Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Acrylic bath is a wonderful modern solution for the arrangement of the bathroom. Acrylic baths are very popular among buyers around the world, therefore the assortment presented in the stores is very wide. Going behind the purchase, you need to have at least an approximate view of the main characteristics and leading manufacturers of acrylic baths and then it will be easier for you to make the right choice. All the necessary information is contained in this article.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Basic selection criteria

There are many nuances that should be taken into account in order to choose a high-quality acrylic bath:

  • Type of material. Acrylic, which is used for production, baths can be cast or extruded. They are close in chemical composition, but have varying degrees of strength. Cast acrylic is more preferable, since the bath from this material will serve you much longer.
  • Acrylic layer . It should be as thicker at least 0.5-0.6 cm. This parameter should be paid special attention to this parameter, because most of the available baths are on sale, the acrylic coating does not exceed 0.4 cm, as a result of which they are quite quickly wearing.
  • The appearance of the acrylic coating. A high-quality acrylic bath should be white white (of course, if you have not chosen some other color). There should be no roughness on its surface, it is always completely even and smooth.
  • The number of materials used. In the production of the acrylic bath, the acrylic coating is applied to the polyurethane base in order to provide greater rigidity. Therefore, the final product is obtained by two-layer. Bath, consisting only of one acrylic - the thing is very fragile and continuing.
  • Rigidity. This is undoubtedly one of the main criteria. After all, it is precisely how hard that the bath depends on what weight she will be able to withstand and what installation method for it will need (especially fragile products need additional reinforcement). Tested the acrylic bath on the stiffness is easy - just ridiculously pressing on her bottom hand: if it is amenable, then the product is not high quality.
  • Light material . Real acrylic is not transparent material. If the acrylic bath is skipping the light, then with a high probability it can be argued that in front of you fake.
  • Outer layer. As we have already found out, it is made from polyurethane. The outer surface of the acrylic bath should be dark and smooth to the touch. If she is rough and, moreover, makes an unpleasant chemical smell, then, most likely, the manufacturer decided to save and used fiberglass, mixed with synthetic resins. Not worth buying such a bath.
  • Frame design. Ideally, he should be a fastening frame made precisely for this model of a bath, legs that are adjustable in height and support at the corners. If there is only one frame that is attached right under the side, then such a design will be completely unstable.
  • Additional functions. If you do not need them, so as not to overpay, buy an ordinary bath, as the low quality of the product itself can be hidden behind a large number of "beams". If you, for example, need a bath with hydromassage, pay attention to manufacturers specializing in this form of products.
  • The form. What it is easier, the stronger and more stable will be a bath. Baths of large sizes or complex forms should be very high quality. Consequently, and they will be much more expensive.
  • Plug-overflow system. It can be traditional, semi-automatic or automatic. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so this is a matter of exceptionally your individual preferences.

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Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Comparison of leading manufacturers

Acrylic, as material for the manufacture of plumbing, has a lot of advantages over traditional materials: cast iron and steel. Acrylic bathrooms weigh quite a bit, so the installation can be easily alone. In addition, production technology allows you to produce acrylic baths of various shapes and sizes. Such a variety of design can not boast neither steel or cast-iron baths.

Among other advantages of acrylic baths are worth mentioning a fairly low price, excellent thermal insulation and simple care.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


Baths of the Czech company RAVAK enjoy painful in European countries. Production is carried out on modern equipment using high-quality raw materials.

The main advantage of the baths of this manufacturer is a thick acrylic layer. Thanks to which all products are obtained very durable and wear-resistant. In addition, Ravak provides the buyer a large selection of acrylic baths of non-standard forms and sizes, including asymmetric fonts and baths with concave sides.

The disadvantages of the product of this company are a bit. The most significant of them are the difficulties associated with the selection of accessories and components for some models.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


The Polish firm "Cersanit" is well known to the Russian buyer. It produces not only plumbing equipment, but also finishing materials for the bathroom and kitchen.

Acrylic baths from this company are notable for the fact that there are products of good quality for a very affordable price. The manufacturer provides on its products a warranty for a period of 7 years. Minus baths "Cersanit" is that they are covered with a rather thin layer of acrylic - only 0.4 cm, so they are not sufficiently rigid and fasterly exposed to physical wear.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


The Dutch company Riho uses the highest quality for its baths. It is lightweight, durable and completely safe for the environment. The thickness of the acrylic layer on the baths of this manufacturer is 0.6-0.8 cm.

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Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


"Aquanet" is a Russian company that is engaged in the production of acrylic baths. Among the advantages of the domestic producer is a relatively small price, a large selection of models, as well as the presence of internal equipment - head restraints, handrails and armrests. Minus - not enough thick layer acrylic - only 0.5 cm.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Pool Spa

Acrylic baths of the Spanish manufacturer "Pool SPA" are famous for its incredibly beautiful and thoughtful design . Simple, elegant forms, selected in style Accessories - all this constitutes a single ensemble and can decorate any bathroom. Each model has a large selection of additional components. The lack of acrylic baths from "Pool SPA" lies at a high price, but the quality is worth

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


Another well-known Russian acrylic bath manufacturer is BAS. Production is carried out on Italian equipment, using imported components, and therefore products meet all European quality standards. Read more Basin Basin in another article.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Villeroy & Boch.

"Villeroy & Boch" is one of the oldest French companies engaged in the manufacture of plumbing. On the market they have since 1836. Almost two-month production experience is definitely affecting the quality of their products. Acrylic baths of this company are attracted by exquisite, original design and long service life.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


The Polish company "KOLO" produces inexpensive acrylic baths with good characteristics. The company boasts a wide model nearby. The only minus is quite difficult to find a bath equipped with hydromassage. It should be noted that in the stores of our country, KOLO acrylic baths found quite rarely.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

In the last decade, the production of acrylic baths has increased significantly, both in Russia and abroad. According to experts, over time, acrylic baths will gradually displace cast iron and steel products. So, last 2019 the leading place was occupied by cast-iron baths - they accounted for 47% of the baths market. However, for the year, the production of such baths decreased by 8%. In turn, steel bath production decreased by 13%, and the volume of acrylic produced increased by 8%.

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Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview


For convenience, we will provide information about the prices for acrylic baths from the leading manufacturers in the form of a table. The cheapest baths are so-called "Baby", 120 cm long, and the most expensive - design baths of unusual shapes and sizes. For a standard bath we took a single bathroom with a length of 170 cm. Prices are on average in Russia.

CompanyThe cheapest bathThe most expensive bathStandard bath
"Ravak"24 000 rubles.130 000 rub.32 000 rubles.
"Cersanit"4 000 rub.18 000 rub.6 000 rubles.
"Riho"13 000 rubles.73 000 rub.16 000 rubles.
"Aquanet"8 000 rub.48 000 rub.10 000 rubles.
"POOL SPA"15 000 rub.616 000 rub.38 000 rubles.
"BAS"8 000 rubles.43 000 rub.10 000 rubles.
"Villeroy & Boch"22 000 rubles.349 000 rub.32 000 rubles.

Thus, prices for acrylic baths fluctuate in the range from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles. A standard single bath of oval or rectangular shape, without hydromassage and other additional functions, can be purchased for 10-30 thousand rubles. It is much higher than a product of good quality from leading Russian or European manufacturers.

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

Top 8 best manufacturers of acrylic baths - market overview

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