor an attractive appearance, environmental friendliness, strength and durability are the qualities that distinguish the modern bulk floor. Due to the high operational properties, polyurethane cement floors, today, can be found at industrial enterprises and civilian institutions. A decorative bulk coating is used to finish residential rooms. What advantages have a liquid floor, and what stages include the installation of the coating - read below.

Polyurethane bulk gender: dignity

Bulk (liquid) floors found the use of both private and commercial, industrial construction. Today, polyurethane coatings are used to decorate floors of apartments and private houses, warehouse and industrial premises, shopping and exhibition pavilions, sports facilities and medical institutions. And this is not surprising, because the coating of polyurethane has a massive advantage that highlights it among other finishing materials.

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

The advantages of polyurethane gender are that he looks spectacular in the interior and is environmentally friendly.

The bulk floor is distinguished by such advantages as:

  1. Spectacular appearance. The production technology of bulk floors allows to obtain coatings of different colors and shades, with various geometric and vegetable ornaments, abstractions, complex patterns, decorative elements (glytter, flock, acrylic chips). This allows you to successfully enter the decorative bulk sex in almost any interior.
  2. Durability. The base covered with polyurethane has high impact strength. The service life of the liquid polyurethane floor is from 20 to 40 years, on average.
  3. Ecology. The coating is monolithic, which prevents the delay in moisture, dust and dirt in the material. Therefore, polyurethane floors can be used in a child's room in an apartment, children's and hospitals.
  4. Fire safety. The coating is difficult fuel and hard-flameable.
  5. Resistance to salts, alkalis, household chemicals. The coating is easily cleaned by any detergent, while not fading with time.

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At the same time, the material has high adhesive properties, which allows it to be used to finish almost any base (concrete, metal, wooden, etc.). At the same time, the base can be easily aligned using a polyurethane flooring.

Polyurethane bulk floors: types

Polyurethane floors differ not only in appearance. The cost of coating depends on its composition and thickness. According to the composition, the floors are divided into conventional bulk coatings (colorless), kuperpolymer (polymer mixed with quartz sand), colored mixtures (can be monophonic, with conventional or 3d pictures, decorative elements).

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

You can get acquainted with the various types of polyurethane flooring in construction stores

In thickness, polyurethane flooring are divided into:

  1. Thin layer (single-layer). The thickness of such coatings usually does not exceed 150-200 microns. The thin layer floors differ in the available cost and easily withstand light blows and the load of household appliances, and therefore are an ideal option for domestic use.
  2. Two-component (high-filled). The solishchina of such coatings is 250 microns. The two-component floor is intended for premises with a large passability of intensive load. It is distinguished by durability and long service life, ideal for use in industrial facilities.
  3. Tolstoy-layer. The thickness of such coatings is achieved due to the maximum content of sand in the mixture and can be 10 and more mm. Such floors are distinguished by emergency strength and durability.

In addition, liquid floors differ in the scope of use on domestic and industrial. The first are selected depending on the nature of the room (for example, in the bathroom it is better to use polyurethane non-slip floors). The second is made using impurities that allow you to increase the resistance of the coating to the abrasive and shock loads.

Polyurethane cement floors

Polyurethane cement floors are heavy-duty, two-component polymer coatings intended for use in extremely difficult conditions. Cement components give such floors with high strength and heat resistance, and the polyurethane elastomer is resistant to chemicals, mechanical effects, abrasion.

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Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane-cement floors are quite common

Although the installation of such floors is quite laborious, due to its operational properties, polyurethane cement coverage, today, are widely used in the food industry, agriculture, air and mechanical engineering enterprises.

How to pour polyurethane coating with your own hands

Make a liquid decorative floor in the apartment with your own hands can anyone, not even having a construction experience. To do this, comply with a certain sequence of actions and some recommendations on the installation of the coating.

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

If you decide to independently make the pouring of the polyurethane floor, then it should be prepared in advance to prepare the foundation, room and solution

Self-laying technology, decorative flooring includes such steps:

  1. Preparation of the foundation. Before applying the mixture, the base is repaired (if necessary), aligns (with professional installation, the cement screed is aligned with a plane oarsal machine; in the apartment, to eliminate small drops in height, you can use primer), is carefully cleaned. The bulk floor is mounted only on the dried floor.
  2. Preparation of the room . The polymer floor must be mounted indoors without drafts, with air temperature within + 15-25 ° C.
  3. Preparation of the solution. The solution is mixed strictly according to the instructions from the manufacturer. At the same time, counting on the amount of material, it should be borne in mind that the mixture loses its fluidity in 20 minutes. To put the coating with additional qualities, it is possible to add quartz sand into the mixture (to obtain an anti-slip surface), to supply the floor with copper plates (for an antistatic effect).
  4. Filling the floor. Paul in large rooms are poured with parts. After drying the initial layer on the coating, drawings are applied. The mixture is equalized with a rocket - a professional spatula for the ideal distribution of bulk mixtures.
  5. Apply the finish layer. Special varnishes or transparent polyurethane mixture are used as the finishing coating.

The polyurethane surface will be completely ready for operation on the following, after drying the applied mixture, day. When installing floors, it should be considered that epoxy mixtures do not have an unpleasant odor when polyurethane mixtures often have a very sharp smell. Therefore, it makes sense to take care of the acquisition or rent of respirators during work.

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Description: Polyurethane floors (video)

Bulk floors are a modern, durable and attractive coating that is suitable for almost any interior and has high performance. The filling unit does not take much time and does not constitute much difficulty: subject to all recommendations and technology for the preparation of the solution, the mixture is easily applied by even one person. Choose a polyurethane floor for finishing the seats of their own apartments, and enjoy the beauty, safety and durability of the coating!

Design of polyurethane floors (photo in the interior)

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

Polyurethane floors: bulk coating, cement and polymer, two-component photo, plates and technology

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