Wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: Select options


In modern town planning, you can find a variety of apartments of modern type, but at the same time, the economy class apartments are still in demand, called "Khrushchev". This type of housing is not only an attractive price, but also the possibility of realizing the most unpredictable designer ideas.

Features Khrushchevok

Wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: Select options

Wallpaper should be combined with a common design

Before proceeding directly to the design of the hall in Khrushchev, you need to know the main features of these apartments in order to further use them correctly. Regardless of the total quadrature, the hall in such apartments is designed for 14-17 m², and this room is always the biggest.

At such a small area it is extremely important to achieve ideally correct forms. This means that first you need to get rid of any irregularities that are on the ceiling, walls and on the floor. Due to the fact that the area of ​​the room is small, it is worth abandoning all the materials that will contribute to its additional reduction (for example, the plasterboard panels), and it is best to stop on the classic removal of surfaces and shtcloth.

Main details

Wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: Select options

Good illumination allows you to use any shades

If you want to visually give a few meters away, you can resort to the following ways:

  1. Get rid of conventional windows by replacing them with metal-plastic, which visually add light to the room;
  2. Use the transfer of the walls of the living room (if it is permissible);
  3. Transfer the door and use part of the corridor to create an interior.
  4. Install spacious arches instead of doors.

You can start the choice of wallpapers for the Khrushchev hall only after the room is fully thought out. In modern design, the ease of perception of space is welcomed, and for this you need:

  • determine the functional purpose of the room;
  • Solve and choose the furniture and curtains, without which you can not do in the living room. It should take at least space, while providing maximum capacity;
  • To take out all the cabinets and shelves from the hall, which clutter the space, replacing them with more appropriate furniture.

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Choice of wallpaper

Wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: Select options

Minimum of natural light involves the choice of light warm shades and additional lighting

Choosing a wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev, you need to remember the peculiarities of these premises. You should not use different colors, as in this case the law of functionality is not used and the visual increase in space will not be achieved. If you need zoning, you should use different types of lighting, as well as floating floors. As for the color scheme, it should be one with the common style of the apartment.

To finish the walls, it is best to prefer to cover light, pastel tones that fill the room with extra light and air. For the shaded room, it is worth choosing a warm tone wallpaper (orange, yellow, red).

Do not give up from cold, saturated tones, since their goal is to create in the living room missing contrast and sophistication. With the help of darker wallpapers for the hall, you can create intimate romantic zones.

Unchanging in the design of any room is the use of decorative, contrasting items and accessories: vases, sofa pillows, panels. Moreover, if you need to make a room more fun and bright, you should pay attention to a more bold color: blue, purple, green, olive, saturated red.

Selection of style for living room in Khrushchev

Wallpaper for the hall in Khrushchev: Select options

Red accents give the living room

The main thing when making a small room is to choose such a style that will not overload it, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the expansion of space. The best in this case, according to designers, are minimalism, High Tech, Modern, Art Deco.

It is necessary to abandon the complex structures from drywall, columns, false fireplaces, which overload the space. The same rule must be observed when choosing furniture - you need to use only its quantity that is really necessary to create comfort.

It is best to do the following set of furniture: a soft sofa (a soft corner is allowed), a wardrobe under the ceiling, a cabinet. Well, to add spaces, you should install wall-mounted models of televisions, without using additional Tumb.

  1. Modern style - it is ideal for those who never give up bold experiments and tries to keep up with the times. For the living room it is worth using furniture with transparent and metal elements. If it is possible, you can completely abandon the walls, replacing them with sliding partitions or glass blocks that perfectly expand the room.
  2. Asian style - the lovers of Asia culture are addressed to him. It is close to minimalism, and due to the presence of elements from wood and rattan, fills the room with home heat.
  3. Art Deco - wallpapers for the hall in such a Khrushchev should be supplemented in neutral light colors, as they are background for all other items. And screen patterns are allowed to get rid of sterility on the walls.

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