Fashionable wallpapers for the hall


The walls of the hall occupy a large area, so the overall perception of the room depends on their colors and textures. Before buying wallpaper, it is necessary to enlite the style, emphasize the features of the room with an interesting decor. Design and Fashion are very closely connected with each other.

It is these concepts that form the style and tastes of designers. Fashion spreads not only on clothing, interior and design, there is a fashion in wall coverings, that is, in the wallpaper, including for the hall.

Fashionable wallpapers for the hall

When choosing, it is not always necessary to chase the fashion. Choose exactly what your interior is suitable

The modern market regularly releases new collections. In connection with such a huge selection of different collections, the question arises - what wallpaper for the hall are fashionable in 2019? What design to buy: patterned, pestster or monophonic? What colors will be preferable?

Fashion details in the wallpaper in 2019

The main features of fashionable wallpapers for the hall in 2019:

  1. Large drawing. This coloring for many years has remained the most relevant in the field of wall coverings. Fashionable all: large flowers, geometric patterns, faces of people on the whole wall, all this and much more enjoyed in great demand. A large drawing creates a wonderful focus in the largest room of your apartment - the hall.
  2. Wall mural. Collages, attractive textures, wall panels and huge photos on the whole wall - very fashionable details of this year. Large photos are very in great demand that fill all the walls of the hall, creating an amazing and comfortable world in it.
  3. Individuality. If you are "not like everyone else," it is fashionable. Come with all the fantasy in creating the design of your hall. Create your own unique and unique interior.

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Fashionable wallpapers for the hall

Photo: To make the interior with modern, it is necessary to take into account all the necessary details

Proper shook wallpaper in the hall

After you have decided on what wallpaper is better to buy, learn how it is better to shove in such a way that your interior is especially fashionable and individual:
  • It will be very interesting to look if three walls are placed in one type of cloth, and the fourth is a little different.
  • The alternating strips on the wall are relevant: and horizontal and / or vertical, with different colors. Single shades can be combined with wallpaper in a beautiful pattern, as well as a small pattern to dilute large.
  • To highlight the accent zone, the wall surface can be decorated with an interesting pattern. Feature the right drawing, you will achieve the fact that your room will look wonderfully.

In the presence of a rich imagination, you can combine different combinations at the same time, alternating stripes and creating interesting patterns on the walls.

Wallpaper colors in the new season

2019 - a year of blue wooden goat. Blue wall color is very suitable in the hall. It soothes, comes up to the interior design, well combined with other objects in the room and a different floor covering.

Fashionable wallpapers for the hall

Photo: In 2019, blue and its shades will be relevant

Wallpaper selection criteria for hall

We list the main criteria, in accordance with which it is better to choose wallpaper:

  1. Density. Thin canvases are complex in sticking and exhibit all the flaws of the walls. The result of sticking will be much better when the material has a good density.
  2. View. For the hall, vinyl and textile canvases are perfect. After studying the advantages and cons of species data, select the appropriate coloring of the selected type.
  3. Width. Narrow rolls are not comfortable in sticking, as it is necessary to pick up the drawing and as a result you can get a very good result. It is better to choose wide rolls that will allow you to create an impression of a smooth single coating. Also wide meter rolls will help save money and time on sticking, as they will need less than narrow.

Today everyone can experiment, so it is not necessary to follow some such trends. Nevertheless, fashion trends 2019 are blue shades and various combinations of colors.

Fashionable wallpapers for the hall

The main purpose of the wall design is to make your hall cozy and attractive both for your family and guests

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The main task is to create a pleasant comfortable atmosphere in your room, where you can relax after a hard work day. Create your style 2019!

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