Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own


Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own
In the garden plot or in a private house it is impossible to do without water. You can conduct a central water supply if you live in the city, but then when watering the garden, the crop will be very expensive, as the water fee rises every year. If a person lives in a village or we are talking about a summer area, then any water supply seems to be an unsinkless dream. Output one - break through your well for water supply.

Currently, many rated benefits from the presence of aquifer in personal use. Tens of companies are ready to provide paid services to provide water supply using modern technology. However, such pleasure is not available to every person. Therefore, taking into the arms of the girlfriend, people try to break through the well with their own hands.

First you need to determine the place for the future well. The aquifer is usually located at a depth of about 10-20 meters. If there is a river or lake nearby, then the groundwater layer will be located near the surface. Determine the place where it is most profitable to break through the well, the map of the groundwater is help, which is available in each executive committee of the settlement. Here are the types of soil characteristic of this area.

Well with your own hands for watering

If water is needed only for irrigation, such a well can be made by itself using the simplest bora, provided that the first layer of groundwater, it lies closely (not more than 3 m) from the surface. The length of the borax should be increasing with pipes of small diameter, or reinforcing reinforcement. When passing the more dense layers of the soil, an additional load can be hung on the handle to reduce the load per person. It should be borne in mind that such water is not suitable to drink, because there is no natural cleaning at such a depth.

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Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own

With the help of an ax, welded to a metal rod, you need to beat the roots of the trees that come across a bora's path.

Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own

At a depth of about two meters, wet sand will begin to come across. It is necessary to remove the boring with a nagworn soil every 10-15 cm, otherwise the device may break the device under the severity of the Earth.

Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own

When the sand is bluish-gray, then the aquifer is very close to the aquifer. When water appears, the application of the bora is losing sense, since the liquid soil does not hold on the blades. You need to insert the casing. Well for watering is ready. To raise water, you can apply a manual column or an electric pump.

Well for drinking water extraction with pump

Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own

If groundwater deposits are at a depth of about 10 meters, there is a different efficient and simple method to break through the well.

To begin, it is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of about 1.5 meters to remove the loose and bulk top layer of the soil, the size of about a square meter. Choose pit boards for convenience of further work.

The steel pipe on one side cut into the teeth on the principle of hacksaw, dispersed the teeth in different directions. On the other hand, make a thread for connecting to other pipes by coupling. With the help of a clamp, attach to the handle tube so that it can be held in a vertical position, at such a height, which will be comfortable to man who will keep it. On the rest of the pipes to make a thread from two sides. The length should be about 3 meters.

Prepare a 200-liter or more water barrel, a "baby" water pump, the hose of such a length so that it is possible to lower it from the barrel in the middle of the pipe almost to the ground.

The diameter of the pipe should be at least 120 mm, in the future it will be used as a casing.

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It is inconvenient to produce such works alone, so it's better to find an assistant.

Turning the pipe a little bit of one side to another, deepen it as far as possible. Then turn the pump. Water under pressure will wash off the ground at the base of the pipe, and it is under its weight and thanks to the efforts of a person who rotates it there, will fall down everything deeper and deeper.

To fill the barrel, you can use the water that will be poured out of the pipe, prehending it through the sieve, or to prepare the other. Connecting the pipe sequentially, you can quickly get to the aquifer. I remove unnecessary boards, the pit must be buried, strengthening the pipe in the middle. Top to attach the lid so that the garbage does not fall into the well. Water swing using a deep pump or pumping station.

This is not the only way to make a well with your own hands, but rather simple and does not require expensive equipment or complex types of work - welding, cutting, sharpening and so on.

Punching well shock-cable method

Well well. Three ways to drill well on your own

This method of water production is the most common. A drilling rig, the vertex of which should be placed right above the future thickness of the well.

A hole of 1.5 x 1.5 meters with a depth of about 2 meters is digging. It is advisable to tinker the walls, so that the earth is not tremended.

The casing should be steel without side seams, the wall thickness is at least 5 mm. In the lower part of it, the cone is welded with a diameter of 4-5 cm larger than the pipe diameter.

In the top of the pipe, the carving is rolling, so that it is possible to continue to connect it with other pieces of pipes by the coupling.

The pipe is installed vertically with the help of a plumb to a hole, it does not fix it tightly, but so that it does not swing. It is lowered in it, tied with a strong hemp rope with a thickness of at least 20 mm or a steel cable with a diameter of at least 10 mm, and the wellbore itself begins.

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Raising the iron to the height of one meter, lower it down into a free drop. The ground, stinging in the middle, must be periodically shaking, lifting the device upstream by the winch.

The more the weight of the venture, the faster you can get to the aquifer. It usually weighs in the range of 50 kg. It should be no more than 2 meters.

It is necessary to fill with a soil with a soil for about 2/3 of length, since with an excessive load, the contents can clog the pipe of the pipe and it will make it difficult to break the well.

If the hard rock will come across the path, it must be broken, replacing the ulute chute.

When water appears, the use of the venture will be inappropriate, it is necessary to pump it to a pure state with a deep pump. Then you need to insert a filter into the casing, so that in the well does not get sand.

In this way, you can punch a well to 40 meters deep. Such water, passing the natural cleansing, is soft and tasty. It is suitable for any application - for cooking, drinking or economic needs.

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