How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten


How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten

If periodically wash the cladding and joints with special solutions, then the general cleansing will be avoided by the operation of the tile coating. Often, the grinding seams lose color and destroy. How and the better to clean the seams between the tile on the floor? As a yellow covered seam, turn into a white and clean strip, we will try to figure out.

How to clean the seams between tiles

The tile coating is perfectly cleaned, but the connecting seams can be cleaned and washed worse and over time, dirt and fat are accumulated and are "house" for mold and fungus. The tile is put in the kitchen area, where in the process of cooking, fat and other contaminants are adhered mainly in the area of ​​the connecting seams between the tiles. In the bathrooms, the tile is also used as an outdoor coating, where in the process of constant humidity, ingress of various detergents and water, the tile compounds are detected by the tax, in which bacteria and mold develop under favorable conditions.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten

Need to take a scraper and gradually, centimeter per centimeter, clean up the top layer of grouts together with mud

Various methods are used for cleaning seams, these are chemical, mechanical methods, folk methods, oxygen bleachers and steam cleaners.

During the operation of the seams between the tile, they are drained from the sink of floors, accumulate various foreign particles. All this contributes to the development of fungus and various bacteria. Since tile coatings are mainly found in the kitchen area and in the bathrooms, it is necessary to pay due attention to cleaning in these rooms.

One of the methods for cleaning the seams between the tile is cleaning the ferry. To do this, use a special device called a steam cleaner, which operates at a temperature mode at least 170 ° C. Steam cleansors work without the use of chemicals, which is a positive point, cleansing from various contaminants and fungus is carried out in a thermal method. Also when working with a steam cleaner there is no need to wear gloves to protect the skin of the hands, but it is necessary to take care of the respiratory system and, if possible, open windows and doors to access clean air. After applying a steam cleaner, the processed areas must be washed with clean water room temperature.

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Instruction: How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor

When cleaning the seams between the tiles, you should not use abrasive, as it can scratch the tile of the tile, disrupt its top layer, scratch the coating. Scratches that remained after applying the abrasive and rail sponge are filled with mud, fat, bacteria can develop, which adversely affect human health.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten

Cleaning of intercutric seams can be carried out in different ways and different cleaning materials.

To clean the seams between the tile will need:

  • Pure water;
  • Water capacity;
  • Sponge and rag;
  • Toothbrush with soft bristles;
  • Spatula and knife.

To purify the tile connecting seams, you can use such substances: dishwashing detergents (Biolan, Myth, Pemolux, Sorti, Pril, Chirton, Aos, Fairy, and others); means for cleansing materials from glass ceramics (gel or cream cleaning Lotta, Sanoks, CIF and other); Tools for ceramic tiles ("HG" for floor tiles, Flat and others). Since the tile is uncomfortable on the floor, it will make it easier to relieve the process. The rag must be collapsed in the form of a pillow and put in the package, this is done so that it does not go so, then the package with the rap is put under the knees for a more convenient position in the floor cleaning process. To protect the skin of the hands, use rubber gloves.

With intensive contamination between the joints, you can promote a knife or spatula, but this method damages the seams, and, therefore, after these operations, you must use a new grout.

If the seams between the tile lost the brightness and former whiteness, then you can use a saohox and toothbrush, it will help to rain quickly and whiten the floor tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom. To do this, it is necessary to apply gel in the joint area and seam, wait 10 minutes and the toothbrush to clean the seams, then wash off with clean water. If yellow raids appeared in the tile places, the fungus, then it is necessary to remove old seams using a shabra, wash, dry and apply a new grout.

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Cleaning tile seams

If you need to clean the seams of the tile after repair and finishing, then the solvent or kerosene will be needed. To clear the remnants of the primer of paint and grouts, it is necessary to end the kerosene to the rag, or the solvent is pre-put rubber gloves in hand. Carefully progressively spinning the facing surface from contamination, then wash with any detergent, clean water and dried. When bleaching seams between tiles, you can use different gels and cleaning products, but do not resort to detergents, which contains various inclusions and abrasives, it can damage the aesthetics of tiles.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten

If there were no industrial funds during capital cleaning, then you can clean the tile by doing well in that there are practically always at home

Experts on the purification of tile seams use a solution based on peroxide and soda. Prepare it in the form of consistency sour cream. The prepared mixture is applied only on the seams, leave for three or four hours to go to the reaction and the dirt residue rolled. Toothbrush cleaned the joints of the seams, then wash off with clean water, wipe the rag and dry.

Tips: How to wash the seams between tiles on the floor

The seams between the tiles lose their color under the influence of various aggressors, such as water, high temperatures, sunlight, fat, detergents and cleaning products, humidity and water ingress. The darkening of the seams between the tile is quite often indicative of the appearance of the mold and fungus.

How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor: swing wash, interlocking with dirt, outdoor whiten

Wash the seams between the tile is quite easy and simply from any kind of contamination using any detergents.

To eliminate fungus and mold in interputer connections, use special means:

  • Tools for bathrooms and toilets (to remove mold in Babi BAGI "Anti-Mold", Unicum and others);
  • Special cleaning products ("HG" to remove fungus and mold, Capatox Capatox, Eco Mist to remove mold and mold & mildew fungus and others).

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However, it is possible to avoid the acquisition of expensive tools to remove fungus and mold on the tile. The problem is solved with the help of simple food soda, bleach or vinegar. Cleaning the tile by these means is carried out in rubber gloves, as well as at first applix, it is necessary to wait 10-20 minutes, after which it is intense with a sponge or toothbrush to clean the place in the fungus area. Intense fungus is perfectly disinfected with chlorine. Next you need to rinse with clean water and dry. The yellowed seams are eliminated by a special marker, which includes a fungicide, which prevents the formation of mold. Feltuster has undished waterproof inks with lacquer effect. After consistently performed operations of the seams between the tile, the owl will be white and clean.

Options: How to clean the seams between tiles on the floor (video)

The aesthetics of the tile coating depends on its frequency. Tile coatings on the floor are easily mounted, but the seams often remain dirty, it can cause many diseases among family members. The reasons for pollution of the seams between the tiles are dust, dirt, particles of various foods, the falling of various liquids, the remnants of detergents, as well as the remnants of the materials after laying the tiles. Therefore, you need to choose a tool that can be cleaned and washing the seams without harm to health.

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