Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers


Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers

The filling technology of the bulk sex allows you to make the perfectly even and durable coating Read more than to lay any finish floor covering, it is necessary to make draft floors, simply the screed. The usual mixing of cement and sand is used for a screed with a thickness of at least 7 cm. Such a height of the screed is justified only in the case of a very long load. Further, for the formation of subsequent layers, self-leveling mixtures are usually used. To all coatings that are made of self-leveling mixtures, the term "bulk floors" is used, because These mixtures are bred by water, and they become liquid, fluid, the solution can be simply pouring to the surface. Right bulk floors and fill technology are not separated from each other. We will get acquainted with the technology of pouring bulk floors closer.

What are the bulk floors and the technology of their fill

Any bulk floor is created by pouring a diluted with a dry mixture. By type of filler, the mixture is divided into mineral-containing and polymeric. Mineral-containing mixtures in its composition have a mixture of cements, plaster, anhydrite, sand and plasticizers. Polymer mixtures contain epoxy resins, polyurethane, methylacrylate. Polymer additives can be combined by compatibility of chemical composition. Mineral-contained mixtures are used as basic, for leveling primary bases, as a second layer for final leveling of bases after a preliminary screed, as finishing under the laying of flooring flooring, tiles, etc.

Polymer mixtures are divided according to the composition on epoxy, epoxy-urethane, polyurethane, methylacrylate.

In the dilution of these mixtures, during the chemical reaction, resins are formed, which are subsequently hardened. Each type of resin, during clarification, has its strength characteristics of the surface and load operational qualities, since the surface is monolithic.

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Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers

The correct blend of bulk sex contains fillers that provide plasticity and fluidity

The filling technology of the bulk sex includes the following list of necessary actions.:

  • Neatly and scrupulously prepare the basis, clearing it from all types of construction and consumer pollution;
  • Close all the gaps where the floor will be poured;
  • Lay the reinforcing mesh if the height of the base is heterogeneous;
  • Mow around the perimeter damper (edge) tape;
  • Treat a special primer base for a good clutch of surfaces.

Before breeding the mixture, you need to read the instructions and adhere to the recommendations. The dry mixture is poured into the water strictly according to the specified proportion in the instruction, and the drill with a special nozzle or a construction mixer is very carefully mixed up to the state of complete homogeneity. Violation of proportions does not guarantee the production of high-quality surface. The composition should be used during the time indicated in the instructions.

Correct laying of bulk sex

Before starting laying the bulk sex, it is necessary to check the temperature temperature, it should vary within + 5-25 ° C. Laying the filling floor begins no earlier than 2 days after applying primer.

Before laying the floor, beacons are exhibited, the prepared solution is poured onto the base surface, evenly distributing the rubber plate or rule.

Align the floor continuously to the required height, pouring the solution.

Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers

Fresh pouted solution for removing air bubbles, ride needle roller so the floor is smooth and smooth

For the manufacture of the floor, it is necessary to take into account:

  • If there is a risk of moisturizing the carrier surface, make waterproofing;
  • If the bulk floor is stacked in a wet room, it is necessary to make waterproofing the upper layer;
  • Do not pour a solution of one point, but to pour uniformly over the surface;
  • If the plot area is large, it is recommended to make a deformation seam;
  • The bulk floor must be dried gradually at level temperatures.

For success, it is recommended to adhere to the requirements of the instruction, perform the work using the appropriate tool. Then the floor will be smooth, without cracks.

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Necessary Floor Filling Shoes

Performing solutions to equalize the solution, walk along the freshlylated floor it is necessary in special shoes. Shoes are used for these purposes with spikes. The spikes must be high no more than 2.5 cm, the length of the sole is about 30 cm, have special attachments that can be used for any type of work shoes.

Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers

When using special shoes for filling the floor, the soles are not left, the floor is saved smooth and smooth

Specialized shoes are called differently, it:

  • Abostrucks;
  • Sandals;
  • Plane access;
  • Mocuse.

Such shoes are sold in stores. When working, it is used as aerator, i.e. To remove air bubbles. True, it is possible to walk along the fresh floor until the polymerization will begin, somewhere for half an hour.

Why do the bulk floor in two layers

Self-leveling floors were used in industrial, shopping, warehouse, specialized premises. Currently, the bulk sex is used in the home interior. The height of the filling floor in the residential room should not be less than 2.5 cm, but in the production room, the height of such coatings can reach 10 cm.

In order for the coating to meet all the requirements of the standard, it is made not less than in 2 layers - the main layer is poured on the base and the second layer is poured after drying the first, but not earlier than after 24 hours, the mixture for bulk floors is chosen based on the desired strength and abrasion. Such a floor has a high adaptability to the loads and is not deformed.

Filling technology of bulk floors: laying and manufacture, shoes for work, applying in two layers

Bulk floor is applied in 2 layers to ensure high quality and strength

Self-leveling floor is recommended to lay it with a partner or invite specialists. This floor is almost impossible to dismantle, except to invite miners with a jackhammer. Such a floor requires a fixed coating, such as tiled, parquet, laminate, etc.

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The finish coating of the bulk gender and at the same time a very popular option can be a bulk 3D floor. 3D gender fits perfectly into any interior of residential or specialized premises.

The technological process of laying such a floor includes additionally the following actions.:

  • Polymer aligning layer is poured;
  • Pasted pattern or photography;
  • A layer of transparent polymer is poured;
  • The finish coating that increases wear resistance is applied.

Proper filling technology of bulk floors (video)

With this process, the bulk floor is obtained with the effect of a three-dimensional image. When working with dry self-leveling mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the precautions in accordance with the requirements of construction work.

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