Basic interior design styles


Each style is characterized by a certain philosophy, which reflects its era and culture. Any owner of the house or office has to decide on the choice of one or another style of interior. It is important to know which one will make the design of the room more cozy and comfortable.

Basic interior design styles

When designing an interior indoor, it is important to comply with a single style.

Many modern firms are resolved about choosing a style for the customer of the interior design. But you can turn your own dreams to reality yourself, if you know the features of certain interior styles, in which they are expressed. To create an original style, the orientation will be required in the methods of design of interior design and generally accepted styles.

Antique Style Interior

The modern interior should not be filled with various accessories, heavy furniture or the presence of partitions, if it is made in an antique style. Harmony is one of the important features of this style, it assumes the presence of sufficient space in the room. At the same time, it is impossible to mix it with minimalism or abstractionism. For the creators of ancient Greece, the yield of inner freedom was important, therefore the antiquity style itself should contain the majestic and natural harmony.

Basic interior design styles

Antique style in the interior involves the use of columns.

Do not assemble a large number of luxurious items. Antique style design is the most suitable for outstanding personalities. Houses of the rich Greeks were distinguished by ordinary forms, had furniture in the minimum quantity, and a man was considered the main figure of the interior. His uniqueness should not be obscured by any objects, only then the surrounding situation will emphasize the personality of the host of the house.

Stylistics involves the presence of bas-relief, large cornice or columns in the lobby. More often is the painting having elements of gilding. Fabrics are an interior subject to which a special role belongs. The fabric covers the furniture, drape her on the walls, hang as curtains not only for windows, but also partitions.

The light of sunlight playing in the folds of the fabric will emphasize the unity of the interior if there are vases with flowers in it. It is better to choose pastel tones, you can use a natural stone, and in the walls to make a niche. An antique style is associated with the use of sculptures, busts, stucco, surface finishes with mosaic.

Interior design styles in classic design

Basic interior design styles

Classic style in the interior involves the use of beige colors and shades.

In modern life, everyone is accustomed to speed, cars, lack of vacations, permanent hurry. With age, people begin to understand that one is alone, but to live without much joy only on high-speed modes too tiring. Some people run somewhere, strive, and others think about how to slow down the pace of life. This is reflected in the design of own premises in the classic style, the presence of solid furniture, massive decorative parts. Furniture should be monophonic.

Crossing the threshold of my own house in a classic style, a person falls into the atmosphere of calm and luxury, which slows down the rhythm of life, makes living calmer and rejoice in every hour. Classic style is not strictly verified. Often it is found when making interior kitchens. Modern classic is related to the reliability and multifunctionality of interior design. Must be selected furniture from natural wood, which may be dark or bright. Classic interior styles assume the presence of beautiful trays, tablecloths. You can hang on the windows and Roman blinds.

Classic style is both conservative at the same time. Traditionally, the main styles of the interior of classical design include Ampire, Baroque, Rococo, Regency. The baroque interior involves the presence of faded parts, gold, furniture heads of bizarre form, multi-layer parts. Baroque is called the span of an ancient style. Ceiling and doorways can have curved lines. The main thing is not to lose the interior design lines and do not make an old-fashioned setting.

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Basic interior design styles

The interior in the Empire style assumes the presence of finished parts, gold and multilayer details.

The exquisite Rococo style is elusive and sensual due to the ease of lines and the caller, which is not so bright as when designing the interior in the style of Baroque. The style in the spirit of the French Aristocracy Rococo is erotic, taking into infinity. The root wealth of the rococo style interior is soften with pastel colors, so it is more suitable for a country house, because comfort and luxury in a regular apartment is difficult to merge.

Another direction of classic style is an emergency, which has always decorated the interior of monarchs. This style is able to conquer its solemnity. Prone to lush monumentality, Ampir is able to emphasize the presence of luxury in the house. This style is not to taste lovers of tender sophistication, free space. Here, various decorations and accessories are used in minimal quantities. Ampire style does not work out without a variety of decor, gilding, curls and stucco.

A completely independent style of the interior of the classical direction is the regency. Designers rarely stop their attention on it, drawing up living spaces. Regency is a style containing empire elements, baroque and rococo, so it is between them. This style choose people who are prone to calmness, love order and symmetry in the interiors, complemented by luxurious details. Symmetry is a fundamental moment when choosing this direction. It should not rush immediately into the eyes due to the presence of a large number of parts and elements of luxury.

