Right beds do it yourself


Right beds do it yourself

The beds in the country are the main thing that is worth equipping the first thing. After all, in beds, we land vegetables and fruits that will feed us in the winter.

If the beds are not correct, then the harvest may not be very good, but these are in vain works and the cost of strength.

Crickerels in the country can be different. Especially relevant game with their forms, if the landscape design of the site is important for you and I would like to organize something that will be surprised by the guests, and myself is pleasure.

How to place a bed in the country

In order for the plants that you sit, grew exactly, beautifully and brought more fruit, you need to have a garden in the country taking into account these rules:

  • The line of the garden itself should begin in the northern part and end in South. This will allow the Sun simultaneously to warm the whole land;
  • Onion plants can put up with a half;
  • If the slope is gentle, the beds are better to place across it;
  • take into account the compatibility of vegetables;
  • split a section for beds for 4 sectors;
  • With a highly moist soil, make a bed on the crest 25 cm.

Compatible vegetables when placing beds in the country is very important.

Remember that the knockers do not get along with tomatoes, cucumbers - with potatoes, and potatoes with tomatoes and pumpkin. Peas and beans on the garden for giving in no case are not placed with onion and garlic.

Good placement on the garden for giving will be a celery and onion landing. Radish has favorably affect all kinds of vegetables.

We divide the plot to sectors for beds in the country

Right beds do it yourself

The first sector is designed for crops with high consumption of nutrition elements (cucumbers, cabbage, onions, garlic, pumpkin).

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The second sector is created for plants with average intake of nutrient elements (carrots, pepper, melon, radishes, salad and spinach, and beets).

In the third sector, make beds for undemanding plants (legumes and annual green).

The fourth bed of beds for the cottage should be destroyed by perennial plants (rhubarb, strawberries, asparagus and tomatoes).

In some cases, a particularly interesting and practical idea can be the creation of beds for giving from boxes, which will also serve as an original decoration of the site.

Right beds do it yourself

This will not only make watering more convenient, but also save plants from the wash during heavy rains.

How to make beds in the country

If you decide to make a bed in the country, but the land is not at all processed, you need to start with this.

It is necessary to solve which soil on your site so that in the future you know how to make a bed.

We will tell you how to make a bed do it yourself:

  • Outline the edges and remove the turf;
  • Thoroughly pump the soil for the beds with their own hands;
  • break the ground to bed with a chipper or hoe;
  • Strengthen the border of the beds (brick, sweeping, crushed stone).

How to make high beds in the country do it yourself

Right beds do it yourself

If there is a greenhouse from window frames on your site, you can make an original addition to it in the form of high beds.

Such unusual "semi-cells" in the form of fencing of about 30 cm and 1 meter width of 1 meter x 1 meter are very interesting.

Boards can be taken any, but it is important that they have the same height. The color in the subsequent can be aligned, causing a bright paint to fencing.

If you have long wanted to lay the paths of the plot with tiles, then with such a design of the beds in the country will be a great reason to embody the old dream into reality.

Right beds do it yourself

In winter, the appearance of your beds in the country will not suffer, and if the boards are firmly fixed, the earth will not swim anywhere, which will eliminate the likelihood of a large amount of dirt on the tracks.

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In addition, many are wondering how to make a bed at the cottage with an unusual form, and not just external, but also to send plants inside?

Surely you have repeatedly seen how flowers are planting near administrative buildings in cities.

Right beds do it yourself

Some plants are sitting in the center, others in a certain form of beds around the center.

You can do the same, just do not forget that some vegetables are forbidden to plant together, and it is important that the highest plant is in the center, for example, corn.

Near the corn, zucchini grow well, which with their leaves can close the sun for other plants, and this is just one of the examples, and some vegetables can not be seized together - they can adversely affect each other.

Right beds do it yourself

If you wish to issue a plot not only with vegetable beds in the country, but also original colors, it will not be a problem.

Between vegetables can be attached to the sizes of flowers. Also an excellent addition to the "edible" landscape design will be an alpine slide.

Beautiful design of beds in the country do it yourself

Usually, residents of private houses and cottages are planting vegetables away from colors, placing a bed in the form of a square or a rectangle.

Right beds do it yourself

However, a good idea is to combine practicality with aesthetics. Flowers can be planted on the sides of the site, and vegetables closer to the center, and in beautiful shape.

Groans for giving with their own hands can be round, oval, square, equipped with beautiful fences and contain unique roads in the center or bokes of the landing area.

Right beds do it yourself

One of the most fashionable solutions, to organize in the middle of the garden, which will be externally fenced with a special low decorative fence, brick or decorative stone intended for such purposes.

Right beds do it yourself

So, the stone can be postponed in a winding form, and the ground inside the "flower garden" pour over the level of the main site. Only instead of colors you will have not lilies, but, for example, eggplants.

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You can use old tires, suitcases, barrels and other do not need to create a garden.

Right beds do it yourself

How to arrange beautiful beds for cucumbers

In each store, which offers accessories for gardens, for sale networks for growing cucumbers.

Curly plants with pleasure they will enhance them, glad the owners with a considerable amount of fruits. There are also many medicinal plants that grow where they are easy to pay something.

Stripping from this feature of the cucumbers, you can make round beds in the country, decorated in the form of a boat or, more interesting, baskets.

Right beds do it yourself

A bed in the country in the form of a major basket can be easily created from dry branches with their own hands, and the cucumbers will have around a high handle, which also woves from small thin sticks.

As a fixer is taken either glue, which is lubricated by each branch or wire. The glue is better to issue the body of the basket, but to twist the handle.

Right beds do it yourself

If we build a cottage, think about where and what will be to grow simply. But in vain, such baskets with cucumbers can be put right near the entrance, from two sides of the door, near comfortable shops.

However, it is important to take into account that the plants need a sufficient amount of light, and it will be bad if, on the one hand, the shadow falls on the garden, and the trees will be made on the other, and the trees will be, and the sun is not enough for the full growth and ripening of fruits.

Right beds do it yourself

It is necessary to place beds in the country for cucumbers so that between them there is a distance of at least 40 cm, but better more - about 50. The width of the site, fenced under the cultivation of vegetables, should be such that you can get to the center.

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