PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo


PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

Outdoor PVC coverage is sold in any construction store or on the Internet, the floor PVC coating is essentially young, made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, has a mass gain. Details of the choice and installation - below in the material.

From which PVC floors

PVC floor panels are made of the same material as ordinary linoleum, and therefore some experts call it a linoleum tile. The stove is square and rectangular. It is worth noting that the material has a peculiar roughness of the reverse side, which increases adhesion when conducting installation work. The top layer is transparent, fiberglass is used for its manufacture, due to which its operational properties and attractiveness are perfect.

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

When buying PVC floors should be asked to the seller a certificate confirming the absence of harmful substances in their composition

Such heterogeneous substances together create high-quality and elegant tiles capable of being for a long time:

  • Durable;
  • Durable;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Flexible.

For sale, the slabs come in a large assortment, and it is possible to choose a coating with imitation of natural canvases, such as wood, granite or marble. Thus, you can create a beautiful and interesting interior, fully appropriate to preferences and all necessary requirements.

Consist of polyvinyl chloride plates from the base, layer with the ornament, polyurethane and protective layer.

The stove thickness is 0.5-3.5 mm. There may be single-layer vinyl, the thickness of which can be 1.5-2.5 mm. Material laying can be carried out on the base of concrete, laminate, linoleum, wood. The condition of flattening coating should be observed, and it is also necessary to clean it and dry it. The presence of irregularities over time will cause the deformation of the floor covering, and therefore leads to new repair work. Installation can not be done not even a professional, as even a beginner can cope.

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What advantages has PVC floor coating

The floors for which polyvinyl chloride are used are in demand, since the tile has several advantages. It is for them that the coverage is more and more practically around the world. A whole list can be attributed to the positive qualities of the web.

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

Among the advantages of PVC floor coverings should be noted the excellent operational and aesthetic qualities


  • Optimal cost;
  • Versatility;
  • Convenience of transportation;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Operation of operation, as it is though brilliant, but not slippery;
  • A large range of products from which you can choose the canvas of various colors and shapes;
  • Hardness;
  • Elasticity;
  • If one tile damages, it will not be necessary to update the entire canvas to eliminate the defect;
  • Excellent sound insulation.

Unfortunately, there are disadvantages, and they are that the manufacture of the panel is made of synthetic material, and therefore it is impossible to be considered environmentally friendly, the service life is only 10 years, the material does not have resistance to the effects of such substances as solvents, acetone and the like. According to external data, the flooring is seamless and very attractive in appearance.

PVC Plate Installation Technology

Laying PVC plates is not at all as laminate or parquet, which are equipped with special slamming locks. Next you need to remove the old plinth. By means of roulette, the central part of the room is measured. It is necessary to draw 2 perpendicular lines, and from the place where they intersect, begin laying the material. If there is a need, you can shift the center, due to which you can negate the tile.

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

Before editing PVC plates, it is worth watching a training video and familiarize yourself with the recommendations of specialists.

Do not forget that any reason is necessarily prepared, for this it is necessary:

  • Wash
  • Cleaner
  • Progress.

The primer is a mandatory process, as it is thus the strength of the glued nodes is ensured.

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The tile is covered with PVA liner or liquid nails. Application must be carried out with a toothed spatula. The tile is applied to the floor and pressed. For smoothing, you need to use a smooth rubber roller, additionally clutching with rubber Cyans. It is necessary to glue the most accurately and, if glue will leak, it needs to be removed immediately with a rag.

To significantly simplify the installation process, you can purchase a self-adhesive PVC tile, for which the glue does not need.

In some cases, use bilateral self-adhesive tape. To cut the tile, you can apply a conventional construction knife. If the coating is very thick, then it is pre-heated by a construction hairdryer or ordinary. After the material is pasted, you need to wait a couple of hours and only after that, you can use for operation. It is strictly not desirable to put the plinth immediately, as it should be shown until the floor is careful. Stacking should be carried out at a temperature of 20 ° C.

Reviews of choosing PVC floors

Disadvantages of PVC tiles are, but they are not significant. It is worth noting that the quality of the future coverage directly depends on how much the construction and finishing materials competently competently. Experts prefer to choose precisely products of domestic production, as unlike Chinese or Korean cloths, they fully comply with all the necessary requirements.

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

There is a wide variety of PVC floors, differing in color, shape and size.

As well as:

  • Have excellent quality;
  • It looks beautiful;
  • Do not be spoiled until the end of life.

When buying should not be stopped only on the design of the tile, as in this case, find a quality product will not work. It is very rare to meet really conscientious manufacturers who are not hiding hundreds of flaws behind a bright packaging. How to make the right choice and not mistaken?

It is necessary to carefully explore the packaging on which the specification of the wear resistance class, the level of abrasion, material from which layers of the web, the main parameters of PVC plates, guaranteed service life, information on the presence or absence of an additional layer are made.

Be sure to have a quality certificate.

So that the floor covering was really high-quality and pleased with his own kind, it is worth using a number of recommendations from specialists. Purchasing material makes 10% more than required. The stock is needed in case of deformation of cloths during undercuts for flooring near the walls. It is best to carry out the installation at high temperature, which will allow you to evenly distribute the adhesive composition, and also quickly dry by providing high-quality clutch. It is unwanted to install standard wooden plinths, as the optimal option will be the choice of PVC caneltles with which it is not only easier to work, but they also look more aesthetically.

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Resistant Outdoor PVC Coating (video)

With the help of such a material, it is very easy to conduct the flooring of the floor alone, especially if you carefully comply with the recommendations of specialists. It is important to acquire materials in a specialized place to subsequently not encounter a poor-quality product and a multitude of its negative qualities.

Design PVC panels for floor (photo in the interior)

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

PVC flooring: floors and plates, floor panels with castles, reviews and parquet polyvinyl chloride, photo

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