How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself


How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself

Put the tile on the wooden floor is quite real, if a wooden floor can be competent to this process can be completely or partially made of lumber. Many wish to glue the tile on the wooden floor. From the state of the tree depends on the feature of preparation for mounting the tile.

How to glue the tile on the wooden floor

When mounting the tile, you need to consider the rules. Provide oxygen access to wood and evenly distribute the load over the entire surface. Provide complete imperative grounds. Many experts believe that the combination of wood and tile, since wood when the moisture penetration and temperature drop has an expanding and dying. Often this leads to deformation of the tile and the occurrence of cracks. Also, wood is subject to destruction under the influence of various kinds of factors, which is why it often has to dismantle the tile. The tile along with the adhesive composition limits oxygen access to wood, which significantly reduces the life of the wooden flooring. For laying on a wooden base, you only need to use the easiest tile, as under the high weight of the tile, the floor may fall.

Important! It is not recommended to mount a tile on a tree, from the moment of masonry less than 2 years, because when shrinking, the tile just cracks.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself

Before you start repairing work, you must first choose the tile for wood floor finish

Many wish to glue outdoor tiles on the wooden floor, but do not know how to do it right. According to the technology, it is not recommended to carry out the tile on a wooden surface, as it is believed that the finished design will be not strong enough, with the result that the cement screed will quickly collapse, and the tile cracks and will come into malfunction. Tile as an outdoor facing coating is applied for a long time. This natural finishing material is already quite a long demand.

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  • Strength;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Refractory;
  • Moisture resistance.

However, there are many different materials and technologies that allow you to mount a tree very easily with your own hands, and the tile will last for a long time, and the tree will not deteriorate.

Why and how to put tiles on the wooden floor

Initially, you need to calculate the required amount of tiles. It is necessary to choose only the floor tile, as it is more durable, and special processing is carried out, to give a product of the desired anti-slip effect. Then decompose the entire tile on the floor surface to estimate its appearance and integrity, as well as to decide where it is necessary to make holes for pipes. Putting the tile on the wooden floor only after checking the surface level, using a special level. If the surface is perfectly smooth, then you can immediately begin mounting the tile.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself

In order to properly lay the tile, it is necessary to correctly prepare the tile and place the base of the floor


  • Preparing a tile;
  • Floor base markup;
  • Preparation of glue;
  • Styling;
  • Shavi processing.

Initially, you need to prepare the surface, and for this, it is carried out to align it so that it turns out perfectly smooth. To protect wood from rotting and mold, you need to treat lags with special protective impregnations. On lags to fasten plywood or boards sheets in such a way that 5 mm gaps remain to provide ventilation.

On the prepared grounds need to lay polyethylene, bitumen or parchment paper.

Then you should make a screed or pour a special self-leveling solution and lay the tile. Lower the tile for 10-20 minutes into the water so that the excess air is released. Then you need to mark the floor marking, to determine the distance between the tiles. Mounting tile on the tree is desirable to carry out with the use of glue. The mixture must be mixed with water, and to increase the clutch, you need to add special plasticizers to the mixture. To obtain a homogeneous composition, you need to mix the mixture using a special building mixer.

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The adhesive composition must be applied to the gear to the floor, and then laying the tile, slightly tapping on it with a rubber hammer for better fit to the surface. In order for the distance between the mounted tiles is the same, plastic separators must be applied.

How to put a tile on a parquet surface

The tile on the parquet surface is mounted quite often, as it allows you to make an outdoor coating more durable and enduring to damaging factors. The floor tile under the parquet surface is laid with a displacement or diagonally.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself

Observing step-by-step instructions, you can easily lay the tile laying onto a parquet with your own hands.

To put the tile on the parquet floor, you need to comply with such a sequence as:

  • Floor marking;
  • Laying tile;
  • Shavi processing.

Before mounting the tile, the floor must be carefully aligned and brew. To improve the adhesion of the tile with the floor, you need to apply glue, and immediately remove it with a spatula. Then you can proceed to the installation of tiles.

To do this, adhesive with a toothed spatula is applied to the mounted surface, and then the tile should be glued to the base.

When the entire tile is laid, make the stamps of the seams and rinse the surface of the tile, removing the contamination. Give a tile to dry completely. After laying the tile, you need to close the seams, to impart the surface of a more aesthetic look.

Mounting feature of a tile on a wooden floor

Ceramic tile, laid on a wooden floor, is considered an ideal solution for wet rooms. However, it is necessary to take into account the main nuances of work on its installation and know how to properly glue the tile, as well as which glue compositions use.

How to put a tile on the wooden floor: how to glue and what to put out the floor, the tile on the parquet do it yourself

You can familiarize yourself with the features of the mounting of the tile on the wooden floor using a detailed master class.

When choosing glue used for styling tiles, it is important that it fully responded to such criteria as:

  • Resistance to chemicals and significant temperature differences;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Frost resistance.

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All these requirements are fully consistent with complex adhesive compositions made with the addition of epoxy resin or polyurethane impurities. It is very important that the glue differ in good elasticity, as this will allow it to withstand the temperature differences. If the tile has a lot of weight, then the adhesion should have high adhesion performance.

Ways: how to put a tile on the wooden floor (video)

To the issue of mounting tile on the tree, it is necessary to take very responsibly. Since it is quite difficult to combine two completely different material. But, everything is possible if you follow our advice.

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