Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric


Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric

Water warm plinth can be made by its own hand today we know how you can pull your room if the central heating system does not cope with it. To do this, you can put additional radiators in the house or make warm floors. But modern technologies please us with their newest inventions, and today in the market you can meet a very new, but the popular heating system is warm plinth.

What is heating water plinth: design device

In the modern world, more and more new technologies appear, which please us with their quality and functionality. We all want to create a cozy corner from our home, where we will feel comfortable. For this, we get everything new and convenient.

Heating plinth of water is just such a new technology. This is not a complicated, but very convenient heating system will help you to fuck the room not only in residential rooms, but also on the veranda, balcony, office.

Warm plinth is distinguished by its non-standard sizes and forms. However, this does not interfere with it easily and beautifully fit into the interior of the room.

Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric

Water plinth - new and modern technology today

It consists of such a plinth of such elements:

  • The front panel with small holes through which the warm air enters the room;
  • Rear panel, they are attached to the wall, it serves to protect;
  • The heating radiator that performs the function of heating;
  • Sidelugs;
  • The heat exchange module, it consists of two small tubes through which water has the ability to circulate.

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In general, the design of the plinth is very simple, it will easily be installed in any room. The size of this design is 15 - 20 cm in height and 3 - 4 cm wide. Installing the heating plinth is not necessarily around the perimeter of the room, in some places, for example, under the window. But wherever you have installed it, it will perform one function - heating the room.

Heating plinth: his positive qualities

In the cold season, I really want at home to be warm and cozy. The central heating can not always cope with this situation, so we often resort to other effective means, establishing in the house of additional equipment for heating.

Plinth Heating is one of the types of heating that will warm up the room and allow you to enjoy the warmth and comfort of your home. This method of heating can be used both independently and together with other heaters.

Warm plinth compact and does not take up much space in the house, compared with other devices. Such a plinth is easy to install, as it is very convenient for it, you can do it yourself.

Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric

Heating warm plinth has a weight gain

The main advantages of warm plinth:

  • Compact;
  • Effective;
  • It is easy to install and repair;
  • Well heats the room from all sides;
  • Does not overheat the air in the house;
  • His appearance is aesthetic;
  • It has any colors.

Heating plinth heats not only the floor, but also the walls, which prevents the formation of mold and fungus. It can be different color, so fits into any interior. Its design is combined with any floor covering, whether it is a carpet, a linoleum or a wooden parquet.

How to install warm plinth with your own hands

If you purchased a warm plinth and want to install it, for this you do not need to contact the specialists. Install it and connect you can also. Since its design is very simple.

Warm plinth is not difficult to install with your own hands, you only need to carefully examine the scheme of its design and be patient. Before starting the installation of the plinth, you need to correctly calculate and measure.

To work, we will need tools that can be found in every home: adjustable keys, nippers, passage, hammer, sharp scissors, drill. By collected all these tools can be started.

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Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric

Scheme of the installation of heating warm plinth

Step-by-step water plinth installation scheme:

  • Secure profiles;
  • Then install holders;
  • At the holders to attach convector;
  • Connect the system to the main source of heating;
  • Check for leak;
  • Close up with decorative panels.

If you do everything correctly, performing work in this scheme, then you can enjoy the right job of the plinth, and your house will become warm and cozy.

Electric homemade warm plinth: the main advantages

The design of the electric heating plinth is simple, but in order to make it yourself you need to have some skills, deal with electricity, have appropriate tools and materials.

Warm plinth homemade is best done electric. This option will not require much costs, and find it more efficient. Electric plinth is able to heat the room faster than water.

The design of the electric plinth is simple, it consists of heating cables that will need to be connected to the power grid and front panel, using it we are secure and closed the heating elements.

Water warm plinth with her own hands: Heating homemade board, electric

The design of the self-made electric plinth is quite simple

The advantages of this type of plinth:

  • It has small sizes;
  • It is easy to connect;
  • The room will warm up faster;
  • Economical.

Working with electric plinths is much simpler and easier. However, it is necessary to handle electricity very carefully in order not to create an emergency. Before you start, you need to make sure that the power grid is de-energized. If, a closure or fire of devices will occur, it is necessary to seek help in the manager.

Installation of warm plinth with your own hands (video)

Warm plinth is a brilliant invention that recently appeared in our markets, but is already very popular. Such a plinth is able to warm the room, despite its small sizes. Today, we know only two types of plinths: water and electric. Such plinths will be ideally harmonized with any furniture and decoration of the room. They are installed not only in residential premises, but also in offices, warehouses, clubs, cafes.

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