How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic


How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic

You can put a tile on the OSB plate with your own hands, if you carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this process, the need to install tiled slabs on the OSB is mainly occurring if the house was built on frame technology. It is such a construction at the moment is particularly popular due to the fact that this method is environmentally friendly and refers to the budget. Most often it concerns the country-type houses. OSB plates are presented with extruded sawdust and chips, which are fastened by resins of different types. If we talk about OSB plates, then they are able to become an excellent replacement for finishing plastic, plasterboard, chipboard or fiberboard.

Tile on OSB: Styling features

Speaking about laying ceramic plates on OSB base, you need to immediately note that it has a number of features. OSB plate, which includes chips, are represented by ordinary wood, which has increased flexibility, as well as water absorption. Without these qualities, it is impossible to get high-quality gluing. When laying a tile on the floor, you need to use the base plate with a thickness of 15 mm, and the laying must be made on the lags located at the minimum step from each other. Only after such an organization can be laid outdoor tiles.

How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic

Before installing the tile, you must first prepare OSB slab

Since the surface of such plates consists of wood specimens, they are smooth and they will be badly engaged with adhesive composition.

In order for adhesion to be enlarged using 3 options:

  1. The best way is to make the surface facing the moisture-resistant plasterboard or cement-chipboard. This can increasing your financial costs and the thickness of the alleged coating, but the result will be able to please you throughout the service life, without dug.
  2. Sometimes OSB surface is covered with a grid for reinforcement. In this case, when laying a tile, use conventional adhesive compositions.
  3. And the last option is to use special adhesive mixtures that are designed for fastening the plates on a wooden base.

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Using one of these options, you can not only increase the adhesion, but also putting the primer layer, reduce the absorption of water with a stove. Also, all these actions will significantly reduce the risk of detachals after the glue dries.

Is it possible to lay a tile on the plywood

Basically, the need to cover the chip walls with a cafeter arises in frame houses. This method of finishing recently is actively in demand in the construction of cottages. Due to its composition, which includes extruded chips, mixtures of resin, synthetic wax and boric acid, the final product has a number of positive qualities.

How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic

Many experts note that it is quite possible to lay the tile on the Fan


  • High strength;
  • Flexibility;
  • Ease of processing and installation;
  • Multifunctional;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Relatively low weight;
  • A pleasant price in relation to plywood;
  • Aesthetic properties.

But if this material is so ideal, is it possible to put a ceramic slab on it without preliminary treatments? Not! Despite the fact that the OSB plate is resistant to moisture, under the prolonged water exposure, the extruded chips begin to absorb it and deform. This is one of the main reasons why the OSB plate cannot be used without prior preparation.

We prepare the surface before laying tiles on the Fan

In order to increase the grip between the plates and glue, the base must be carefully prepared. Although the chips forming the surface of the plate may not be a smooth surface, it will always be glossy. In order to eliminate the glossy surface, you need to carefully walk on it emery paper, and after carrying out the work, we spend the stove.

How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic

In order to put the tile smoothly and efficiently, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface of plywood from dust, dirt and old coating.

A primer is applied to the prepared surface. It is advisable to make several layers from the gaps of 1 hour to dry. After the second layer is applied, it will be possible to continue work only after 12 hours. In order to carry out a primer, you can use any polymer primer material.

Please note that some consultants advise the use of "concrete contact" primer, which allegedly has the best qualities. But these councils do not take into account the fact that the material is designed to work with concrete and with other surfaces that are pores and capillaries. To work with OSB, such a primer will not fit, as it does not absorb and only forms a film.

For the construction of construction work, the plate will be enough to apply PVA glue into several layers to the surface of the OSB. All this is performed by roller, this method reduces material consumption and get high-quality coating.

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In order to lay the tile porcelain stoneware mastic. If you need a mosaic that you need to stick onto the wall, then it is better to use liquid nails or two-component OSP. Since the first, and the second material is elastic, it will help to glue light plates without any problems.

In order to get acquainted in more detail with questions like glue a tiled plate or material from porcelain stoneware on a tree, MDF or when using other wooden bases, we recommend viewing a learning video.

We answer the question: can we put the tile on the chipboard

Given the above information above, it can be said that putting the tile on the plywood floor from the chipboard is real. However, it is very important before starting work to understand and with the coating that you will enjoy. If the specifications can be chosen according to the data, which were given above, then on the geometry of the panels it is worth stopping their attention.

The main thing is to draw your attention to the diagonal. It must necessarily coincide without any deviations.

How to put a tile on the OSB plate: Is it possible to put on the paneur, laying and how to put the floor than to glue ceramic

If you decide to lay a tile laying on the chipboard, in this case, special attention should be paid to the quality and practicality of the facing material

Before starting work, be sure to compare all panels from different boxes. To do this, apply them to the front side to each other and put the end on the smooth surface. Thus, you check whether the corners coincide. If the corners of the panels do not coincide, it means that there is no indicator here in the 90th, in which case the diagonal will be shot down, and the seams are uneven.

In order to check the plane, the plates are also applied to each other with the same side, and inspected for the presence of gaps. If they are, the tile seams will be uneven.

How to put a tile on osb plate (video)

What can be said about working with a cafeter and OSB stove? As you can notice, attach the tile to such a complex surface for each. Despite the fact that methods for work are more than enough, the most effective and less cost is made the method with priming the surface of the plates. The most important thing is to follow all the rules and accuracy when working with these materials, and the most important thing is to be patient.

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