Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant


Warm floor without a screed, sometimes, is the only reasonable solution when

Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant

To lay a warm floor without a screed is easy, but it is necessary to first examine the advice of specialists. There is no possibility to make fill with concrete, the room has a small height or in the house there are wooden floors that will not be able to withstand additional loads. The water floor system is the laying of heating pipes based on wood material or polystyrene.

Basis for laying the heating system: polystyrene plates

In addition to wood boards, polystyrene plates can serve as a heating base.

Of the advantages of this technology, you can allocate:

  • The ability to build a design at any time of the year, due to the lack of high humidity;
  • Reduction of the duration of work due to the lack of long waiting for a set of strength of a concrete screed, even if she is semi-dry;
  • The constant laying scheme is quite easy to install, regardless of the flooring material.

Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant

Polystyrene plates can be bought at any construction store at an affordable price.

A feature of polystyrene material is the presence of special surroundings and spikes that allow it to apply it for any configuration of heating equipment, including for "snake", "snails" and others. Another advantage of the plate is that it is supplied not only with a groove, but also a lock located from the end, and this makes it possible to avoid seams when laying is made.

Before carrying out work, you need to make an accurate scheme of gasket heating. The most common type of pipes in the form of a snake cannot be used in rooms with a large area, otherwise heat will not be distributed evenly, which threatens the temperature drop in different parts of the room.

When the height of the floor allows, in addition to the plates, the ordinary polystyrene is placed or put into the base of the foofol - a special insulation with a special polymer and foil layer, and the foil is upward. This method will ensure the correct reflection of heat into the room, and will also perform the role of hydro and heat insulating material. The noise in the room will also be significantly absorbed at the expense of this layer. Sometimes a polyurethane spraying is used in the form of supplement.

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Functions and advantages of aluminum plates for a warm floor

It is quite difficult to make a warm floor without concrete fill or in a house with old wooden floors. But, by means of the so-called dry screed, the heat-insulating structure can be set in a short time.

The mechanism of action is that aluminum plates, heating from heating contours, evenly distribute heat across the entire genital surface. In addition to aluminum, galvanized and copper plates are used, having ribbing ribs that not only strengthen the floor, but also allow to strengthen the heating of the room.

Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant

Aluminum plates for warm sex have a long service life, due to which consumers are in demand

With regard to weight, heat dissipation plates also benefit, compared with concrete - they have pressure on the base several times less than the traditional screed. Metal slabs do not need to be cut - due to notches, they are laid out at the necessary places. All these advantages are essentially saved by mounting time.

The main functions of the heat transfer slab:

  • Transferring and distribution of heat from heating contours to the entire floor area;
  • Strengthening the structure as a whole;
  • Proper heat distribution up.

You can use metal plates in a wooden house where the base for the floor is a timber.

Dry warm floor with frame construction

In the frame house, the floor should be laid on wooden bars of coatings. The correct embodied design always involves the distance between the soil and overlaps, due to the supporting pile. In such a room, the floor must be insulated and, knowing the simple rules, you can do it with your own hands. After all, cold and humidity can be caused by the appearance of mold, fungus and other pathogenic microorganisms in woody.

Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant

When creating dry warm floor, it is additionally recommended to use heat-insulating material as a substrate

Thermal insulation works are carried out in stages:

  • Next to the piles are put on the bars lag, they nourish small bars, after which the floors of the boards are erected;
  • Special perforated waterproofing is stolen, also between lags can be placed minvatu, crumples, foam and other insulating materials, the main thing so that they are well tumped;
  • After that, make a breathable layer of perforated membrane for vaporizolation;
  • The following follows a layer of plywood or chipboard, if further laying of tiles, laminate or other flooring is planned;
  • The laying of the "finishing gender" is made.

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In the process of work, it is impossible to forget that piles from metal must be isolated from BRUSEV lag using the rubberoid. Fixed waterproofing can be performed from film material with a pre-dug pit and erection of the pillow from different fillers.

How is the warm floor without a screed under laminate

Water warm floor is most in demand than electric, since it is more accessible in its value, and besides, independent of the network. The best option is a warm floor under laminate without a screed.

You can choose as heaters:

  • Cable mats used for dry laying;
  • Water heating flooring;
  • Special infrared film.

It is worth noting that all types of heaters assume dry laying. But, since the laminate is not only exposed to humidity, it, besides, does not tolerate fast and strong heating. In this regard, heating systems are suitable with a capacity of no more than 130 W / m2.

Warm floor without tie: polystyrene plates and dry aluminum, plates and laminate water, heat dissipant

Before proceeding with the manufacture of a warm floor without a screed, you need to watch the learning video

But whatever heating system was not chosen, the main cake of the layer always remains the same:

  • This is the base for the insulation;
  • Material for thermal insulation;
  • Metal heat dissipation plates;
  • Pipes of the heating system;
  • Finish flooring.

At the same time, the basis of it can be GVL - a gypsum fiber leaf. It is environmentally safe, durable, has thermo- and sound insulation properties.

Pipes are selected copper or polypropylene. Polyethylene option is most appropriate, because it meets many important requirements - resistance to external influence, duration of operation, availability of price

Water warm floor without screed (video)

Warm floor, which is highly performed on the basis of polystyrene or wooden flooring, can last long enough. It will maintain normal heated room, and, moreover, absorb excessive noise. It is important to carry out all the work on the exact plan and use only high-quality building materials. Then the erected design will be reliable and can serve for a long time.

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