Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths


Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

In the old days, it was not necessary to carry the ground in the house, but not now. For the bathroom, this question is more relevant, as water is a good electricity conductor. Did such that, touching electrical items: washing machine, hair dryer and others, did you feel tingling in the tips of your fingers? Here is another proof of how much grounding is needed. You can organize a grounding of the bath yourself.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

The need to ground bath

Let's start with the Azov. What is called grounding? This is a defense that takes the current from the electrical device housing and takes it into the ground. A sufficiently large number of devices are equipped with metal grooves intended for grounding.

Why is it so necessary to ground the bath? Everything is simple. Water perfectly spends current, and therefore, in the bathroom there will always be a potential danger to face the action of electricity. And taking into account the fact that in the bathroom there are many metal pipes and various products in combination with high humidity, it is necessary to ensure the right ground in order to avoid accidents.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

All that is made of metal, but does not apply to electricity: the battery, pipes, bath and others, can play a cruel joke when the fuse is triggered. Sometime, the grounding of the bath was carried out by connecting it with a riser: sewer or plumbing. But now this method cannot be applied! If suddenly your neighbors floor below will want to replace the metal riser on the plastic, the earth effect will disappear. Plus to all, the condenser area will increase at times, and this leads to even more severe consequences.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

Cast iron

Ground the cast iron bath is quite simple. You can connect to her ground circuit at the expense of an ear of the hole that the manufacturer has already installed in advance on the bath. In this ear - the so-called petal - the bolt with washers and nuts are installed. And the ground wire can already be connected to it. With cast-iron baths of the Soviet sample, everything is somewhat more complicated. There is no petal and it will have to be installed on its own. To the question, is it possible to connect the ground wire in this case to the legs, there will be a categorical answer - "no". There is no appropriate contact between the bathroom and its legs.

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Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

But it is possible to solve the ground with the ground with another way:

  • Where legs are attached to the bath, there are small processes coming from the bath bowl. They are designed to cross the legs. Their surface freely allows you to make a hole to 1 cm in them in depth;
  • In this hole, the tank is made of a thread, into which you can screw the bolts with nut and washers. In this case, you will provide a good contact of grounding the largest bath bowl itself;
  • Nothing prevents the use of and wings of the bath, in which you can safely drill a hole with a depth of 0.5 cm. But about the length of the screw here you will have to think.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths


Do I need to ground an acrylic bath?

Acrylic baths are gaining great popularity, as the price is quite acceptable, but by weight they are lightweight and are installed quite simple. The basis of such baths lies, as already understandable, acrylic. It is a polymer, and all polymers belong to the class of dielectrics. In other words, acrylic independently can not carry out electric current.

But to ground the acrylic bath should still be at least according to these reasons:

  • Acrylic baths can be made by two methods: casting and extrusion. Baths made according to the second method, poorly hold the form. For this reason, the manufacturer establishes such baths on steel frames. And steel is already a metal that spends current. So, the bath should be grounded.
  • If the bath has a bowl with a large area, then over time it will accumulate a decent electric charge. So that this phenomenon does not occur, the bath is easier to ground.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths


Hydromassage baths function from an electrical outlet. Their operating voltage is usually 220 V, and the frequency is 50 Hz. It is impossible to use hydromassage baths without grounding in general, since there is a very big risk to fall under the electric current.

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Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

When grounding, the jacuzzi should consider a number of important points:

  • Just so grounding the hydromassage bath is impossible. First set a special socket with grounding. For it, a separate plug and a wire with double insulation are used. The plug, in fact, acts as a grounding device. Because of it, water will not turn out to be on the outlet surface. This eliminates the situation of the occurrence of a short circuit, and the socket is also called moisture-proof.
  • A grounding socket should be installed on the wall, and at least 30 cm in height from the floor of the floor and at least half a meter from the jacuzzi sides. If you follow these instructions, then water will not be able to get into the outlet. It is necessary to insert it with a double insulation with a wire.
  • If you install not only a jacuzzi, but also other electrical equipment (boiler, washing machine, etc.), then in order to avoid voltage drops, put the machine with a load of up to 16 A, as well as a protective shutdown device. It is necessary to install them outside the bathroom - in the hallway or other room.
  • In no case do not use the jacuzzi if you have not yet equipped the moisture outlet. Grounding the hydromassage bath through water pipes, sewage or heating pipes is also strictly prohibited. It is impossible to allow maintenance of a working jacuzzi, and even more so to use it when the grounding faults.

Cable Laying and Self Installation

To independently run the ground, you need to select a suitable wire. It must be selected according to the following characteristics:

  • The cable must have the necessary stiffness and have a cross section of 6 square meters. mm;
  • The wire must have yellow-green isolation made of PVC material;
  • Cable length should be selected individually. It is preferable to choose a wire from 2 m, but take into account the fact that an excessive long cable will be the cause of the breakthrough;
  • The aesthetic moment is also important. You can hardly like if the wires are in relevant. Hide them behind panels or screen or spend on that side of the bath, which is practically not visible;
  • To save, it is usually taken as steel as the grounding electrodes, but the steel concluded in the copper shell, or simply copper have higher performance indicators.

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Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

Bathing can be grounded by some general rules:

  • Manufacturers do not forget to supply all modern baths with a separate grounding petal. It looks like an eye with a hole. Ground wire is connected to this petal;
  • Its bare fragment is clamped between the washers that help secure the bolt and nut;
  • If the bath is made in the Soviet era, then you need to drill a hole in the leg or on the wing of the bath and exactly the same way, with the help of washers, bolts and nuts, fix the entry jumper.

Do not forget that the sake of the sake of own safety to ground is not only a bath, but also all electrical appliances that are used in the bathroom. The hairdryer should be connected through a moisture-proof outlet.

If you are not enough experience in electrical and installation work, then it is better to consult a professional electrician who will make you grounding. But even if you coped with it yourself, a specialist should check the working capacity of the grounding jumper. Otherwise, you risk unwanted consequences.

Grounding cast iron, acrylic and hydromassage baths

There is another important point: very many confused grounding with grounding. These are slightly different things, since the reinforcement is used only in industrial, but not for domestic purposes. And the confusion went with the fact that in the apartments recently the renderentation is done very often. This also applies to water heaters, and to washing machines. But it is not recommended to carry out a rise in residential buildings, at least at the same time and is not prohibited. Just imagine that the zero wire for incomprehensible reasons is burning or an electrician accidentally instead of zero connect the phase. As a result, all your devices are simply burned from an excessive high voltage. Yes, and the goals of the rise, and the grounding is somewhat different . The zero is calculated solely on the occurrence of short circuit.

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