How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instruction, video


How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

The tile is the most optimal floor covering for the kitchen room. Clap properly put the tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen and is it possible to do it? This question is interested in almost all people who make repairs in this room. Why is the tile, and not a different flooring? The fact is that putting it does not make up special problems. And the technical characteristics of this material are quite high.

Is it possible to put a tile on the wooden floor

Previously, various specialists considered such an unreasonable and stupid. It was argued by the fact that the tree is a rather capricious material with which he can always happen to happen. For example, a stall beetle will postpone his larvae in it, or the moisture will be held simply, which will destroy the wooden floor. But the consequences appeared the latest techniques, thanks to which it was possible to put with a calm soul and tiles, and in addition to achieve its high life.

In addition, in this case such problems are excluded as:

  • tile crumbling
  • Cutter abrasion of the layer at the tile,
  • Cracked appearance.

To avoid problems written above, it is necessary to take advantage of the preparatory stage.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

The most important thing is to initially ensure that the surface of the floor is perfectly smooth.

Bonuses to use tiles

In the tile coating there are many advantages.

The main ones are:

  • Refractory. In which case, the tile will never burn. In addition, it does not emit any toxic substances.
  • Easy in cleaning. On the tile almost never become mold and fungus. Their appearance is eliminated with ease. Plus all the tiles are very easy to wash.
  • Strength. If the tile is put correctly, then it can be achieved that it will be a stronger cement in tens of times.
  • Hardening coating. With different serious loads and mechanical damage, the tile is not deformed.
  • Resistance to other factors. Ultraviolet rays, moisture from entering and many chemicals on the tile do not affect. Also tile is an excellent dielectric.

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How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

The main advantage of ceramic tiles is its fireproof

How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

Such an outdoor coating as a ceramic tile, very easy to care

How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instruction, video

Tile coating is ideal for creating a "warm floor" system under it.

Required tools and materials

To lay the tile coating on wooden floors, you will need:
  • building level,
  • saw,
  • pencil,
  • glue,
  • cutter,
  • Rubber hammer,
  • putty knife,
  • gloves
  • rags.

How to choose the right floor tile (video)

Wooden floor. Preparatory stage

Before laying ceramic and tile on the wooden floor, you will need to spend various preparatory work. The floors must be checked for cracks and irregularities. Remember that it simply has no point in making an installation on a poor-quality surface. Therefore, to begin with, consider various situations that may arise.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

If old boards on the floor rotten, they must be replaced

How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

Align the wooden floor will help chipboard, plywood or OSB plate

If the old coating crepts and begins

The algorithm of actions in this case should be:

  • Old floors must be completely eliminated.
  • It is required to disassemble the bottom floor with the help of a nail.
  • Beams are installed on the substrate and are exhibited in a horizontal position using a construction level.
  • The beams and the lower floor are processed by a special impregnation.
  • After the impregnation dried, grams are poured between the beams.
  • Now it will be necessary to secure a very neat board at the draft floor across the beams in those places where it comes with them.
  • On the draft floors it will be necessary to lay the parchment paper and to strengthen the substrate on it, which must be made from GWL.
  • The resulting design is uploaded, after which there may be a tile or ceramic tile on such a floor.
  • The old coating is dismantled between the overlap and the wall in the joints, the waterproofing layer is stacked.
  • The horizontal line is installed on the perimeter of the kitchen, after which the surface level is littered. You also need to set beacons.
  • Screed poured concrete.
  • Between the beacons, clamzit is poured. The wooden floor is flooded with a solution and is left in such a state for one day.
  • After that, the floors are cleaned of excess clay, is loaded and reinforced with a mixture. In this position, it is left for 3 days.
  • Screed is loaded. Next, you need to put a special self-deemed mixture. Now a ceramic or some other tile can be laid.

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How to put a tile on the wooden floor in the kitchen correctly: Is it possible to lay, instructions, video

Wooden floor requires careful preparation before laying tiles

In case the coating in good condition, in the lower floor are chipboard

In this case, the actions should turn out to be:
  • All joints between the chipboard and the wall are waterproof using mounting foam.
  • Preheated olifoy is treated with chipboard twice. So Olife is flammable, when working with it you need to be very attentive.
  • Taking a wide brush, you need to treat the chipboard with a thick layer of latex.
  • The painting mesh is laid out on the surface and is left in this state until it dry.
  • After that, with the help of screws, the grid is fixed to the chipboard.
  • The surface should be treated with a solution, which consists of large sand, water and liquid glass.
  • After drying, the composition can be laid on the surface tile.

Is it possible to lay a tile on the wooden floor (video)

How to put tiles

The tile should be located in the kitchen correctly, so you need to carefully think about everything. To do this, you need to measure the center of the longest wall and spend a thin line at right angles. You also need to do with the second wall. Before making installation, remove the plinths and door jambs. The tile must be pre-decomposed by the floor in order to see how it looks visually.

After that, the coating of the tiles must be put on the wooden floor so:

  • In one of the corners with a spatula of glue. The tile must push it a little on it. You need to focus on marking lines.
  • Laying is made from the center to the walls. You can first lay the tile surface on one side, and after - on the other. Be sure to wait until everything is dry.
  • After glue hardens, ceramic tiles or other types of it are covered with primer.
  • With the help of an ordinary scraper in all possible intercutric slits, you can apply a mixture.
  • All surplus are cleaned with a cloth. You need to wait for complete drying.
  • The final stage is polishing the tile coating.

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As you can see, put the tile coating on the wooden floors does not represent a special complexity. It is important for this to prepare floors, align all the surfaces carefully and make waterproofing. Act strictly according to the instructions received, and in this case you will have to make beautiful floors in the kitchen, from which guests will come to admiration.

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