Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put


Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Before laying tiles on the floor in a wooden house, you should consult with the designer. The appearance of a desire to install on the wooden floor, the ceramic tile is not so rarely found, but it is almost impossible due to the incompatibility of the base and ceramic building material. Wood has properties, expand and narrow, while changing the dimensions, and such changes that occur from humidity and change temperatures are not suitable for ceramics. Excessive sensitivity of the wooden floor leads to an unsuitability of ceramic tiles. In case of ignorance of secrets for the proper facing of the floor with ceramic tiles, flaws will appear.

Wooden tile on the wall: Why the alignment is rare

Tile floor tiles in the case of wooden floor facing is considered less suitable material. This is associated with a number of factors.

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Wooden tile on the wall looks good in the interior made in the Art Nouveau style

Experts allocate the 5 most important of them:

  • Put the cold ceramic tile on the warm wooden floor is not logical;
  • Ceramic tile, which pushes moisture and planted on the tile glue, will not allow a wooden basis to breathe and the floor will begin to shock;
  • The operation of the tile is much longer than the tree, respectively, the basis will be faster in unsuitability;
  • Even the strongest ceramic tile with ease will crack when the foundry extension of the wooden floor;
  • The floor of wooden boards is clearly not suitable for cladding ceramics.

The tree will significantly lose the cafél in many criteria and aesthetic parameters, but this is not an argument. Tiled floor is used not only for a beautiful species, but also because of hygienic and sanitary advantages. The tile for facing the wooden floor is used in those rooms where there is a frequent need for wet cleaning, for example: bath, shower room, kitchen. If there is a tile and the desire for the facing of the wooden floor, then you need to know in which way and according to which technology will be better to perform installation work. It is strictly prohibited by all technologies and methods to carry out cladding ceramic tiles of a new wooden floor. When installing a new wooden floor, it is necessary to wait for a complete shrinkage of wood, and it will take about 2-3 years.

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How to glue a tile on a tree

Wooden base, that is, the wooden floor is created from a variety of layers in whole or in part from the sawn timber. The listing of all options will take too much time, so consider the most popular options.

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

You can glue a tile on a tree with a glue that is sold on the Internet or any construction store.

To carry out work on the installation of a wooden floor, such rough options are often used:

  • Lags that remained after dismantling the old flooring and damaged substrates;
  • With lags, on which chipboard sheets, OSP or moisture-resistant plywood are fixed;
  • Wooden floor in excellent condition, but not new, but just not only served as an outdoor coating.

From the state of the floor, which remained, the volume of construction works and the time spent on its installation depends. In this case, the tile is suitable for the facing of a completely any foundation and the installation should be carried out strictly according to the technology. The differences are that the different surface should be prepared in its own way for this type of work. For any reason, it will be necessary to smooth and durable surface, which is suitable for cladding ceramics.

Tile in a wooden house with dry alignment

One of the frequently encountered methods and the suitable technology alignment of the wooden floor is dry. The shape of the draft layer is immediately carried out, and the moisture-resistant phanener is used or the same sheet materials that are similar by the structure on the phaneer and have fitness for cladding.

To carry out work on alignment, there are many options such as:

  • Special sets that can be adjusted to the floor with screw plastic supports, the installation of lag and plywood with this set will take several hours;
  • Independent installation of lags or point supports on top of a wooden floor and the subsequent mounting of the sheet material;
  • The coating that copies the layer of plywood on the layer, where leaf construction materials are already attached;
  • Installation of a quarter plywood chopped by a quarter with self-tapping screws to an already aligned basis.

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It is clear that to complete the work with the aligned surface, a leaf construction material is needed, such as: plywood, chipboard or similar to criteria for which the wooden base will be carried out, and the tile is installed. But it is impossible to name such leafy materials that are impossible.

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

When laying a tile should be applied

For mounting the tile on the surface of the leveling sheets, it is necessary to buy not ordinary glue for the tile, but a glue that has a polyurethane two-component composition, which is characterized by elasticity compared to conventional glue. Also before installing the tile, you need an alignment surface created from plywood sheets to polish especially the joints of the joints. After polishing the joints to smell the sealant and the glue to which we will lay the tile. After that, everything needs to be treated with primer.

The advantages of dry level alignment are:

  • Increased insulation quality;
  • The formation of the minimum load on the wooden foundation, which is compared with the concrete floor;
  • Fast wooden floor alignment;

There are also cons. Alignment with a dry way reduces the height of the room. Also, the part that is lined, will be higher than that that is not lined and for the decor will have to make a step or threshold.

Tile floor in a wooden house: We use the express method

If we use an express method, then we will need to attach moisture-resistant drywall to a wooden base with a polyurethane two-component glue, which is elastic in its structure and with a wooden label will not break the fastening of the material. But before mounting the drywall, you need to view the wooden floor and fix all the defects found. In order for the floor to give stiffness to lay two layers of drywall, but in such a way that the joints of the lower row did not coincide with the top.

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Under the tile floor in a wooden house, you can install the heating system

Plasterboard which will be the basis for masonry tile must be fixed according to the same methods as the floating floor, the technological gaps should also be left.

Places of joints of the plates to pour the sealant, after which the whole area is treated with universal primer. Upon completion of the floor cladding tile, previously left the gaps are pouring the sealant for the purpose of insulation and close on top of the plinth. It is necessary for that when performing a wet cleaning, water did not fall into these gaps and did not destroy building materials. All workers and technical points that are present when plates are locked, as well as if you want to find out how to put or stick a tile, you can learn from the photo instructions.

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Tile on the wooden floor in the house (video)

Those methods for the installation of ceramic plates that were shown in our article are only tips that need to be refineed taking into account the technical characteristics of your room. The most important thing about this type of work is to take into account that the material you will use when working should not destroy the wooden foundation or interfere with it to "breathe". Even a novice wizard will say that it will not lead to a good result.

Examples of tiles in a wooden house (photo)

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

Tile on the floor in a wooden house: how to glue a tree on the wall, tile glue, technology and how to put

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