Ventilation ducts: metal, plastic, flexible


Ventilation ducts: metal, plastic, flexible
Ventilation ducts are the main component of the element of any ventilation system. It is they who form the channels by which the air enters the ventilated premises and is removed from them. The efficiency of the system directly depends on the type of air ducts, so it is important to choose their material, cross section and other parameters.

All the main characteristics of the air ducts are selected in the process of designing the ventilation system and depend on the area of ​​the ventilated room, its location in the building, destination, etc. Estimated parameters, such as channel length or cross-section, is the result of calculations carried out during design, but the material is usually selected, based on the price and quality ratio. Metal, plastic and flexible air ducts are presented in the modern market. Consider each of them in more detail.

Metal air ducts ventilation

Ventilation ducts: metal, plastic, flexible

Metal ducts are currently used rarely for a number of reasons: they are relatively heavy, which complicates their installation, prone to corrosion, noisy when working, have a limited life.

Plastic ventilation airs

Ventilation ducts: metal, plastic, flexible

Plastic ducts can be called the most common today. Unlike its metal "counterparts", they have such advantages as resistance to the influence of moisture and other aggressive and chemically active substances. In addition, they are lightweight, durable, sealed, resistant to ultraviolet radiation, withstand temperatures in the range of 0 - +85 ° C, do not excrete harmful substances during operation. A small weight allows you to quickly carry out the installation of the system, and during operation, the channels are easily cleaned from soot and dust. Another advantage of plastic structures is their property to absorb noise, which you can not say about metal air ducts.

Plastic ducts are available in a wide range: round and rectangular cross section, with different areas. In addition to the channels themselves, you can also purchase fittings to them. The rectangular section of the ventilation channels is usually applied when the ventilation system of large rooms is arranged: shopping and entertainment centers, supermarkets, industrial enterprises, etc. The circular cross-section of the air ducts has been applied in residential areas, offices, small stores.

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Flexible air ducts

Ventilation ducts: metal, plastic, flexible

Flexible air ducts are usually used in residential and house ventilation systems, as well as when connecting air conditioners. Their design is flexible to allow them to give them any desired form without additional connecting elements. Thus, one duct is enough to form a channel of any, even very complex, forms. Polyester and aluminum foils are manufactured; To increase strength, their design is enhanced with steel wire with turns. Like plastic ducts, flexible also perfectly absorb noise, which allows them to be used in residential premises and rooms where people are constantly working (offices, etc.). Flexible air ducts are calculated for the pressure of 800-5000 Pa, the maximum air flow rate is 30 m / s, the temperature range -30 - +100 ° C. During operation, as well as in the case of a fire or with a different effects of high temperatures, such structures are not separated by toxic substances.

Ventilation air ducts, like all other communications, are usually located in wall channels or over mounted ceilings so that they are not noticeable from the side. It is important to provide them with access for periodic maintenance and cleaning.

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