Striped wallpapers in the bedroom: requirements, sizes, steadyness


When organizing repair in an apartment or a house, the situation often arises when it is necessary to determine the type of wallpaper. Their drawing is of great importance. To date, striped wallpapers are among the most fashionable and in demand. The greatest value is not the painfulness of this material, but its geometry. Strips on a colorful background not only raise the mood for residents, but they can to some seven degree visually change the entire room. A special place is occupied by striped wallpapers in the interior of the bedroom. Interest represents the fact that at present the strip is very relevant not only in the interior, but also in the manufacture of clothes.

Striped wallpapers in the bedroom: requirements, sizes, steadyness

Striped wallpaper in the interior can change the visual, visual perception of the space room.

As for the construction sphere, the strip in this case can be chosen any. It can be vertical or horizontal, narrow and wide, black, white or color. Striped coatings are the optimal option for small rooms, as they can visually increase the space. Walls having vertical strips perfectly fit into such a style like baroque or classicism. Consider in more detail what can be a striped wallpaper in the bedroom, the main decor options.

What should be wallpapers?

Scheme of accepted international designations.

Wallpapers in the bedroom can be punished with a wide variety - it all depends on the mood and preferences of the owner of the house or apartment. At the same time, several rules must be followed when choosing a product.

Firstly, the design of them is largely determined by the peculiarities of the room itself. If the bedroom is small area, then it is advisable to use vertical stripes. Wallpapers in a horizontal strip visually reduce space indoors. The same goes and the width of the strips. The wide strip reduces the area sharply.

If there are low ceiling, it is recommended to use striped wallpapers, in which the drawing is located vertically.

Especially strongly, this effect is manifested if there is a narrow strip.

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Secondly, the color gamma is of great importance. If the owner of the bedroom is a person who loves calm and comfort, it is best to purchase striped covers of light tones (blue, yellow, beige, gray). Bright colors are more suitable for emotional people. It is important that the stripes must be combined with the main wallpaper background. It should be remembered that if there are very bright colors, valuable interior items can lose their attractiveness.

Thirdly, the material with a bright and wide pattern is best used only in separate areas to highlight any element of the bedroom.

Fourthly, striped wallpaper can look great with materials that are similar to stripes.

Sizes and shape strips

Striped wallpapers in the bedroom: requirements, sizes, steadyness

Scheme of the recommended order of shook wallpaper in the room.

Striped wallpapers in the interior always look very original and rich. They are selected carefully, while special attention is paid to the nature of the strips themselves. Thin stripes from afar merge among themselves, it makes the surface more monophonic. From the close distance, the strip is perfectly visible. It must be remembered that non-lass, thin strips slightly increase the height of the bedroom and its size. Choosing them, it is necessary to remember that too bright drawings can also have a negative impact on the state of the person.

It may appear ripples in the eyes, dizziness, reduced mood. Wide bands affect a person soothing. Especially carefully you need to choose a wallpaper for a children's bedroom. If the baby is sluggish, inactive, then the most suitable option is a bright material with a narrow strip. They will raise him mood, improve performance.

Combined Striped Wallpaper

Striped wallpapers in the bedroom: requirements, sizes, steadyness

Scheme of plating wallpapers on the ceiling.

Today, many designers very often use combined options when applying material on the wall. As already mentioned above, the strip can only be used in separate bedroom locations. The rest is made from another material. Wallpaper can be any quality. Thermal and glossy coatings are combined well. The striped finish is combined with neutral. Often designers apply so-called wallpaper inserts. In this case, all the walls are covered with monophonic materials, and in some places the band is used. You can make a small drawing and highlight it with a special framework, decorative plinths.

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In the children's bedroom, wallpapers can be combined with polka dot coating. The most interesting solution is the combination of horizontal and vertical strips. Very often, the strips are used not only for wall decoration, but also for the ceiling. The ceiling can be saved completely or partially. Some prefer to combine wallpaper with striped furniture or bedding. They will look great together with a striped blanket. Another option is striped floor carpets.

The cost of a striped coating

By purchasing certain striped wallpapers for the trim room, you need to pay attention to prices. There is a wide range of striped materials on the market. The cost is largely determined by the quality, the presence of pattern and brand. In our country, the most cheap is a paper-based wallpaper, but they are less durable. Their cost ranges from 20 to 100 rubles. For repair, it is better to acquire flieslinic or vinyl, they stand several times more than paper. The goods of foreign manufacturers are the most expensive, its cost can reach several thousand per roll. Thus, choosing striped materials for the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account not only preferences and modern trends in fashion, but also the features of the room.

The height and area of ​​the bedroom is of great importance. It is necessary to glue the striped coatings very carefully, since the stripes must be strictly vertical or horizontal. For this, the marking of the walls are predetermined, on which they are oriented when applied to the wall. The most preferred option is to combine striped wallpaper. They can be combined with a monophonic background, as well as decorating the bedroom. To create an optimal interior, much attention is paid to the form and size of strips. They may be narrow and wide. The striped wallpaper from Italy and Germany are most reliable and beautiful. If you comply with all these rules, the bedroom will delight its owner and surrounding many years.

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