Shower Cabin Repair Tips


Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Everyone is perfectly understood that there is nothing durable. There are also different breakdowns and defects in everyday life. Today we will tell you about the most common faults of shower cabins and how to deal with them.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

The most common malfunctions of shower cabins

If you have not allowed errors when installing a shower cabin, you can be sure that your corner of hygiene will not bring you any problems over long years. However, if you did not teach any nuances, you can prepare to repair the booths. Most often, the problem of the shower cabin is the control panel that is responsible for the timely operation of the shower keypad. One error when installing and the buttons will not work.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Other breakdowns are mechanical. These include:

  • cracks on the pallet;
  • The roller defect responsible for the opening and closing of the cabin doors;
  • Non-quality faucets and hoses.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

As soon as you noticed the appearance of some defect, it is necessary to immediately do repair, because if you do not stop one malfunction in time, it will "lead" the second, third and so on.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips


Shower pallet

In most cases, pallets are performed from acrylic. Of course, it will be easier to simply replace the old pallet new, but not everyone has the opportunity to make it due to different circumstances. This problem can be solved on your own. If you have a crack on the pallet, you can shove it yourself. In this case, you will have to spend only on acrylic and hardener and update the coverage that you will serve for many years.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

If you have decided to independently deal with the problem that has appeared, then the entire amount of work should be divided into steps:

  • The pallet should be separated from the rest of the design and check if there is no other damage on it.
  • Checked? Now thoroughly wash the pallet and dried it.
  • Next you need to squeeze the crack. The crack is expanding with a drill and a special nozzle. Please note that the depth must be no more than 2 mm.
  • In the same way, the edges of the cracked itself should be sized. Thanks to this, the crack will not increase.
  • The next step must be deguted to the surface of the crack. To do this, you will have to find a solvent specifically designed for acrylic surfaces on an alcohol basis.

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Shower Cabin Repair Tips

  • Go to kneading the solution. In the correct proportions, which are indicated in the instructions for use of acrylic and hardener, mix these components.
  • The resulting mixture first process the crack. It should be applied so as to over the place where the crack was, a small tubercle remained. After pouring the solution, this tubercle is combined by the usual emery.
  • If the hole turned out to be through, then in this case you will have to close the Tekhchina fiberglass and epoxy resin. Remember that starting the reservoir process should be from the outside.
  • When everything is ready, it remains only to dry the pallet. Where you will do this, completely depends on your decision. Just do not forget that drying should be carried out in a well-ventilated place, the balcony is quite good.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips


A drain system that allows water to leave the shower, can also be repaired. Here the problem is alone - blocks. When they are messengers, that is, the water merges, but it can be seen that it is slow, you will have enough ordinary vanza or some chemical to clean the blockage. They will help you cope with this little problem.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

But, if the zoom is serious, then the above funds will not help you, and they can impair the position on the contrary. It is often necessary to solve the problem to disassemble the so-called "sump" and rinse it. However, if the zoom is very strong, you may have to disassemble the entire drain system that is under your bathroom, and it is pretty rinse and clean it. Experts note that sometimes the reason for the slow drain of water is far from breaking, but the wrong arrangement of the pipes, because when they are tilted under an insufficient angle, then the drain of water is slower.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips


In the shower cabins, the mixer is the most fragile place and is most often crashed. We will tell you in what cases you can independently view one or another detail of the mixer, and when you have to make a complete substitution of this design.

Repair can be repaired in the following cases:

  • Wear pads . Basically, problems with the mixer begin because of the most common pads. It doesn't matter from what they are made, the layers for the mixer are very quickly wearing, the water quality, mechanical loads or poor quality of the material may be caused by this. A replacement will be able to produce absolutely any person.
  • Cartridge breakdown. The fact that there is a problem with the cartridge, you can understand if the water is well mixed and does not completely overlap. There is nothing terrible in the breakage of this detail, it costs relatively inexpensive, and it is very simple to replace it. You will not make problems independently replace the cartridge.
  • The mixer proceeds in places of compounds. The causes of the defect can be only two: weakening in fixing compounds or wear of the sealer. In the first case, you will sufficiently press the fastening bolts to understand whether it was trouble. If the mixer does not cease to leak, then you should smear the seal.

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Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Replacing the mixer is required if:

  • The thermostat broke. The mixer with the thermostat installed in the kit is quite costly pleasure. That is why in the event of a breakdown, it is better to replace this item to a new one, it will be cheaper.
  • There were cracks on the mixer. The breakdown of this nature can be safely attributed to the discharge of serious. In case you notice cracks on your mixer, replace it immediately. Cracks appear as a result of depressurization, because of which your mixer at one fine moment can simply fail and flood the bathroom with hot or cold water, you will also have to throw out money for repair.
  • The cartridge does not hold in the nest. We have already remembered the cartridge. Only here in this case, the replacement of the cartridge is not to do, because due to the fact that it is easily adjacent to the nest, the mixer gives to flow. I would like to note that it is better to replace the mixer only if you have no money to repair the cartridge jack. It is of course it is not enough, but it is better to eliminate the problem.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Door rollers.

In order for the shower doors to be opened, small rollers are used in the mechanism, which, with time, is typically spoiled from constant contact with water.

They are replaced elementary, you just need to purchase new similar rollers and put in place of faulty. It is worth remembering about one, after replacement, it is necessary to lubricate new rollers with a special means against water corrosion, which will significantly extend the service of the installed parts.


It is much more difficult to solve the problem with the failed electronics of the shower cabin, than to deal with its mechanical breakdowns. Recently, the cabins are stuffed with a large number of different electronics, which is why its repair is a very complex process. That is why we do not advise you to try to repair the electrician yourself.

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If you do not want to harm your health and health of your loved ones, it is best to immediately cause a highly qualified specialist who knows the felt in electronics.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Case and glass

Housing of the shower cabin It is made from the most ordinary glass. When a different kind of mechanical malfunctions occurs, you can easily break it when repaired, which is why you always need to be very neat. If you still damaged the case and you need it to replace, then it all depends on the shape of the glass.

Direct type case, that is, without different bends, you can replace by buying a new glass. Of course, the glass for the shower will fly to you in a penny, but the choice does not remain. If you have a bent-shaped glass in the cabin case, then everything is much more difficult, you will have to look for the same original body, and it is difficult to do it enough.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Shower mirrors, Like any detail, not eternal. Over time, the spraying that is applied to the glass begins to collapse, because of what the glass itself loses its neat appearance. The chance of destruction of crystals of spraying glass increases if you use the detergent means of "aggressive" chemical composition.

It is not very difficult to replace the glass, you can easily buy it under the order. Just remember if you want new glass to light you as long as possible, then from the inside of the cabin you need to be covered with a transparent hermetic solution.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

Prevention breakdown

Do not forget that the shower cabin should be careed. But there will be little only what you will keep it in perfect cleanliness. Periodically, the mechanical component of the cabin should be checked: the mixer, hoses and everything else so that there is no malfunction anywhere. Also, before installing a shower room, filters should be installed on tap pipes. This is done in order to be out of the sewage along with water to your house, uncleanness, which will adversely affect the state of the entire mechanism of the shower cabin.

Shower Cabin Repair Tips

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