Bench from the profile pipe do it yourself


Bench from the profile pipe do it yourself

A bench from the profile pipe can be a real decoration of your country site. It is an inexpensive and practical way to create a country situation with which, in fact, to cope any man.

Benches and shops from the profile pipe look great and serve for a long time. Of course, provided that you choose a high-quality material for work. The internet shop of metal-rolled City Metal offers its customers a large range of building materials.

Here you can purchase professional flooring, metal rolling, profile tube, reinforcement, knitting wire and other products at reasonable prices.

Let's go back to the bench that we are going to make with your own hands. Fully metallic make a bench does not make sense - so it loses a significant part of its functionality. In the cool weather on the seat of metal sit not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

The profile tube is used only for the support of the support bench - frame and legs. Seat, if you wish, you can make a tree or plastic.

The metal base will make a bench of durable, stable and durable, and this is exactly what we need.

Bench from the profile pipe do it yourself

How to make a bench from the profile pipe?

Metal base, if you plan to use the profile pipe, has a lot of advantages over other materials, namely:

  • Metal pipes are easy to "fit" under the designer plan, which you can not say about the base of concrete or cast iron;
  • The pipe has a long service life, the bench will last you for almost two decades;
  • The cost of the material is not so great, for the base of stone, concrete or cast iron you pay much more;
  • Metal is not exposed to corrosion, resistant to various weather and external influences.

Materials required for creating benches:

  • Metal profile tube for base bench;
  • Boards for seats and backs;
  • Bolts and screws.

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For installation, you will also need:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • Tool for protecting a tree from corrosion.

As for the seat benches, here you should pay close attention to the quality of wood and its origin. Experts recommend using a pine board, as it is the least susceptible to weather conditions.

However, the coniferous wood has one significant disadvantage: they are isolated to the surface of the cut slicer when they are in the sun. This often leads to the fact that the owners of the benches spoil their clothes.

The exit here will be thorough treatment of wood first protective compositions from fungus and corrosion, and then paint or varnish.

Creating a drawing and model

No beautiful bench can be created on the eye, without a drawing at hand. If you first masseat something out of the metal pipe, do not try to create something complicated right there, with numerous bends and decorations.

The drawing will facilitate your work. According to the drawings, models or plaza are made - elements from dense cardboard or plywood in full size.

They are needed so that you can make the details of the bench symmetrical and the same. According to the drawing, each element is cut.

When you start bending the pipe, focus on exactly the layout. Flexing pipes is better using a special tool. So that the pipe bent just in the right place, it is heated by a soldering lamp.

First you need to do all the details that will be involved when working. Now you can go to the assembly.

Bench from the profile pipe do it yourself

Build a bench from the profile pipe

For the assembly, you can use the welding machine (if, of course, you can use it), or screws and screwdriver. This, by the way, also depends on the severity of the proposed design. The higher the hard bench, the more screws you need to reliably collect it.

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The frame assembly is completed by the processing of joints and seams. To do this, we use either a grinding machine, or a file. The seams need to be processed until the surface becomes absolutely smooth, without jar.

Frame ready. You just have to attach a back and seat to it with all the same screws and screws. Do not forget to treat a tree to handle protective compositions from insects, fungus and mold.

The decor bench can become the final stage of the work. Whether to cover the tree with varnishes, or toned the entire paint bench, solve you.

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