Making stucco on the wall with their own hands


From a long time, the stucco in the interior on the walls is the most popular decorative element. If earlier the volumetric figures on the walls were made of soft stone, then at present, more and more preference began to give cheap materials - plaster and polyurethane. Modern volumetric elements are manufactured in factory conditions. However, there will be a very original and exclusive designer solution on the wall on the wall.

Making stucco on the wall with their own hands

Made with their own hands stucco on the wall - it is a very original and exclusive design solution in the interior.

A huge selection of molding figures and ornaments on the construction market will satisfy the taste of any. Here are the figures of various artistic directions: classical, baroque and modern. The stucco can be performed with your own hands. This will give the interior uniqueness. The manufacture of stucco figures can independently be a fascinating activity where you can show your fantasy and ingenuity. As a result, it will be an element of the decor, not similar to any other.

Exclusive stucco in the interior, made with their own hands, can be in the form of columns, protrusions, decorative vases and ornaments, various reliefs, as well as entire paintings.

Gypsum stucco elements are very popular for decorating walls. Gypsum has high strength characteristics, high resistance to mechanical effects. This is natural and environmentally friendly material. Molding elements from plaster are resistant to the action of fungus and mold. However, this material has a flaw - his weight, which creates some inconvenience when installing the decor on the wall.

Select the appearance of the element and creating a sketch

Making stucco on the wall with their own hands

Sketch of the stucco two walls.

Before proceeding with work, you should thoroughly think out the form, dimensions and style of the future stucco figure. After that, you need to draw a sketch. It must be remembered that the selected decorative element must harmoniously fit into the interior.

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If there are artistic abilities, sketch of stucco can be drawn, if there are no such talents, it can be printed from the computer. The drawing must correspond to the size of the decorative element.

After selecting the sketch, you need to create a plasticine model. Its sizes should be slightly larger than the real decorative element.

For the manufacture of stucco and form, the following materials and tools will be needed under it:

  • plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • shovel;
  • brush;
  • furniture varnish;
  • Building glue;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer.

The next step will be the manufacture of a form under the fill with a gypsum solution. To do this, an initial layer of gypsum is applied to the plasticine model, diluted to the necessary consistency. The following initial layers are usually applied with a spatula. The resulting form is left to dry for an hour, after which they are removed from the plasticine model.

If the decorative element for the wall has significant sizes, after applying the first layer of gypsum to the model of the first layer, fittings made from copper mesh.

The latter action on creating a form will cover it from the inside with furniture varnish without color. It is simply necessary, as it prevents the sticking of the gypsum during the casting of the stucco.

Making stucco: Recommendations

After the form for the manufacture of the product is ready, you can proceed to its casting.

Gypsum should be dissolved to the consistency of sour cream. First, a small amount of material is poured into the form and distributed with a tassel, filling fine cracks. It is important to prevent the formation of air bubbles in solution. So that this does not occur, in the process of making a shape with a bounted gypsum mixture, it is necessary to periodically shake.

Then the form is filled to the very end, not leaving a single empty place. The resulting surface is leveled with a spatula. It is very important that the rear wall of the stucco was flat, because it depends on it, as the product will attached to the wall. Time to frozen plaster - day.

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Making stucco on the wall with their own hands

Tools for creating a stucco figure.

After the complete frozen of the gypsum, the finished product can be removed from the form. If there are minor shortcomings on stucco, they can be eliminated by sandpaper.

Ready forms for the manufacture of molding gypsum figures can also be purchased. They can be metallic or silicone. Molds from metal will serve for a very long time. The products obtained are not necessary to adjust. Forms on a latex basis - a cheaper option. However, finished products are obtained unfinished and they must be refined.

If there is no experience in the manufacture of gypsum figures, first it is better to practice smaller on smaller products, and then already start creating large-scale decorative ornaments and paintings.

Installation of a stucco figure on the wall

Before mounting the plaster element, the wall selected for decorating must be prepared. It needs to be cleaned from wallpaper, blots and other contaminants. The next step is the markup on the wall of the location of the decorative element.

After marking the location on the stucco and on the prepared section of the wall, you must apply notches. This can be done with such a tool like chisel. Series are needed to improve the adhesion of the adhesive mixture with the product and the surface of the wall.

To mount the stucco on the wall, a solution of plaster with the addition of joinery glue is used. The percentage of glue in the gypsum solution should be 3%. The surface of the wall and product must be moistened with water, and then apply a gypsum solution. The stucco is installed in place. Surplus the solution you need to remove the spatula.

Particularly large elements of decor are attached to the wall with the help of self-tapping screws. The joints of the composite products are labeled with a gypsum composition.


Molding products made of plaster have a purely white surface, which does not always fit into the interior. Most often, the decorative element must be painted. This can be done by the same paints that were used for walls. They can be acrylic or water based.

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Before applying the paint, the surface of the stucco figure must be primed. The paint should be applied with a brush with a long pile. It will not allow you to leave inoperate areas.

If this requires a selected designer solution, the stucco on the wall can be decorated. It can be artificially able to cover with gilding, create scuffs or other effects. You can also create imitation of various textures, such as marble or other natural stone.

Molding figures and ornaments created by their own hands will be a unique and original element of the decor. With the help of gypsum you can create whole pictures on the wall. Here you can show your fantasy and create an exclusive stucco figure or picture. The stucco in the interior of the room will give her a finished and beautiful view.

Molding elements can be created with their own hands. This will require some time and minor material costs. But the result will exceed all expectations. In addition, the stucco, created by his own sketch, will be an exclusive decorative element that no one has.

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