Modern Interior

Basic interior design styles

Modern interior involves the use of fancy form lamps.

Natural furnishing of the interior of the direction of Modern fills with a strong energy, giving the room new paints through the use of lamps of various bizarre shapes, furniture with fringe legs. All this gives the house a special comfort. Modern is associated with a combination of different directions. You can safely unite a variety of items. It can be stones or metal, wood or cloth, glass or mural. All items should be natural.

It is important that the room is cozy and comfortable, which is distinguished by modern from an ampyr. Wide sofas, armchairs must be installed in the room, the light may be muted, but not bright. You can safely use the latest novelties of household appliances, kitchen equipment. All accessories and lines should be pleasant to the eye. The drawing can have a certain value, colors and shades should be natural and natural, but not pearled gray, purple or silver. You can use bright stained glass windows, but everything else is better to leave in halftones.

Stained glass introduces sufficient mystery and mystricularity, which resembles the sacraments of nature, which are incomprehensible to the human mind. People fear inexplicable, which is reflected in this direction of design. Stained glass selected for doors or cabinets. It all depends on taste and preferences.

How to create a romanticism interior

Basic interior design styles

The interior in the romanticism style is very gentle, and is usually done with a lot of white.

For interior in style, romanticism is characterized by the presence of flowers in the room. Each boost should be smooth, that is, in furniture, layout, accessories. Flying, light fabrics must have drapery. For a table lamp you can associate lampshade. If we use a tree as a finishing material, then the room will be easier, fresh and cozy. The use of natural materials will prengear the warm atmosphere.

For the romantic room, old chests or sofas are suitable. All things can be purchased on the flea market. Very romantic, if there is a fireplace in the room, near which you can spend the evening. To enter into such an interior, objects made of glossy plastic is pretty difficult, but to use bedspreads or pillows with an ornament from flowers will be perfect. Colors placed in vases will give the sophistication of the atmosphere, which will be permeated with tenderness.

The bedroom in the romantic style should have a bedside table, and the living room is magazine. These items can be decorated with a cloth that harmonizes color with a bedspread or curtain. It will give the room comfort. Particular attention is paid to window openings, they should be draped with a dense cloth, which can be multi-layered. The use of lace materials will make the room romantic.

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Simple and functional minimalism

Basic interior design styles

The interior in the style of minimalism is characterized by its conciseness and functionality.

The concise interior design having a simple structure belongs to the style of minimalism, built on the principle of "better less so better." The interior should not be luxury and useless things stored for years in the apartment. Having come to such a house, a person acquires peace of mind and peace. Casual life may be associated with fuss and mistakes, and minimalism becomes a way of life for those people who value space.

Some more expressive details so that the interior acquires the features of minimalism. The room may present multiple light, which is reflected from the ceiling or light walls, creating a fresh atmosphere. Internal partitions are not suitable here. At first, it is necessary to pay attention to the lighting, so the form of windows plays an important role. Their sizes must be maximum. You can arrange windows using curtains or blinds. If a beautiful landscape is visible from the windows of the room, then you can do without curtains.

At first glance, minimalism is categorical, but it is not. Certain elements of the interior make it more relaxed, so it is better not to be afraid and make a retreat from the style framework. It is important to create a comfortable space that will relax and lead the appropriate lifestyle. Natural gamma colors is suitable for minimalism. Often, this style is considered the most suitable for public or office premises.

Gothic Interior Style Features

Basic interior design styles

Furniture in the gothic interior must be made of solid wood wood.

Nowadays, the barbaric direction is no longer implied under the word "Gothic", since this style is not old-fashioned or primitive. In the Gothic space, you can successfully enter wrought-iron furniture. The atmosphere of the room should be permeated with the spirit of the Middle Ages. Gothic is contradictory, it can be bright and dark, so compliance with certain rules is required. Furniture are used from solid wood.

Additional interior items, for example, a countertop on the heads of any animals, lizards or dragons, will give the interior mystery. You can remember the wooden hut grandmothers who had furniture made of wood. Return childhood, using furniture with a tart odor of a tree in the interior with the Gothic space will help the natural trend of nature.

