Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

When creating the interior of the bathroom, its main part takes directly the bath itself, as well as sink. That is why it is very important to choose correctly and combine these two components, because they carry the basic semantic load in the interior. White cast iron bath, habitual, today is a smile and light nostalgia. The replacement of the same seasons comes to shift - a colored bathtub. She will not only add a "highlight" to the interior, but will help to ask the mood and the overall tonality of the entire design idea.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

If you are myself designer and do not trust someone else's opinion, but have not yet managed to make a final decision, then this article will help you make a final choice. It should not mindlessly choose the first color bath. Do not forget that each color causes certain subconscious associations. Different colors in their own way affect our mood, well-being and physiological processes inside the body. In science, there is such a concept as color therapy or color trees. And since the bath is chosen for many years, it makes sense to thoroughly engage in the selection of its color, and the material from which your bath will be made.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Yellow bath will be the subject of universal adoration, and, by sure, will like every member of your family. This radiant warm color will always remind you of summer and funny days. The yellow bath will set the overall positive attitude to the entire room room, and the cloudy cold in the morning will help wake up. Featuring the appropriate accessories, you will notice how the bathroom "will play with new colors. With yellow bathroom perfectly combined purple. The purple sink will decorate the interior, and the towels of the same color will support the overall concept.

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Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


If your choice has come to a purple bath, then you are a fan of all mystical and incomprehensible. In such a bath, it is easy to dream, fantasize and relax. Special properties of purple color - to enchant and configure a person looking at him, for a dreamy way.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


The lack of vital energy is well compensated in red. A red bath will never remain unnoticed, but will become the center of attraction in the room. The red color stimulates the physiological processes of the body, as if excites it. The red bath will be well combined with green accessories. These two colors mutually compensate each other. The classic of the genre is a combination of red with white and black, tasks a laconic modern mood to the whole interior. At the same time, the black can be the bath. We considered a red bath in another article.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

The black

This monochrome color is perfect for a bachelor's bathroom. Black bath causes sensations of wealth, luxury and elegance. But do not forget that the choice of this color will tell your loved ones and friends that you are a person who hides your inner world.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Gray bath will suit conservative people who are accustomed to a clear schedule and self-organization. This neutral color should not be used if small children are in your house. There are many other interesting colors that help develop children's imagination. For example, yellow, purple or orange.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Some people vitally need to draw energy from outside. It is for such people that producers created an orange bath. Beating it in the interior of the bathroom, you will feel the charge of cheerfulness and good mood, in what time of day you are not there. More orange helps to fight neurosis and phobias. This bright juicy color will like children.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Those who are pleasant green color can be safely dwell on this choice. It is believed that the green color in some way has antiseptic properties, helps to cope with cold and ORVI. Such color characteristics are well suited for the bathroom. The main thing is not to confuse the green shade with marsh color, otherwise your bathroom is immersed in Green Toch. The most optimal choice is the color of "green apple" or "young greenery".

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Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Brown bath will suit those people who like a sense of security and calm. People prone to alarm and excessive wiping can also boldly stop on this color. Taking hygienic procedures in a brown bathroom, you can gain harmony with you and the outside world, as well as immerse yourself in a complete relax.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Another color that has similar characteristics is blue. Blue bath is capable of setting a calm and even tone to family relationships, because blue is considered to be a color of loyalty.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Deciding with the selection of color, proceed to the study of suitable materials from which modern baths are manufactured.


Manufacturers today offer your choice of cast iron, acrylic and steel baths. All of them have both similar characteristics and a number of distinctive features.


Acrylic - plastic material. Recently, its popularity is gaining momentum due to this quality. All varieties of geometric shapes of acrylic baths are difficult to convey: from simple round, square and rectangular, to angular and multifaceted indefinite forms and sizes. Each of the baths is supplemented with pleasant "bonuses": armrests, head restraints, niches of different sizes and other necessary trifles.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!


Steel bath can also be color. This is achieved by adding the dye into the covering enamel. If the acrylic bath seems to you not quite reliable and durable, then choose the steel. It fits well even into the most small space of the bathroom.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Cast iron

The cast-iron bath is still at the peak of popularity. It is in demand due to such qualities as wear resistance and durability. Today it is possible to acquire a cast-iron bath with a special artistic painting, which will be the only one in your own way. Such baths are performed by individual order.

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

WHAT WALK A NEVER SELECT, do not forget that you always have the opportunity to turn the bathroom in the favorite place of all households!

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Color bath - bright accent and excellent mood!

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