Brick wall in the bedroom: device options


Brick walls in the bedroom makes it easy to emphasize the elegance and luxury of the interior. Designers are confident that it is possible to achieve an impressive effect in the interior without the use of expensive building materials and technologies. There is enough one original part - and the room is transformed beyond recognition.

Brick wall in the bedroom: device options

The brick wall in the bedroom can, without the use of expensive building materials and technologies, emphasize the elegance and luxury of the interior, transforming the room beyond recognition.

How to update the bedroom?

Today, the brick wall in the interior is a fashionable direction in America and Europe. But it was not always. By virtue of the circumstances, for many countries, the 40-50th years of the last century became difficult times. It also affected the American continent, where the population had to cite production facilities, technical buildings and warehouses, leaving for the purpose of saving the original wall decoration - concrete and brick.

Some time, designers later noticed that the brick wall in the interior had its special appeal. Thus, with their light hand, such a decor of the room began to gain popularity, which gradually decided on the modern direction of Loft.

It is believed that the bedroom should be sustained only in calm pastel colors. With this opinion, the designers agree not in a hurry. Modernity approves its fashion and style. We went to the distant past faded wallpaper on the walls and the absence in the bright detail room. Inexpressiveness of the bedroom interior was changed by charismatic methods of decoration.

Brick wall in the bedroom: device options

Variants of brick masonry.

Brick finishing options in the bedroom interior can be several:

  1. Brick wall peeled from old paint and plaster.
  2. Facing one of the walls brick.
  3. Installation of tile imitating brick.
  4. Wallpaper with masonry pattern.
  5. Install the plasterboard partition with the subsequent facing.

The brick wall in the interior allows not only to make a highlight in the design of the room, but also with a lack of living space to produce zoning.

The laying in the room perfectly separates the working area from the bed.

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Natural brickwork in the bedroom interior

Recently, the construction of brick buildings is rare. In most cases, block and panel construction is conducted. Therefore, if the apartment has brick walls, then, most likely, its age is at least thirty years. Repair in such houses is always associated with various difficulties. Typically, walls of such buildings are distinguished by strong irregularities and a large number of plaster is required for finishing.

Reasonable output from the position will leave part of the room without coating. Natural brick wall in the interior of such a house will create a unique atmosphere and add the individuality of the selected style. The only obstacle in this case can be not a very good condition of the masonry. You can restore the brick wall to apply putty on the chips and cracks of the stone, first cleaning from the layer of old plaster. It will also be necessary to cover the surface to cover with a special primer, preventing dust sprinkling.

Brick wall in the bedroom: device options

Scheme of lightweight brickwork.

If the brick wall has strong damage and you do not plan to use an old style in the bedroom interior, then a thin layer of plaster can be used as a finish. The thickness of the facing coating should be such that the relief and color of the brick is visible, but the laying had a neat look. With satisfactory condition of the walls, they can be treated with matte varnish or paint.

Each style has its own characteristics, and to focus on them attention, it will take a brick wall to subjected to additional finish. One of the advantages of such a surface is that its initial texture can be changed beyond recognition:

  1. You can achieve an interesting effect using a hammer, chisel and drill. In the process of treatment, the laying seams are deepened, which allows each brick to be isolated separately.
  2. Caotically knock out brick pieces with the same tools as in the previous version. Formed potholes to cover with multi-colored paints.
  3. On the brick wall, not covered with plaster, apply any drawing corresponding to the bedroom design.

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Material for imitation brickwork

If the house is built of brick, then there is no need to choose a material. But what if the apartment is located in the panel high-rise building? Then the wall in the interior of the bedroom can be covered with clinker tiles or saved by wallpaper. The use of a special facing tile imitating brick allows you to save precious square centimeters of the square. In addition, such material is small and easily attached to the vertical surface.

The advantage of this method of finishing is a wide color gamut tile. It has more than 50 shades, from which you can lay out various patterns and create any relief. The color palette begins on white and ends with red-brown and dark colors. For each shade there is an appropriate tiled grout.

The surface of the decorative material may be made up, which allows it to be perfectly combined with the style of the country or Provence. But the warm color gamut and material texture, having a sleek and new relief with the effect of fire action, as if specifically created to become an integral part of the cozy interior.

When lining the wall with clinker tiles, you can try various design techniques with interputric seams. They can be wide or narrow, curves or smooth. Tile can be positioned not only by the traditional scheme, but also try to post on the diagonal. Such small tricks will create an interior in the bedroom with exclusive and memorable details.

The brick wall in the interior can be created and with the help of wallpaper. It is advisable to choose a coating from a more expensive series, in which the texture will most resemble brickwork. When installing wallpaper and facing, tiles do not cover all the walls of the room. One vertical surface is enough to emphasize the bedroom style.

The brick wall in the bedroom is a truly original solution with which the room will be simultaneously stylish, cozy and comfortable!

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