Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device


Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device

The most common sex covering in the garage is a concrete floor garage is a special room in which the car is not only stored, but also its repair and maintenance. Car lubers seek to equip the garage with special shelves for storing the tool and material, which provides convenience when working. What does this room be comfortable, practical and suitable for operation? Initially, it is necessary to take care that the concrete floor is made in the garage, the fill of which will allow all subsequent improvement and work.

Stages of fill with concrete floor in the garage

Falling the floor concrete is strictly prohibited if groundwater is high, and the floor is under a big slope. In general, making installation with your own hands is not troublesome, and for this you need to comply with the phase of work. Experts are not recommended to engage in the fill of concrete if there is no minimum skill base.

Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device

Filling the floor concrete in the garage includes several stages that should be accurate

Stages include:

  • Preparation of the foundation;
  • Removing loose soil;
  • Creation of deepening;
  • Styling gravel pillows;
  • Mounting a layer of river sand;
  • Laying waterproofing;
  • Laying reinforcement with concrete;
  • Installation of insulation and subsequent screed.

If it is planned for year-round use of the garage and conducting heating, then you need to lay thermal insulation. This is suitable polystyrene or any other porous materials. The concrete screed is poured only after all preliminary work is made, and beacons are exhibited. Be sure to consider the peculiarities of the garage and if the car washing will be carried out, then you need to arrange a sharper slope to the goal. Often right in the garage equip special grooves to drain the water to the street and in specially rejected hatches.

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Recommendations of specialists in organizing floor screed in the garage

The optimal option for filling the floor is spring or autumn. In winter, it is strictly forbidden to carry out all work with concrete, as it does not freeze, but freezes. In the summer, there is also not the most suitable, since with too strong evaporation, cracks may occur, which naturally will spoil the type of coating and its quality. Make the correct floor concreting in the garage is not easy, but it is possible, and for this it is not enough that the screed will simply be filled, as it takes to take part of special nuances.

Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device

Many experts recommend producing sex in the garage in autumn or spring


  • Admissible gender of the floor;
  • Temperature at which work can be carried out;
  • It is necessary to competently make the calculation of materials.

To concrete the floor in the garage, you need a special brand of concrete - M400 or M500. To knead the solution, you need to take sand, and dry and water. If concrete is used imported, then it is better to deliver it after preparatory work carried out.

Concretion needs to be carried out with a seal, which will eliminate the formation of bubbles.

Only if the floor is laid as correct as possible, it is possible for a long time without worrying for the service life of the coating and for its operational properties. Some are in a hurry to exclude such a moment as laying the heat-insulating layer in the garage, however, it is necessary in any case, and especially if the room is used in winter, and it is heated. Extruded polystyrene is perfectly suitable as the most suitable insulation. He is not able to absorb moisture and does not mold.

Due to the reinforcement of the screed, its strength is carried out, since with mechanical exposure, the reinforcement will take the load on itself. As for the slope, let's say a small SCO to the side of the doors so that water or pouring snow on wheels (when thawing) did not accumulate indoors. As soon as concrete completely freezes, you need to process the upper layer, by rubbing additives to increase hardness and strength. This mixture can be purchased at any store for the sale of building and finishing materials. They are called topping systems, and there is a plasticizer, pigment and aggregate in their composition.

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How to make a high-quality concrete floor in the garage

At the preparatory stage, removal of the upper bulk soil is required to a level that is dense and cannot be sold by a bayonet shovel. It needs to be carefully tumped and pouring out clay so that the surface is smooth and smooth.

Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device

If you competently adhere to the instructions, you can pour the concrete floor in the garage yourself

Bulking Paul Concrete:

  • Need to follow the instructions;
  • It is strictly forbidden to deviate from technology;
  • It is necessary to withstand the dying period to eliminate the intake of the canvas and the formation of cracks.

Then the gravel pillow is stacked, the thickness of which should be 30-80 cm, it is also tightened and rolled. Then the sand with a thickness of 10 cm. In order not to deviate from the permissible thickness of each layer, special marks should be made on the dummy pit. So it will be much easier to navigate. In order, upon subsequent operation, there was no penetration of dampness from the ground inside the room, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing, for which it is possible to use a polyethylene film or hydrokhotloxole.

The device is carried out with the allen on the walls of 10-15 cm. Isolation is fixed by a stapler or nails.

The reinforcement of the grid is very important, this will allow you to put the car and at the same time maintain the integrity of the coating without journaling. Concrete can be mixed alone or pour ready-made, specially ordered composition. The final fill of the floor by concrete composition should be carried out exclusively by technology so that the beacons align the floor level. The top layer should be filled with a thickness of 40 cm if the total base of the base indoors is 150 cm. Next, it is dried and the composition is applied again to strengthen. It is he who is facing and a decor of the coating.

Which brand of concrete is needed for the floor in the garage

Before pouring the concrete, you need the right choice of the mixture and competent preparation. To carry out the calculations is not too difficult. As a rule, a working mixture is used, which includes cement and sand in certain proportions. Before deciding on which to choose proportions, you need to know what the cement will be filled by the floor.

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Concrete floor in the garage: fill and tie to make it right, do it yourself concreting, what is needed for the device

Get acquainted with various brands of concrete and choose the most optimal option in specialized stores

For example, if:

  • It is planned to choose a portland cement marking M400, then you need to choose the ratio in the proportion of 1-3;
  • M500 - the proportion of 1-4 is suitable;
  • M600 - 1-5.

It is quite possible to make changes to the structure, depending on which conditions in the room will be. When solving what concrete should be used to arrange the floor in the garage, you need to pay attention to the mixture of sandbetone, which is taken dry and manufactured according to modern technologies.

The composition must be added to the plasticizer and fibrovolok, due to which it is possible to do a smooth and durable coating without defects.

The volume proportion of concrete for flooring in the garage can be from sand, rubble, water, cement in proportion 2-4-1-1. Water should be clean, the sand of the middle fraction, and the crushed stone of only large, rock, fraction 20-40, and the cement is suitable for M300 / M400 brands. M300 is very rarely used.

Concrete floor device in the garage (video)

The arrangement of the floor in the garage is quite possible without contacting the specialists, if it is competent to choose the materials, check and not disrupt the steps of work. It is necessary to remember that the concrete floor will dry for a very long time, and it is categorically prohibited to use it until complete solidification, since the integrity of the coating and its evenness will be disturbed.

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