[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?


To understand whether the stone floor is relieving as much as they say about him, it is worth learn about the peculiarities of the care of this coating. Despite its reliability, it requires a careful relationship.

What factors negatively act on the stone floor

The better the stone floor is polished, the less it is contaminated. This is due to the degree of adhesion to substances that are able to leave the trail. Thus, abrasive substances are most dangerous for the floor. The example can be brought by sand. The more it affects the surface, the more scratches appear on it, which in the end makes the stone rough.

If the stone is periodically not polished in the most abrupt places, it leads to the fact that the surface begins to remind the road with the rods. It is also important to understand that some household pollutants contain not only natural dyes, but also organic acids. An example can be brought red wine or lemon juice.

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

Rules for servicing a stone floor

To keep the floor from stone in good condition, you need to follow the functions:

  1. At the entrance to the house you need to roll the dirt leads that will delay most of the pollution.
  2. If there is a heavy furniture in the house, you need to use soft linings on the legs. It is necessary to protect against the floor in the case when the massive chest or cabinet has to be moved. The same rule refers to decorative sculptures.
  3. For daily cleaning, a vacuum cleaner has a plastic nozzle. This allows you to protect the surface of the polished stone from the appearance of scratches.
  4. When cleaning the floor, it is not recommended to carry out wet cleaning. This is due to the fact that after drying water on the surface there may be divorces. In the process of cleaning the floor, polyteroli cleaners are commonly used. This is necessary, since such compositions form a thin protective film.

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[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

Despite the fact that the stone floor is durable, it requires constant care and in non-compliance with the described rules the surface is strongly wears. As a result, the surface needs to be restored.

How and when the restoration of the stone floor

If strong damage is noticeable on the surface, the floor needs to be restored. This process is quite laborious and expensive. That is why it is important to constantly monitor the state of the floor and follow the rules of care. Recovery will be even more expensive than daily polishing.

The restoration of the floor occurs in several stages:

  • Alignment of the surface;
  • grinding;
  • Polishing.

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

If the gender has previously been crossed, in some sections its surface will be lower than in other places. In this case, you will have to solve rough grinding. It also allows you to get rid of deep scratches and other defects with a depth of 3 mm.

After that, the surface of the stone floor is polished with a smaller abrasive. After such treatment, the primary polishing occurs, as a result of which the surface becomes glossy. Then chemical polishing is carried out, implying the use of a special substance rubbed into a stone with a polishing machine. During such a process, a stone is melted, which makes it immune to pollution.

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

Thus, the stone floor is a reliable and beautiful coating, but for its preservation you need to make a lot of effort, which requires large expenses. The appearance of even small chips on the surface leads to the fact that it must be flimsy, as the damage is disturbed by the integrity of the stone and makes it vulnerable to pollutants.

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[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

[True or deception] Does the stone floor really in the apartment reliable 100%?

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