Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages


Progress on site is not worth and gadgets concern all spheres of life. The convenience of operation of this or that interior item makes life more comfortable. This includes the automatic operation of certain types of curtains on the windows. The designs are no longer new, but for owners for the first time wishing to establish such systems, it is worth considering a comprehensive question.

Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

  • Automatic curtain device
    • Device and control of the electric drive
    • Management methods
  • Advantages of operation
  • Disadvantages of automatic curtains
  • Where automatic rolls are applied roll
  • Types of automatic curtains

    These are rolled curtains, roller shutters indoors, various types of blinds. They are classified by several signs:

    By mount options

    1. Directly in the opening is the internal roller blind on the windows. There is a significant drawback - this option does not provide for opening the window or even the window. Only ventilation mode is possible.
    2. Window Opera. Maneuverability becomes wider, but still a complete opening of the window will not work.
    3. External options. These are shutters, roll curtains. They made from metal or plastic. Prevent windows from natural precipitation - rain, hail, snow. Noticefully prevent the penetration of uninvited guests.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    By construction

    1. Open. Conventional blinds with open edges. Installed inside window openings of an apartment or at home. The lower edge remains unjustified, has a device for manual control of the web - ring, bracket, cord.
    2. Cassette. Playing rolls, when closing "leaving" from the grooves of vertical guides. There is an option of mini-cassette curtains - they are installed on the auditory or attic windows of a small form.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    Pick up the type is important on the basis of the objectives of the owners. External options allow you to install inside and conventional canvas variations - multilayer, structural, asymmetrical. They will not interfere with them. The inner blinds are preferably installed in new styles of interior - minimalism, high-tech, kitsch. If there is a traction to innovation, they act boldly.

    Automatic curtain device

    The model of any variant contains a shaft with an integrated electric drive mechanism, winding the cloth on its axis. The opening-closing system operates from signaling from the control panel and shifts the cloth to the desired height of the opening. Then it is returned to its original state. The design is easy and, if you wish, the home craftsmen provided themselves automatic rolled curtains with their own hands alone.

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    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    Device and control of the electric drive

    This is the heart of automation. It is a miniature engine, sufficient power to ensure the rise even heavy canvases. It feeds from the usual network in 220V. Or built-in batteries having a charger. Progressive models are distinguished by embedded functions that improve the comfort of the curtain operation on the window openings. Namely:

    • Raising speed. Automatic curtains for curtains are wound with a cloth from 10 to 25 cm per second. The harder canvas, the slower there is a twist. Actually, such a function in a relaxed existence will not need. It is important to provide an instant lift or descent during emergency situations - fire, hacking, penetration.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    • Emergency stopper. It is needed to stop the design mechanism in case of fire or obstacles on the window opening.
    • Memory. It will fix the desired position of the canvas for a certain time of the day.
    • Function of the closer. That is, automatic rolled curtains are adjusted independently if the open window is not satisfied with the owners.

    Functions are available for external rolls of curtains - metal-plastic shutter. Manage them outside or inside the room.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    Automatic rolled curtains

    Management methods

    Constructions have several action options. For example:

    • Using the remote control. They are manual, wall, touch, with buttons. They provide opening and automatic closing of the curtain, managing diverse functions.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    • In progressive models, an infrared, a system running on infrared emitters is embedded. They are installed mainly on the windows so that the rays of the sun themselves manage the models of cassette curtains.
    • The consoles are represented by one or multichannel, allowing you to raise automatic curtains on the windows immediately in several rooms.
    • Manual control is associated with photocells - with the slightest natural darkening, automatic rolling shutters on the windows themselves determine the width of the opening and closure, respectively.