Each detail of the interior should strive for the light, which can be achieved, correctly issuing arched windows. Since the number of windows increases, the room will not be too dark. Stained glass doors will be an additional light source. Thanks to multicolored glare from stained glass, the interior will become bright and mysterious. If the stained glass window does not fit into the door, then it can be placed in the worktop. If the furniture has a dark tint, bright glare can add harmony interior.

Gothic does not recognize laconicity or minimalism. Even furniture should be installed in the center of the room, and not near the walls. The whole style should give the opportunity to feel freedom and fill the room with light. If you use luxury elements, the interior will be more majestic and mysterious.

Interior design in the style of avant-garde

Basic interior design styles

Avangard paints should not be mixed at the same time, they should come into rivalry with each other.

If there is no fear of changes or a desire to experiment appeared, responding to a dynamic life, the most suitable style for interior design may be avant-garde. To create such space, certain rules and laws must be respected. This is a contrast direction, whose characteristics should be expressed in the features of the use of various types of furniture, methods of its arrangement.

The avant-garde eliminates the use of pastel tones, walls and gender are cleaned with a clean color that does not have a shade. Paints are not mixed at the same time, they must come into rivalry with each other even on the border of the transition one to another. By applying this style, you should not make the walls of the walls by wallpaper. For the avant-garde, the use of the latest new products and modern technologies, such as decorative plastering, is characterized.

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To install plasma TVs or modern stereo systems, it is an avant-garde style. They are not even need to mask so that they fit into the interior. For disensione with the surrounding space, there will be a compartment wardrobes that have simple lines. When choosing furniture should not have difficulties. The natural rule that must be respected is a ban on the use of jewelry and decorative delights. Furniture form can be any.

The ideal will be the device of stretch ceilings or drywall. For a relaxed atmosphere, the most appropriate use of a multitude of small lamps is the most suitable, and not one large chandelier in the center of the room. The interior can be constantly updated if you use various details, but not cute trunks or souvenirs. It can destroy the unity of style.

Modern country style

If everything happens at work at a high speed, which causes stress, then a desire to slow down the rhythm of life appears. Country style can help, when using its mental features should be respected. He may imply the interior of the Russian hut, the French chalet or the American ranch. The color is very important for any interior, the main thing is not to drown out the author's idea.

Basic interior design styles

The presence of naturalness and the absence of acid colors and bright shades will give the natural look at the country style.

The presence of absolute naturalness and the absence of bright shades and acid colors will give a natural look room. From the fabric it is preferable to choose flax, wool or sitherium. For the floor of the floor, you can use a natural stone or a tree of light rock. Beech or oak will fit well.

The furniture should not have curls, gilding, designer sizes and decorations. Country is suitable for designing simple rooms. Clay products can be used as decorative elements. It can be panel, fresh or dried flowers, mugs with original drawings, etc. The entire atmosphere should be calm, filled with energy of nature.

The necessary contrast in the colors will give textiles, which can be covered, curtains, carpets or tablecloths.

You can use various decor items, such as embroidered pads or tablecloths.

How to use a practical style High-tech

Basic interior design styles

High-tech style in interior design involves the introduction of various technological innovations.

High-tech is the embodiment of any opportunities for modern technologies. It was originally used for industrial premises, being functional and comfortable. Within time, he gained popularity due to its functionality. High-tech is fully open for the introduction of technological innovations, which should be not only the subject of luxury in the interior, but also be part of the composition.

The principle of registration is associated with clear planning of the space of the interior, its futuristic forms, direct lines. The style can assume a large number of glass and decorative elements made of metal, such as pipes, fasteners, wires, rivets and engineering elements. These elements do not have a functional load, but only symbolize the presence of this style. An important part of the design is lighting.

Hay-tech does not welcome the decor, and the texture of the materials is emphasized exclusively with lighting. Light can be top, bottom, side. Glass floor lamps, it can be perfect in the interior. Furniture should not have extra decorative elements. It can be made of plastic, metal or wood. It should have functionality and reliability. High-tech is considered a male style, in contrast to romanticism.

The greatest popularity of High-tech uses for design kitchens, which will not only be comfortable, but also functional. Smooth metal appliances, shelves for storage, sinks of unusual forms - all this will allow you to give an industrial look to the modern kitchen interior. The presence of pipes will give luxury design, they can be from nickel-plated or stainless steel, have an unusual form. High-tech can combine a romantic style and fantasy on the theme of space.

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