5 most popular interior styles in 2019


In 2019, many styles, which have already begun forgotten people, are returned to fashion. Some of them are opposite to each other, but this is a big plus: everyone will be able to find something corresponding to its individual preferences.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

Art Deco

The style combining the elegance, ease and numerous ethnic motives of different nationalities. Such an interior style in the past was used by people who entered the elite of society and possessed sufficient financial resources.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

In order to introduce Art Deco to your apartment, you need:

  1. Observe strict geometry and apply simple geometric shapes.
  2. Use bright and bold colors that reflect the culture of Africa, India and ancient Egypt.
  3. Use glossy surfaces, use high-quality materials for floors, walls and furniture.
  4. Introduce various ethnic elements to the interior. For example, figurines, paintings, rugs, ornament for wallpaper or other wall coverings.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019


The style created in the middle of the last century is in fashion again. Its distinctive features are eccentricity and functionalism, but just in moderation.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

To create an interior MID-CENTURY, you will need:

  1. Big and spacious room. The room should be bright, so it is preferably a large number of windows or fully glass walls. Instead of doors, it is worth placing sliding partitions that visually increase the room.
  2. Neutral rear background. The walls must be painted in natural shades, and the wallpaper does not have catchy drawings and complex geometric shapes.
  3. Bright elements . The sofa, chair, pillows, lamp and any other furniture and decor are suitable as them. Use bright, but natural colors that will not get into the eyes too much.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019


The modern version of the interior, which implies the minimum number of decor items, as well as a limited number of tones found indoors. White or black tones are usually used, but bright accents can be cleaned.

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5 most popular interior styles in 2019

All furniture has a simple geometric shape, and cabinets, shelves and tables are deprived of the pesting accessories and accessories.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

Industrial style

The style leaving all the details that are taken to hide and mask.

A similar decor is ideal for the loft - the attic or the upper part of the building.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

An integral elements of an industrial style in the interior are:

  1. Open beams under the ceiling.
  2. Brick walls with irradiated paint or artificially aged.
  3. Open water pipes.
  4. Simple lamps. An excellent addition to the interior will be lamps made by their hands from the remedies.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019


Practically opposite minimalism style. It is distinguished by negligence and excessory. For this style, you must have a certain character to be able to create it and maintain it.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

Bocho-chic is characterized by the following elements:

  1. Leopard and other animal prints.
  2. Bright colors, and most importantly - their abundance and variety.
  3. Large accessories.
  4. Furniture unusual shape.
  5. Round or fried windows decorated with stucco.
  6. The lack of a single style between furniture elements.
  7. The abundance of flowers and plants, which are decorated with walls, tables and just room angles.
  8. The presence of stucco on the ceiling.

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

Popular interior styles in 2019 are unlikely to boast something new - all of them have been used for a long time in a variety of rooms. Many options have become popular dozens of years ago, but it did not get worse.

Fashionable styles in the interior 2019 (14 photos)

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

5 most popular interior styles in 2019

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