Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put


Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

An obvious leader among the finishing materials for facing the kitchen floor is a ceramic tile tile, manufactured by industry, has a certain resistance to mechanical damage, due to this, it is successfully used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but also in the kitchen. How to choose the appropriate - read below.

High-quality floor tile on the kitchen

One of the leaders of the floor covering for the kitchen is a ceramic tile, as wear-resistant, durable and eco-friendly, and also rich in color and texture. Among the advantages of floor tiles for the kitchen highlight a lot.

Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

Ceramic tile is convenient and practical to use. This is the most popular cuisine flooring.

Durability - with appropriate care, as well as neat handling, ceramic stove or porcelain stoneware can be served over 15 years.

High wear resistance - often the kitchen, especially public, is a room with high patency, in this room there is almost constantly a change of temperature modes, as well as humidity. In addition, often on the slabs of the floor affect various mechanical loads, and the tile will be successfully confronted with them.

Tile in the kitchen:

  • Environmental;
  • Resistant to various chemicals;
  • Allows you to wash it using a variety of chemical tools for washing tiles;
  • Resistant to direct sunlight;
  • Color and texture do not fade over long time.

Ceramic tiles have another advantage - it is a good thermal conductivity, which allows you to install a warm floor under the tile. But, at the same time, if the heating is quite powerful, then the tile can be very hot enough. Ceramic tile can be easily combined with almost any design room, the main thing is to be complied with a single style. It is also recommended to use a unhappy tile in the kitchen, it will provide the necessary roughness, as well as its pores will not be clogged with mud.

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Tips: how to choose a tile on the floor to the kitchen

The tile has such positive qualities as durability, attractiveness and good strength. Also, the floor tile is perfectly opposed with pollution, it is easy to clean and resist high temperature, humidity and various chemicals. So that the tile corresponds to all these conditions, you should choose the tile correctly, and for this you need to follow the advice of professionals. The kitchen tile must comply with certain standards of wear resistance on a special scale UNI EN, usually this indicator is indicated on the package and is equal to a scale of 3-4 units.

Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

Since the facing material will be used in the kitchen, it must have increased wear resistance

When examining boxes with tiles, samples should be rejected:

  • With chips;
  • Cracks;
  • Other visible defects.

It is necessary to selectively weighed when buying a tile than the tile will be harder, the stronger, and will last much longer. But again, in processing such a tile is much more complicated, it is difficult to cut and lifting. An important role is played by the size of the tile, traditionally the sizes of tiles for the kitchen rarely exceed 50x50 cm.

When buying a tile of certain sizes, you should take the goods from one batch so that it corresponds to a certain color scheme and one sizes.

It is not so difficult to choose a ceramic tile, the main thing is that it corresponds to the overall design of the room, each panel corresponded to certain sizes, color scheme. As for manufacturers, there are widely represented tiles not only domestic manufacturers, but also imported. And each person chooses a tile based on its financial capabilities and preferences.

Beautiful kitchen tile on the floor

When choosing an outdoor coating for the kitchen, you need to take into account that this room with a large attendance, especially if it is some public cuisine, so the floor in the kitchen must be chosen taking into account wear-resistant, as well as strength.

Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

There are various types of ceramic tiles - by texture and color

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  1. The ideal option of the floor in the kitchen will be laying tile.
  2. It is necessary to choose a tile so that it harmonized with the interior and the common room design.
  3. The choice of kitchen tiles should be done in a specialized store.
  4. There are more choice in stores, and you can also get advice from professionals.
  5. If the kitchen is small in area, you should select the tiled modules small in size.

If the tile is large in size, it will have to handle and cut it, which will lead to a large amount of waste. For a small tile, the most optimal option 33x33 or 40x40 cm, besides, such variations are capable of making a room visually a bit more.

An important role is played and thickness - the floor tile must have a thickness of at least 8 mm.

Some firms begin to switch to the release of extruded tiles, which can be put almost without seams. In addition, such a tile can imitate any surface, such as parquet or imitation under the brick. Due to this, you can simulate space, both in color and by texture and sizes, and give an unusual and exquisite view of the whole kitchen room.

Put the tile on the kitchen on the floor

The floor tile on the kitchen for many apartments can be an excellent solution for decades. The kitchen is a fairly humid place and floor covering must comply with certain requirements, it is high wear resistance, strength, resistance to moisture, high temperature, various chemicals that are widely used to clean the room and not only.

Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

The tile is easily clean, so the floor is not terrible pollution

Kitchen tile has a number of benefits:

  • High rigidity;
  • Tile is quite thick and never bend;
  • Not deformed;
  • Great keeps against falling any heavy items.

The tile is stable and to the Sun, under the influence of sunlight, does not fade, as well as a qualitatively made version does not allocate any harmful substances, does not conduct an electric current. The analogue of the tile can act a porcelain stoneware, in its strength, beauty, and even more than a price, he significantly exceeded his natural analogue.

Porcelain stoneware has a wide range of colors, its color or pattern for a long time does not change.

Despite certain advantages of porcelain stoneware, ceramic tile is more profitable for the price, has a larger number of colors. Also, ceramics are better combined with almost any design room, as well as with a ceiling decoration, walls and kitchen furniture. For high-quality repair, selection of ceramics should trust a professional.

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You need to know: what tile is better for the kitchen on the floor

Correctly select the tile for the kitchen - a fairly responsible thing, because if the tile is laid, and if it does not like, redo the entire floor will be very difficult. For the right choice, you need to take into account a number of factors.

Tile for kitchen on the floor: Outdoor How to choose, Kitchen tile What better, plates sizes, how to put

An interesting effect manages to achieve the combination of various shades.

Tile should:

  • Have high strength and wear resistance;
  • Be moisture-resistant;
  • Withstand temperature differences;
  • Not to be slippery;
  • Match the overall style of the kitchen.

The selection of the tile depends on the overall stylist of the room and the color range, and, based on this, you can start searching for the desired material. For example, if the kitchen is gray or made in the style of High-tech, then a gray tile is perfect for such a kitchen. If the kitchen is large, you should pay attention to the plates of large sizes, it is also important to pay attention to the type of its laying.

For example, a tile can be laid diagonally, and not as usual, this option may look in the design very interesting.

It is possible to even experiment with the cafeter of non-standard forms, for example, with hexagonal tiles. You need to choose a tile from producers with a good reputation and produce high-quality tiles. Such a tile will be not only high-quality, but also beautiful and will be long gods to please our owners.

Selection tiles for kitchen on the floor (video)

What sexual variation to choose for your kitchen, each person solves itself, but, nevertheless, the advice mentioned above will allow you to make a more correct choice and finally decide on the purchase of tiles.

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