How to choose a wallpaper for a small living room


The living room is a place where the whole family is usually going, as well as guests, so this room should be cozy, beautiful and comfortable.

Currently, the interior design of the living room, especially small in the area, is considered to be a subject of special attention. Therefore, choosing a bulk coating for the walls, you should carefully approach this issue.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small living room

The small size of the living room will not be a problem, provided that you will choose correctly and beat the wallpaper

Little living room? Not a problem!

Before correctly pick up the wallpaper for a small living room, it is necessary to take into account many details regarding not only its interior, but also other details.

In order to start developing some ideas, such factors should be taken into account as:

  • On which side of the room windows are published;
  • Is the level of illumination of the whole area of ​​the living room?;
  • What is the height of the ceilings indoors.

As for the interior design directly, the optimal solutions may be the following:

How to choose a wallpaper for a small living room

Photo: For small areas in the area of ​​the living rooms, try not to buy wallpaper with vertical stripes: they create a feeling of compressed space

  • For living rooms in a small area, it is better to select wallpapers that can visually increase the space. A good option will be horizontal ornaments or stripes.
  • As for the size of ornaments or drawings on the wallpaper, it is desirable that they are small.
  • Avoid buying wallpapers with vertical stripes: they create the illusion of narrow space. On the other hand, they are perfect for premises with low ceiling.
  • Perhaps, use neutral and soft shades, so popular in 2019.

Criteria for choice

The first and very important point when choosing wallpaper is that it is not worth saving. Especially since choosing such a coating, you will know that it is really high-quality and last for a long time. Wallpaper with a long service life can be attributed cannons from straw, bamboo and rice paper.

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How to choose a wallpaper for a small living room

The right choice of color wallpaper for the interior of a small living room is a guarantee of good repair!

Taking into account! Choosing wallpapers in a small living room, you should pay attention to natural canvases, which will be particularly relevant in the interior if there are allergies or small children in the apartment or house.

  • A good option for decoration walls in the hall will be a wallpaper from silk-screen printing, linen or velvet fabric. Modern wallpapers from fabric have a top protective layer, which does not collect dust on the surface of the wallpaper, do not burn out in the sun and do not absorb foreign smells in the canvas. However, such wallpaper requires attentive and neat salas, with which only a specialist can cope with.
  • No less popular wallpaper for a small living room are considered canvas on a flizelin-based basis. Such wallpapers are available in various versions, and can have both smooth and textured surface. These wallpapers are also considered an excellent option in terms of cost savings during further operation, since they can be repeatedly repainted.
  • And of course, the available option for decoration walls in the living room are paper wallpapers. There are their options with various drawings and embossed patterns.

How to choose a wallpaper for a small living room

Photo: Paper wallpapers for small living rooms with low ceiling have its advantages.

Know! Despite the low price, paper wallpapers have an attractive appearance and easily paste on the finishing surfaces. However, their minus is a short service life.

In conclusion, it can be noted that wallpaper in the living room, regardless of size, should be highly resistant to various mechanical stress. It becomes especially relevant when there are small children in the house.

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