Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall


Any work done by hand is always unusual and interesting. The result invariably causes pride from the Master and delight in the audience. Recently, many began to use in the interior design volumetric patterns from putty on the walls. A creative person will not be difficult to fulfill this work on its own. To do this, you will need free time, simple tools and a great desire.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

Relief picture on the wall

A few words about future work

The decoration of the walls is the process of time consuming, requiring accuracy and attention. However, the unique decor, which will be the result of the work, is worth the time spent on it. Work can be done by different techniques and tools. The choice depends on which pattern will be depicted, what is its volume and what materials are used.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

Figure 1. The spatula must apply putty on the contours of the pattern.

A beginner master should not be taken for creating a complex picture. It is better to stop your choice on a simple drawing, the details of which can be performed not only by a spatula, but also just with your hands. With this method, it will be easier to master the technique of creating a volumetric pattern from putty, because we can make a variety of figures and forms on the wall.

In addition to hands, it will be necessary to work:

  1. Putty.
  2. Spathers of different sizes and shapes.
  3. Primer.
  4. Brush.
  5. Pencil.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

Figure 2. Paint on the finished drawing is applied only after complete drying.

Quite often actions are performed by two spatulas. One is used to apply a solution on the walls, and the second to lay powdered putty on the main tool and collecting the smeared residues. The putty is better to choose the one that freezes inappropriate. In the case of flaws or inaccuracies that have arisen during operation, there will be enough time for their correction. You can choose an already ready solution or use a dry mixture. The home master is better to use dry mixtures. This choice has several advantages. In case of termination of work for a while, the dry mixture can be stored for a long time and not lose its properties. If necessary, a small amount of putty may be mixed and immediately used.

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As for the selection of primer, it is necessary to choose a solution capable of protecting from molds for premises with high humidity (kitchens, bathrooms). Putty for such premises also need to choose the appropriate.

Preparation of the foundation

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

The effect of the pattern of the picture can be achieved using cracker.

Prior to the start of the creative process, it is necessary to prepare the surface on which it is planned to place a future picture. The wall should be smooth, plastered and treated with primer. Putclone can be applied only after the complete drying of the primer.

For the future drawing, it is necessary to prepare the basis, that is, put a layer of putty on the wall. If a dry mixture was selected, the solution is first prepared. Capacity for this is better to choose a small size. Its width should not prevent the free passage of the spatula.

Water powder falls asleep into the container and water is added to it in small portions. The solution is thoroughly mixed.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

Figure 3. Pattern parts are drawn by a special marker.

As a result, it turns out a tough homogeneous mixture. It should be thick enough to do not block from tools while working.

With a wide spatula, the solution is applied to the wall. For convenience, it is better to use two tools. The thickness of the putty layer should not exceed 1-1.5 mm. Sketch of the picture can be applied on the wall only after it dry. It can be stem with leaves, small flowers, butterflies, simple ornament. Those who can draw can portray more complex pattern. However, the novice master should not choose an image with a large number of details so as not to face difficulties when applied to putty. You can apply the drawing sketch with a pencil or transfer the finished image using a copy.

Application of drawing

Before performing the pattern on the wall, it is better to practice on a piece of thick paper or on cardboard. When the hands remember all movements, you can move to the playback of the finishing option on the wall.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

To create smooth lines and a smooth surface, a small sandpaper is used.

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If you plan to portray the stem with small flower, then there are two ways for this. In the first case, the spatula is located next to the line indicating the drawing. Then it should be smoothly moving along it, catching the pattern of the pattern. The tool must be kept at an angle relative to the wall so that the solution can flush from it along the pencil line, forming a small roller (1). All excess solutions that appear on the other hand are removed by the second tool. The finished stalk need to give dry (2). Such a way all other parts of the drawing are applied.

The drawing from the putty can be applied in another way, the penetrate putty to the pencil lines. A spatula with a solution is located in parallel lines, and movements are sent perpendicular to them, as if overlapping the putty small strokes. Excess you need to remove to the second tool. It can also be involved in the formation of the stem. To do this, it needs to be moved along pencil lines.

This method is also suitable for the formation of petals. After complete drying, it can be painted with paints.

Other ways to decorate the walls

Decorate the walls of your house with paintings from putty in other ways. For example, draw a drawing with a syringe. This method is good in that it is possible to accurately repeat the contours of the selected pattern.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

For drawing small parts, you can use a syringe without a needle.

Initially, the syringe is preparing: the needle is removed, the piston is pulled out. The putty for this method should have a more liquid consistency than when the spatula. The cavity of the syringe is filled with a solution, and the piston is inserted into its place.

The mixture is neatly extruded by the piston, and the syringe moves along the sketch line. First, the main drawing lines are applied, and then drawn items. The finished picture should dry completely. Then the background is applied. For this, the water-level paint is divorced and applied to the painting with a soft sponge. The background color can be any. After its complete drying, you can proceed to drawing small parts. Do it better by small brushes.

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Perform the volumetric pattern on the wall using the stencil. It can be purchased in the finished form or do it yourself. To do this, the selected drawing is transferred to a sheet of dense cardboard and cut stencil. Paint scotch and attach it on the wall. With the help of a spatula, the slot is neatly filled with a putty mass. To work with stencils it is better to choose a gypsum mixture.

Several ways of performing volumetric paintings from putty on the wall

A simple drawing can be applied to the wall using a stencil that you can buy in the store or make yourself.

When the putty starts to push, but it will not be solid yet, you can carefully remove the stencil. Little spatula or other suitable tool Fill emptiness in the pattern. Then sprinkle with water and with a small brush to simulate it by overgrowing the line. When the pattern is completely driving, its surface is processed by sandpaper and scraper to remove all irregularities and influx.

To give the strength of the surface of the drawing, it should be treated with lacquer. After that, the whole wall and drawing is covered with two layers of acrylic paint. The pattern is then drawn by a special oil marker or a thin brush (3).

The wall can be decorated with a completely special relief. Its essence comes down to creating volumetric patterns of a flat surface. To implement this idea on the wall you need to make a deepening. Then its surface is placed flush with the rest of the plane. The pattern is done immediately. By its contour, recesses are cut down.

The bulk picture will make any wall decoration of the whole house. Excellent result and delight of others will become compensation for the time spent.

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