Need a toilet or sink? What to do? How to clear the block?


Need a toilet or sink? What to do? How to clear the block?
How many comfort is getting a modern person, we will learn only when we find that water is worthwhile in the sink or bath, and the toilet refuses to reset it. Moreover, such incidents occur at the most inappropriate moment on the very law of meanness. What to do to regain comfort, and your apartment shining purity and order?

Evaluation of the situation

Before rushing to the phone and call the help service, let's determine how much the toilet or sink closed:
  • Water goes slowly, almost worth it. But still gradually seeps into the sewer system. This is not the most terrible script. Out of the position will help ordinary canto. To do this, it is necessary to close the rubber hemisphere drain hole and sharply press the device handle several times. This will help push the cork break.

    Chemistry will help to get out of the situation. It is enough to pour in accordance with the instructions tool into the drain hole and wait until it does its job. The bouffaging of the outgoing water will serve as a signal to the fact that it is necessary to heat the water and boil the drain, flushing the remains of fat and yals. This method is preferable to eliminate blocks in the toilet bowls, because It is inconvenient to work by VATUZ.

  • And what to do if the water does not succeed and stands, not lying? If Vanutuz does not help, you have to cause heavy artillery. Plumbing cable will help in this misfortune. It is a steel wire twisted in the spiral. For ease of work, one end of the cable is hoping handle. The other end has a boring. The length of the average domestic cable is 3 m. The work is faster when two are taken for business. One turns the handle, and the other pushes the cable into the system. Rotating motions allow a drill hole in a plug in a traffic jam, bypassing pipe bends. Typically, the specified cable length is enough to correct the position. When the plug is broken, you need to make several translational movements with a cable, after which it can be removed and rinsed.

    When working with a cable, it is important to remember that the key to success depends on the correct position of the instrument. It must be in a tense state. If the wire characterists and bends on some knee, the cable will be spoiled.

If the factory cable was not at hand, the master would come out of the difficulty with a suitable wire and a loader in the form of a large nut or a bag with small stones. At the same time, the wire itself must be rigid enough to overcome the plug resistance, and at the same time sufficiently flexible to move freely inside the communications.

Unfortunately, the reality is such that often this very cable and suitable wire in the economy does not turn out at the right moment. What still do?

If the toilet clogged. What to do?

Need a toilet or sink? What to do? How to clear the block?

When the bath or sink is clogged, it is still tolerant, because dirty water can be drained into the toilet. But when this last instance fails, the situation becomes critical. Especially sad position of those who live in apartments. Indeed, in this case there is no saving booth at the end of the garden.

Weak permeability can be "cured" by chemicals like "CROT". Vantuz can come to help when the house has a device suitable for the diameter to your white friend. If the situation is not solved by these tools, you need to resort to the cable. When water comes down, it is desirable to handle the draining with a chemical agent dissolving the remains of the cork. Hot water will help rinse the dissolved or clean the pipes.

However, the blocking of the toilet is possible and rude objects like a sponge or randomly poured with a cloth. In this case, you need to try to catch an annoying interference. This can be done by applying a bent crocheted wire. If these manipulations were not crowned with success, you will have to call all our composure, to glorify more air and get your hands that theorest thing.

Eliminate the blockage in the bathroom

Need a toilet or sink? What to do? How to clear the block?

Cleaning communications going to the bath does not differ in a special way from toilet bowl. Except for one point. In the bath, however, as in the sink, there is a drain hole that protects the apartment from flooding. When working with vehicles, you need to close it to create an internal pressure. Otherwise it will not be a hydrowater. Therefore, we close the overflow hole, and only after that you can start work.

Another nuance is that the drain system of the bath is available and subjected to disassembly. Especially when when using modern pipes. If Vantuz does not help, do not rush to get a bulky cable. It is possible to more effectively disassemble the plum. Often it allows you to eliminate the cause of the cloud.

Cork in the sink

When water stands in the sink, it is enough to look under it. There you will find a drain knee. It can have a different configuration. In some cases, it looks like an English letter S, in others it looks like a straight tube with Appendix. Her destination is to collect trash, not allowing it to hit the system. On the siphon there is a cap, removing which you can remove the plug.

Need a toilet or sink? What to do? How to clear the block?

Before work, you need to take care of a bucket or a deep bowl in which water aloes. Cleaning the siphon, you need to collect it back. It is important to establish sealing gaskets into place. They prevent water leakage.

What if there is no suitable tool at hand?

It often happens that the critical situation cares for surprise, and there is no suitable tool in the house. How to be, because the situation requires immediate intervention.

Fortunately, there are some rather unusual, but effective ways:

  • Milk package. If you bought on the eve of milk or juice in cardboard packaging, the latter can come in handy. Take the package, insert an outdoor corner into a drain hole and sharply push on top. The air coming out of the package must push the blockage. When one package is not enough, take the second. In the same way, plastic bottles can be applied. The principle of operation is the same.
  • A vacuum cleaner. For more advanced vacuum cleaners. It is enough to connect the hose to the hole, say, in the sink and pump air into it. After 2-3 minutes, the vacuum cleaner usually copes with a blockage. Attention. Connect the hose to the vacuum cleaner need from the injection side.
  • Soda and vinegar. Sometimes it seems that everything works against you. The sink is clogged, Vantuz broke, the light turned off, the cable is not. Packages have just thrown away. How to be? Search in the farm soda and vinegar. In extreme cases, they can be found from the neighbors or in the nearest store. This method is suitable in the case when water is not worth it like a lake in the sink. For weak blockages and as a preventive measure, he copes perfectly.

    So, we take the handful of soda, suck in the drain hole. It is necessary that she all entered the pipe. Then we water her glass of vinegar on top. At the same time, it is better to move away from the sink away until it hiss and spit foam. Five minutes later, when everything calms down, you can go back and shed drag hot water.

  • Homemade vests. What to do when water is already worth? Pour soda to the pipe does not work. You have to search in the children's corner the rubber ball. It must be cut into two unequal parts. Smaller insert into the big and screw to any wooden stick. Self and screwdriver will be found in every home. That's ready Vantuz. Now with it, you can easily handle the trouble.

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