    Functionality and accordingly popularity, remote controls with software, where the presence listed functions are taken into account and new ones are added. Naturally, the average price for automatic curtains is equal to 20,000 rubles for a device with a standard set of functions. All that is more comfortable, is estimated in a decent amount.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    Advantages of operation

    What is convenient to open and close the curtains is not worth talking, although it raises lazy in the owners. Other advantages of use in the following:

    1. Installed on any window dimensions. Wide, high, narrow, small or opening of non-standard form are well draped by similar options. Acceptable in premises of various purposes - roll curtains in the kitchen, for example.
    2. Automatic roll curtains have several opening modes that allow you to open all windows immediately, and stepwise or one. It gives a wide space for maneuvering with sunlight - at different times, the rays will illuminate the rooms, as it is necessary.
    3. They have a remote control and a timer, respectively. Instead of the boning alarm, automatic opening of the curtains can wake up the owners of the apartment softly inlet rays of dawn. Especially beautiful automatic Roman curtains on panoramic windows - rising slowly and gently, they open a beautiful view outside the window, immediately giving birth to a good mood.
    4. Without manual permanent operation, the fabric will remain in the initial state - new and with spark. There is a flaw - it fades, so the corresponding reliable options are selected - synthetics in this regard is better than natural canvas.
    5. In addition to the decorative and utilitarian function, the protective - automatic fire curtains are also carrying, will not give oxygen to enter the room in large quantities with the risk of explosion or reverse thrust. In case of danger, the built-in alarm closes the window, which has been cleaned by glass.

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    Well, of course, without automatic curtains, it is not necessary if the window openings are at the height above human growth or are shutters outside the second floor.

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    Automatic curtains-and very user-friendly invention

    Disadvantages of automatic curtains

    Any design, and even more so automatic electrical rolls, has its drawbacks. Their it is important to consider, otherwise the comfort of operation will be at risk. For example:
    • The failure of the remote control. Since control is tied, you will have to sit in the dark or aquarium before the wizard arrives if the cause is not an overdue battery.
    • Electronic relays of automatic curtains react to humidity. If the room is somehow binds to a large number of condensate, then the breakdown is not excluded or even the combustion of all circuits. It is important to ensure the position of the engine and electronic filling in a dry place without access to water and a pair.
    • Complexity for understanding. The desire to have more opportunities plays with us a keen joke - it is not easy to understand in all innovations, and the waste will have a considerable and, it turns out to be vigorous. This concerns apartments with the elderly family members - they understand the principle of operation of automatic curtains is not easy.
    • Expensive repair or complete replacement of equipment is an article on which the owner is solved immediately. Many installer firms offer a guarantee of the product and work, but at the same time to identify the cause of failure, perhaps only in the relevant center. Therefore, it will have to pay under the contract to the owners.

    However, even the listed disadvantages of the automatic system of functioning the curtains do not stop future owners from the purchase - it is really so comfortable.

    Where automatic rolls are applied roll

    Automatic curtains on windows and cornices: 5 main advantages

    "Habitat" from such models wide. It should be carefully considered all the items to understand if your apartment falls or the house under the described types of rooms. So:

    • Traditional design of panoramic windows with curtains with automatic mode. The benefit is essential - decorate large opening from the ceiling to the floor only textiles - it is difficult and not always appropriate if the room is completely glazed. The automation will make the lighting inside as you need. IMPORTANT - Similar rooms are made up with cloths Roll curtains in a single color scheme and dimensions.
    • Progressive electric curtains on bedroom windows, children's and even cuisine. Wake up with such cloths nice. The living room is no exception - bold styles require a progressive solution, which, however, does not exclude the exploitation of traditional porter. It is important to consider that in this case it is better to use automatic Roman curtains - they are cozy and homely.
    • Mansard premises. There to arrange standard woven curtains difficult. You have to use special inclined holders so that the canvas are perpendicular to the floor. Using the automatic version of the roll curtains on plastic windows, the problems will not arise. Everything is fixed on the wall, and the operation becomes comfortable.
    • Noise insulating curtains on household room windows. In the laundry or home boiler room. The aggregates sometimes make completely intolerable sounds. At the same time, it is important to set the installation of such options for the benefits of professionals and adjust the ability to install with permissible safety rules. Some cells, for example, with an open windows installed inside, require open windows, so automatic shutters are supplied with the program and alarm.

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    So, the comfort of operation determined, the desire to establish progressive gadgets in the form of automatic curtains, is. Now it is important to identify the installer - there are many of them and some have already proven themselves as responsible and reliable performers. Focusing the real reviews of owners of such structures - they talk about the firm and nuances of the use of products.

    Now you know which automatic cornices for curtains and automatic curtains on the windows.

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