Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen


Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

When laying the tile, it is necessary to correctly calculate its alignment from the moment the tile appears, its popularity is growing every day and, on online statistics, it is even more in demand than parquet. The installation of a tile is carried out in a wide variety of rooms, but mainly in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Material feature in practicality, large assortment and long service life.

Possible options for laying tiles on the floor

There is an incredible amount of ceramic canvases, which differ in shape, size, design, decor, method of installation, purpose, operational properties. The aesthetics and practicality of the tile cannot be compared with any other finishing material.

When installing, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Which composition will be styled;
  • How much material is required;
  • What way the web layout will be implemented.

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

You can get acquainted with the various options for laying tiles on the floor on the Internet

Options for laying tiles on the floor must be worked out at the design stage, as this will help more competently think over the number of purchased canvas, as well as create a competent and harmonious interior. The choice of floor and wall tiles is carried out according to certain criteria. It is necessary to take into account the area and the shape of the room, it can affect the choice of layouts. In other words, on the effect that requires, for example, an expansion of space or an increase in the height of the walls. Also these parameters affect the choice of color ceramic tiles.

Depending on which furniture will be present in the room and what kind, methods of laying ceramic canvases are also selected.

The lighting of the room plays a rather big role, since if it is too dull, it is desirable to use the tile of light tones, avoiding the darkened zones. Selection of flooring masonry depends on the quality of the base or black floor. If the coating is uneven, then it will be necessary to pre-fill the screed, it will raise the base of the room, which means that the laying of the tile is required, visually lifting the walls.

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Proper laying of the tile requires paying attention not only to the types of web and installation methods, but also for pre-work in the form of purification, leveling and priming the surface of the walls and floor. For the tile, the coating should be perfectly even, which will eliminate the formation of such defects in the future, like a crack on the plates and peeling them from the coating.

Proper laying of tiles "Christmas tree"

Today, it looks very stylishly a diagram of laying tiles with a Christmas tree or aims. It looks interesting and quite unusual. The rules for laying tiles on the wall and on the floor may differ only on the technology of direct installation and the choice of composition.

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

If you decide to lay a tile with a Christmas tree, first should be pre-composed of laying plan

In general, the laying should be:

  • Correct;
  • High-quality;
  • Conducted by the pre-drawn plan.

It is quite possible to make the decor with the inserts, on which the original drawings. The finishes of the Christmas tree is considered optimal for any room, especially if it has an incorrect configuration.

To create a more creative view, it is worth using a tile under a tree or stone, it will create a more incredible effect.

To get the desired masonry of the Christmas tree, you need to use the tiled of non-standard rectangular and, most importantly, narrow species, laying the canvas in the form of a Christmas tree, that is, diagonally, then to the left, then on the right side from one point of the base.

Existing Tile layout options

The layout plan may be the most different, but the standard laying of rectangular tiles gradually goes into the background, and attention is paid to more creative types of finishes.

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Beautiful tile layout will help make the interior interesting and unusual


  • Chess;
  • With smooth lines;
  • With cross lines;
  • With a certain ornament;
  • In the form of a kaleidoscope;
  • With displacement;
  • In the form of a Christmas tree.

To finish a bath, a tile of a completely any kind can be used, for example, French, deck, zebrano, Martinique. Similar to sizes, the choice depends on personal preferences and configurations of the room, but specialists in design art categorically do not recommend using the borders with their own hands when creating interiors. To be more accurate, it is no longer fashionable, it is not original and completely uncessly create lines separating, even though the wall, at least the floor on 2 parts. This not only does not justify the expectations, but can also cause the height of the walls and the common space.

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Methods of laying tiles by combining colors

As already noted, the tile may be of various sizes, for example, 20x20, 20x60, 20x30 cm and the like. Each canvas is additionally divided into matte and glossy, as well as on the floor and wall. Each type of coating has its advantages and disadvantages.

For example, gloss:

  • Too brain;
  • Slippery;
  • Requires constant rubbing to shine;
  • Will display any droplet on it;
  • It is undesirable to lay on the floor, because when water gets into it, it becomes too slippery, and it can cause injury.

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Excellent in the interior will look at the tile that is combined by colors

The matte coating is considered more practical, as it is not slippery, it is almost not visible small scratches and can be cleaned with various means.

As for the color scheme, there is also a lot of nuances.

Based on the practicality, it is worth choosing a dark tone tile, but you don't need to forget that if the entire room is black, it will become a hole in the space of the apartment, and not the original and cozy room.

It is optimally combining dark and light tiles using a creative method for laying a tile. For energetic, bright and self-confident people, the tile of bright and juicy tones, such as orange, yellow, salad, red, are perfect. Combining them among themselves, one can achieve an excellent result in the form of a design capable of presenting only positive emotions, as well as create comfort and comfort. It is worth avoiding heavy and monotonous ornaments, since the bathroom with a toilet is rooms in which you need to relax and reset the stress accumulated per day.

The tile of a mirror species is quite rarely found, which, in fact, has a mirror surface. It is exactly such a canvases that the upper part of the room is one row, which will make it perfectly, will fit into the interior and will become an excellent way out if a visual expansion of space is required.

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Original laying of tiles with displacement

The laying method is considered to be in demand and often occurs not only in apartments, but also in public areas. Basically, for such a finish, the most common rectangular tile is used, although it is permissible to lay a rectangular cloth.

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Options for stacking tiles with displacement perfectly suitable for floor finish both in the bathroom and in the kitchen

The method of laying tiles with a displacement can remind the view of the brickwork, but even in this case it looks great and can come for:

  • Baths;
  • Toilet;
  • Kitchen.

With the help of such a cladding, you can make an atmosphere with a historical slope, as well as this is the best option to hide small defects on the floor and walls. The finish in the form of displacement has its own characteristics, since it is with its help a kind of comfort and comfort is created. Mounting method is very simple, since each subsequent row shifts on the tile floor to any side.

If you wish, you can use the canvas of various colors to make an interesting and bright ornament.

In order for the installation of tiles with a displacement, as it is required, it is necessary to pay attention to the preparation of the project. It is in it that it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the room and thoroughly pour each tile on the wall or floor. This will help calculate the exact amount of material, as well as not to purchase it more or less than required.

When laying tiles, the same rules are followed as when installing the most common direct coverage, namely, the special composition is required, the use of crosses stacked between the seams, be sure to check the mechanism of laying by the construction level.

Tile layout options (video)

A number of simple rules and recommendations and the ability to make your own hands the original decor of the room will appear in each. It is important not to contradict the technologies and fully comply with the instructions, as well as to comply with a pre-planned plan of work.

Example and methods of laying tiles on the floor (photo of ideas)

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

Tile layout: options for laying on the floor, photo methods, Christmas tree with displacement, types and schemes, inserts in the kitchen

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