In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?


Houseplants, beautifully inscribed in the interior give the place originality and emphasize the taste of the owner. Only not all pot plants are equally safe and unpretentious. There are capriculus who will not grow in the kitchen or in the hallway. Also not in all rooms can be plants, as it can be dangerous. It is necessary to select flowers for home and place of their location with very great caution.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Plant location criteria in the apartment

  • Safe location of pots with flowers - will not fall per person or animal, the furniture will not harm;
  • Conveniently arranged for watering and do not create obstacles to movement;
  • Plants with poisonous juice or very spiny should be as much as possible from possible contact with children and animals;
  • Creating favorable conditions for color growth: light, lack of drafts, temperature regime and suitable air humidity.
In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?
Kitchen in Home.


This is the place of preparation and meals. The main zone where everything should be as comfortable as possible and safely. In the presence of a large area of ​​the room, you can place a lemon or orange tree, ficus, draping. Preference should be made by plants with a glossy leaf coating that can be washed. Extremely aggressive impurities from particles of fat and soot settle on leaves and damage them. If you place flowers with delicate leaves in the kitchen, they will begin to root and die. To pottest plants are constantly pleased, good ventilation is needed and the absence of drafts - they are sensitive to this.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Traditional location - window sills or special colors shelves.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Tracdans and any ripening specimens are very well.

Article on the topic: Top 4 Kitchens of famous people

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?


Humidity and permanent temperature differences are extremely detrimental to many plants. If there is no natural light, it is better to abandon this ventiy. If you wish to place a corner of greenery - plants should be chosen, preferring a tropical climate carrying excess moisture in the air and shaded.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Evaporation from detergents, invisible for our eyes, will settle on the leaves. Therefore, it is worth a preference to plants with a glossy layer that can often be washed.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

When choosing plants for the bathroom, you should look at ferns, khoves, orchids, ficus.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

The lack of natural lighting in the bathroom can be fixed with phytolampa.

Children's room

For security, the defers should not be placed potted cultures . Rely on the accuracy and purification of the actions of children unwise. Slops of emotions, excitement during mobile games can lead to serious injury.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

It is categorically imposed in the children's room flowers, on sections of which poisonous juice is distinguished.

Spiny cactis are also not the best plants for the nursery. If desired, fill the room with potted plants, you can not forget the safety rules.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

How to propose plants in nursery:

  • use unbreakable pots;
  • choose flowers without fragrances;
  • place plants on windowsill;
  • Flowers with poisonous juice under the ban;
  • From prickly cacti to refrain.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?


Most of the disputes arise around the colors on the placement of flowers in the bedroom. Discussions about the benefits and dangers of such a neighborhood are accurately successful. The abundance of greenery at the site of sleep is capable, according to some, lead to his violation. The process of photosynthesis is the absorption of carbon dioxide and the oxygen release occurs during the day. At night, as some claim, the reverse process is underway - the absorption of oxygen and the extraction of carbon dioxide. Especially harmful plants with wide large leaves. The share of truth is in both allegations. Carbon dioxide is really standing out, but its amount is so insignificant that it is not even able to cause headaches. Many note a beneficial effect on sleep in the presence of plants in the bedroom. Such a neighborhood helps to relieve stress and relax, relax well.

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In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Plant location rules in the bedroom:

  1. You can not post on the bedside tables - you can easily push.
  2. Vases and pots to put away from the head of the head of the head.
  3. Without sharp odors.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

Hall and corridor

Make them more comfortable and decorate correctly selected plants. Here the danger is enclosed in the ability to stumble upon the pots at night.

Marantonia, Fittononia, Antarium, Ceclamen - will feel nice to feel in the hallway with minimal illumination.

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

10 seats in the apartment, much better not to put indoor plants (1 video)

All illustrations of this article (14 photos)

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

In which rooms it is impossible to place plants?

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