How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry


How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry

The drying time of the tile glue depends on various factor generating tiles - a long and grueling process that requires a lot of strength and some skills. But all the works can leave the Nammark, if you do not know the optimal drying time of the glue. This should usually be indicated in the instructions, but it will not hurt to get acquainted with the factors that affect drying time, and other important points of this process.

Influencing factors: how much the tile dries on the floor

There are a number of factor that can affect the duration of the tile drying. These include different parameters of the microclimate. It is important in which environment is drying out the finishing material.

How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry

In many ways, the drying of the adhesive will depend on the material of the coating and air temperature in the room

Factors affecting the duration of drying:

  • Floor temperature;
  • Air humidity;
  • Moisture absorption of the coating;
  • The view and composition of the glue.

Floor temperature in conjunction with air temperature indoors are the main factors. The most optimal indicators are 20 degrees as sex and air. At the same time, the installation of an outdoor coating can be carried out within 5-30 degrees. If the temperature is minus, then the tile laying should not be carried out.

For quick and correct drying, experts advise to warm up the floor before work. Especially in cold rooms or with high humidity. To do this, you can use any heating device or equip a warm floor. After the installation is completed, it is necessary to periodically warm the air to the desired temperature.

The norm of humidity when laying the finishing material - 60%. If the indicator rises above, then the dying period will increase. If the humidity reaches up to 100%, the glue will not dry, and it will begin to squeeze and the tile will be squeezed.

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Moisture-absorption of the coating should not be observed at all. Especially when laying moisture-resistant tile. Fluids from the solution will not be released for evaporation. In this case, this indicator should not be greater. So it is observed when after wetting for a couple of minutes, water absorbs.

The adhesive mixture itself plays the latter role in this matter. Depending on the composition, the drying period is determined. Usually it should be indicated on the package.

Optimum time: how much can you walk on the tile

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the drying time of the glue under optimal conditions. The norm is considered room conditions. To do this, pay attention to the microclimate of the room.

How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry

As a rule, the timing time is indicated on the glue packaging

Optimal indoor performance:

  • Temperature - from 22 to 26 degrees;
  • Humidity - 60%;
  • Lack of drafts;
  • Lack of temperature indicators;
  • Direct solar radiation should not fall on the tile.

At the same time, the indicators may differ. The main thing is that they are within the figures specified in the instructions for the adhesive composition. It is considered quite normal temperatures from 5 to 30 degrees and humidity within 50-70%. If you follow all the rules, you can walk on the tile a day later.

The exact time how much does the tile dry, the glue manufacturer determines. Therefore, in different manufacturers, these numbers may differ. This is determined by different composition and manufacturing technology.

Some types of glue can be frozen 5-7 hours after the completion of the tile laying.

You always need to accurately follow the instructions. No need to break the prescribed drying time. For insurance, you can start further work slightly increased the specified period.

How much dry tiles in rooms with unfavorable conditions

Adverse conditions should be attributed to low temperatures and increased humidity. If the room is cold, then the tile dries a long time. This process can last infinitely. In this case, the quality of the connection will deteriorate significantly.

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At temperatures below 5 degrees, the liquid that is located in the adhesive mixture begins to freeze. So glue simply hardens, but does not dry. With such a deviation from the norm, even quick-drying mixtures will not help.

How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry

In the cold season, with insufficient to dry out the temperature, it is advisable to apply a heat gun

What to do at low temperatures indoors:

  1. Even after a day and can no longer move around the tile coating. Otherwise, the tile will begin to crack and deteriorate. The liquid that turn into ice will begin to expand and deform the tile.
  2. Before laying glue, he is heated to the desired temperature. It is also necessary to heat the floor, and not the air in the room. For this purpose provided heat guns.
  3. After reaching the desired parameters, it is necessary to strictly maintain the optimal temperature.

When providing such conditions, the tile will freeze after a couple of days. But another important problem is increased humidity. If this indicator is increased, then you can try to reduce with the help of warming the room.

If the floor tile is fully covered with water, you will have to dismantle the tile and lay a new one.

But before the new tile will be installed, it is necessary to provide the possibility of drying the surface. It should be borne in mind that glue quickly absorbs fluid. Even after drying, it can deform the tile.

Check Methods: How much does the floor tile dry after laying

There is no method that determined that the floor surface dried. One can only try to disconnect one tile. If the tile moves, then the desired drying time has not passed. In this case, it is not worth walking, otherwise it is possible and not to enable the possibilities of the cafée will take.

But you can define a tile that did not stick to the floor at all or how it moved. To do this, you need to knock down a little. A deaf sound speaks of voids.

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How much does the tile dry on the floor after laying: walk along the floor cafic, the floor, how much should dry

Try to give a dry time more time than indicated in the table on the package of the mixture

What to do with separated tiles:

  1. With maximum accuracy separating it from the base;
  2. Clean the remnants of the adhesive substance;
  3. When rushing a new glue to attach a tile.

At the same time, it is necessary to accurately follow the instructions and cannot be walking on the tile ahead of time. Even with an accurate confidence that the floor is best waiting for another half a day. After that, you can start further work with floorpads, fug in the seams.

Specialist's response: how much dries tile on the floor after laying (video)

It does not want anyone that one detail spoiled the result of a long and labor-intensive process. It is necessary to remember that walking on the low floor is prohibited. At the same time, it is important to comply with all the parameters of the microclimate and the instructions of the instruction so that the process of drying the tile has passed quickly and sobfully.

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