Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared


Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

You can make a warm room with a special warm floor, which can be installed under the carpet. Modern technologies allow you to place the room as comfortable as possible and convenient. Today, many are installed with warm floor systems that provide comfortably moving around the apartment. Such systems are very practical and functional. Typically, such systems are covered with materials that are low thermal insulation. But if the room was decided to simultaneously sit the carpet or carpet, it is worth thinking about how the coating becomes optimal and will not break the heat fluxes.

Types of warm floor under carpet

It is known that the carpet is a good heat insulator. That is why some argue that the heating systems will not work at full capacity, so there is no point in establishing them. It is believed that in the presence of carpet, the heating system will not give an apartment, but overlapping between floors or a neighboring apartment at all.

Cerentely, carpets carry insulating function. The thicker the carpet, the greater its functionality.

However, it is important to note that thin carpet does not affect the conductivity of heat. And in order for heat not to go in the overlap, an additional heat insulator is installed under the heating system. It is important to note that in order to heat everything through the palace, the heating temperature of the system will need to be raised to about 5 degrees.

Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

There are various types of warm sex under the carpet, choosing which you need to consider the room where it will be installed

Types of warm floors:

  • Water. It consists of a system of pipes that are equipped with circulating water. Water heats up from electrician or heating. It is important to notice that the warm floors in the apartments cannot be connected to batteries. Such a connection can be performed only in a private house where there is an autonomous heating. Water floors heated gradually, which does not harm the flooring. In this case, the carpet does not overheat, and therefore does not fade. However, such systems require complicated installation. They also raise the floor level due to the screed.
  • Electric. The floors are heated by a cable that conducts electricity. Such a floor can be mounted in the premises of any type. Such a floor evenly heats the surface, does not harm carpet. The system can be adjusted, so it is possible to set the temperature heater limiter to the mark that hurts carpet. If the cable somewhere closer to the floor surface, it occurs overheating, which can lead to the burnout of the carpet.
  • Infrared. It consists of film rolls, which contains heating elements - graphite stripes. When the floor is connected to electricity, the stripes begin to heat up. Heating occurs gradually, which does not lead to a change in the appearance of the carpet. With such systems, sexual overheating is practically impossible. They significantly save electricity. Have a high cost.
  • Mobile. It is an infrared film that does not require installation. It is connected to the outlet. Such systems were created specifically for use under carpet. The heating temperature can be configured. It consumes little electricity.

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Of all types of coatings, infrared is considered optimal. Infrared film floor does not spoil the carpet, with a sufficiently heated surface. Mobile systems are suitable for those who rent housing or often go to the cottage.

Advantages of heated carpet

Many cannot afford the installation of the floor heating system. And you do not want to freeze in the cold season. Thanks to modern technologies, you can purchase a mobile heated carpet.

The carpet is equipped with a film heater, which is located between the layers of carpet coating.

The heater itself is equipped with a carboxyment thread that provides soft radiation of heat. The device is safe for use, as the edges of the carpet are processed in a special way. Such a carpet has many advantages.

Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

Many prefer to use a heated carpet because it is safe and mobile

Advantages of heating carpet:

  • Mobility. The film provides uninterrupted heat, which allows not to freeze and use the carpet as a healing heating agent.
  • The large area of ​​the carpet allows you to warm up all family members.
  • Safety. The heater does not harm health and provides safe use.

The heated floor allows to warm in the cold season, while significantly saving electricity. Reviews about heaters can be read on the Internet on specialized sites. To put such a carpet on the floor is completely safe, which allows you to use it in different rooms.

Warm electric carpet capabilities

Thanks to the warm electric carpet, you can maintain outdoor heat in separate parts of the apartment or at home. Electrical carpet provides uniform heating, and at the same time saves electricity. The carpet can be purchased, while saving time and money for repair and installation work.

Electrical carpets contain heating infrared film heaters, which evenly heat the carpet surface.

Such a carpet is suitable for use in different rooms of apartments: in the living room, bedroom, in the kitchen, and even on a warmed balcony or loggia. Electrical carpets are safe to use, do not harm health. They do not drown air, do not harness oxygen.

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Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

Electric floor provides uniform heating of the entire room

Heating Opportunities:

  • Uniformity;
  • The possibility of use in different rooms;
  • Safety;
  • Large selection of sizes and colors.

The electric rug ensures uniform heating of the surface, provides the owners of the room with warmth in cold periods. In online stores you can order rugs of different sizes. Such carpets are safe to use.

Heater under the carpet: Main advantages

Mobile floor Many are used when they do not want or have no opportunity to establish a stationary heating system. Such heaters can be treated for different coatings, such as linoleum or laminate. It is important to consider that thermal conductivity depends on the quality and thickness of the coating.

If the heater is stele under carpets, it is desirable that they are loudless or wicker.

Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

The main advantages of the heater for the floor are that it is mobile and easy to use

The most efficient heat-conducting coatings are laminate, linoleum, ceramics, stone or metal-based tile. Heaters consist of a facial layer, substrate, flexible heating element, power box. Heating mats are sold together with power regulators.

Benefits of the heater:

  • Mobility. It does not need to be mounted for a long time.
  • Easy to use. It is practical and functional.
  • Comfort. Allows you to establish a comfortable temperature mode.
  • Safety. Replies to European standards.

When buying heaters, it is important to pay attention to quality certificates. Do not save and buy heaters without a warranty period. It is important to remember that the device must be safe, and this can only guarantee high quality.

Heated rug do it yourself

Many people do not have the ability to repair or mount expensive floor heating systems. But everyone wants to live in a warm apartment or house and walk along the warm floor. Heated rug can be done by himself. It may enter the laminate, carpet and heating devices.

Linoleum will become a protective layer - it should be cut according to the size of the rug.

Warm floor under the carpet: heated carpet and electric heater, do-it-yourself rug infrared

It is quite possible to make a heating rug, if you competently approach this process

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For radiation and energy conservation, special thermal insulation (rolled) is used. It is necessary to cut a piece of it, which coincides with the sizes with a protective layer. Two layers are fixed with the help of glue or double-sided adhesive.

What will take:

  • Linoleum;
  • Rolled infrared thermal insulation;
  • Glue or bilateral tape;
  • Cable.

Mobile rug installation is not necessary - this is its main advantage. Heat will be available at any time anywhere. In addition, mobile floor coverings are available absolutely to everyone.

Warm floor under carpet (video)

The warm floor is an excellent solution for those who do not want to freeze. Equipment with warm floors costs is quite expensive, of course, it all depends on the type of system. It can be water, electrical, infrared or mobile. The most efficient, safe and economical is the infrared heating system. And for those who are not going or not have the ability to install the built-in system, there are substantial mobile versions. Electric carpet can be purchased in a specialized store. It is safe, and you can fuck any room: kitchen, living room, bedroom or hallway.

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