Differences of the Easter interior in different countries


Home decoration is one of the important stages of preparation for the Light Day Easter. It helps to refresh and clean not only the room, and thoughts, plunging into the atmosphere of the holiday. Christians of the whole world celebrate this day according to their traditions that invariably affect the decoration of houses.

Interior features for Easter in Europe

Europeans belong to a special trepidation to this holiday, decorating the decor not only at home, and shop windows. Festive scenery in the form of Easter bunnies and painted eggs are used to design whole parks and sections in front of the house.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Easter symbol in Europe is a dahcissal flower, which marks the arrival of spring and heat. Gentle eggs with spring flowers are decorated with Europeans. And in Norway, where residents are known for their careful attitude towards nature, are offered to use whole flowerbeds from Narcissus as a decor. Flowers are sold together with bulbs in special tanks so that then you could land them into the ground. At the same time, such mini landscapes can be decorated with traditional holiday attributes:

  • painted eggs;
  • chickens and chickens;
  • Colored feathers.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

The main character of the holiday is an Easter bunny, which by legend brings multicolored eggs. Most often, the rabbit statuette is used to set the table.

Another distinctive feature of the European celebration is an Easter tree. It can be a small composition of branches, harmoniously inscribed in the overall interior of the room.


The traditional characters of Easter the French add ribbons, garlands and bells. Characteristic decoration for this country - oilseeds symbolizing palm branches, which Christ welcomed at the entrance to Jerusalem.

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Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Along with traditional Easter symbols for Europe, there is a feature in Provence - to decorate at home figures of fish. Decorative figurines made of wood, metal, glass are used as a distinctive element of the interior, and chocolate fish is a favorite treat on the Easter table.


According to the legend, it was from Germany a tradition related to the Easter rabbit. Therefore, in this country, the main character is present in all scenery. A variety of figures can be found on wreaths, trees and festive tables.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries


In the northern country there is its own feature - a complete update of home textiles, so that the interior of the house is impregnated with the atmosphere of the holiday. All curtains, towels and napkins are changing to new, made in characteristic Easter colors. For housekeeping, birch sprigs are used with the first kidneys.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries


Sweden residents are decorated with easter houses with Easter flower beds - yellow, green and white colors. And in the festive interior of houses, cute chickens are used surrounded by bright feathers.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Ideas of festive decoration

The classic Easter interior decoration is bright colored eggs that are painted in all the colors of the rainbow. Original idea to use egg shell in the form of a mini-vase with spring flowers and bright greens. Such a composition looks in a new way and perfectly complement the festive table.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Flowers are integral elements of the spring decor, which fills the room with a thin aroma, reviving space. To create an unusual composition, a spacious transparent vase is needed, in which a plastic bottle is placed with flowers, and multicolored eggs are laid out around it. The effect is just awesome.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

You can also borrow an idea with the creation of an Easter tree, collecting the composition from Willow branches. Little plastic eggs, chickens in nests and bright ribbons are used as decoration.

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Preparing for the holiday is also important as all the traditions associated with it. Decorating the house better than the whole family, it brings closer and gives positive emotions on the eve of a bright day of Easter.

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Easter traditions of different countries of the world (1 video)

Easter decor of their different countries (14 photos)

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

Differences of the Easter interior in different countries

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