Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house


Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Thanks to the lags, you can make perfectly smooth floor in any room. Modern technologies in construction are unique opportunities. For many, words such as bridge and polymers, tape floor, GOST, CUMBES, CONNECTIONS, sizes 100x200, or 150x50 say nothing. But already faced with repair know that it is most likely about the field on the lags. Someone just wants to make sex strengthening, and someone needs to be laid new, durable and beautiful. And very often used flooring technology on lags.

Their advantages: what are lagows

Immediately it is worth saying that putting the floor on the lags in many cases is simply the perfect solution. Indeed, this method has many advantages. It is very important that the floor is warm.

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Among the benefits of Lag is worth noting reliability and a small price.

Also worth making floors on the lags as:

  • Noise from the neighbors around the apartment will not penetrate to you;
  • Installation can be completely made with your own hands;
  • The cost of sex and work is quite acceptable;
  • Wires and pipes, not very attractive, but necessary, you can hide under such a floor;
  • This is an eco-friendly floor.

When you work, the smell in the room will stand very pleasant. For many, by the way, the smell of treated tree is a real antidepressant, which by itself raises the mood and configures to work.

Lagas are called bars, which are needed as a support for the hard coating of the floor. Lags can be made of metal, polymers, reinforced concrete, but usually wooden lags are taken. With wood and work easier, and it costs it cheaper.

Lugi's beams are distinguished by mobility and smaller sizes. Beams after installation, if you give a shaped example, it is impossible to move, and the lags can be moved. Yes, and mount them at times easier, and if you need a repair - it will be simple and fast.

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Installation Tools: Lagat Flooring Device

To work, you will need a hammer, level, screwdriver or drill, knife. Materials for the manufacture of such a floor are taken by the following - pieces of chipboard or plywood, any insulation, screw screws, corners or P-shaped fasteners.

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

All necessary lag mounting tools can be purchased at any construction store at an affordable price.

To prepare the floor to installation, it follows the entire area of ​​the floor. Check out the old screed if the concrete floor is already deprived of integrity, it needs to be pushed. Then the garbage and dust is removed, everything should be clean. Then you need to eliminate the defect of the rough floor. Paul should be primed. How many people do not speak about the need of primer, some kind of negligent attitude to this procedure. The primer is right, it should absorb and dry, and only then filled flats.

Then, in terms of level, the maximum surface point in the room is calculated. It is necessary to set a mark so that it is a guide for subsequent work. And then the work is developing in two possible scenarios: to make a screed, with a surface with one level, or set lags into the level of plywood gaskets of small size.

Step-by-step instructions: Installing lag for sex with your own hands

It all begins with the fact that the one-piece or connected bars lay out the width of the room. The first bar and the latter will be 20 cm from the wall. You need to calculate the step between lags in advance.

Next, the installation is carried out like this:

  • It is necessary to remove the floor level, the quality of the finishing coating will depend on this moment;
  • All bars must be put in one horizontal plane;
  • For lifting, bars or plywood lining are used;
  • Install little, you need to fasten the lags, for this, or screws are used, or they put anchor bolts;
  • The length of the mounting interval is 70-80 cm, drill the timber, capturing the concrete foundation, spinning the self-tapping screw.

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

To make the floor warm, there should be thermal insulation material between lags

There is an option to install the lag and on adjustable fasteners, turning it, will achieve the desired result. By the way, if the finish coating is not a wooden floor, but a ceramic tile of small size, then the distance between the bars will be 30 cm. Only in this situation there are also transverse lags, and at the same distance. They need to be attached to an equal level with longitudinal bars (a corner is used). Such a strengthening of the design should be used, because the size of the tile is small.

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Modern lags for the floor: timber

The reliability of the structure depends not only on whether you use the board or metal elements, but also from whether the calculation is correct. First, the length and thickness of the bar is determined. Length is the length and width of the house. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the gap, and the bar, respectively, is selected by 20-30 mm less.

Such a ventilation gap is necessary - it prevents deformation if the differences of humidity and temperature happen.

The cross section of the bar, its size is more complicated. The potential load on the floor is important here, as well as the size of the spans between directly points of the Lag support points. There is a table that facilitates the calculations. The greater the span, the thicker it will be a bar. For example, the size of the span 3m, it means that the section is lag - 150 by 80 mm. The form of section is usually rectangular. Install the timber on the edge, so that the lags sustain high pressure.

What is the distance between the lags of the floor

The step of lag will depend on the thickness of the flooring. If you use flooring from durable thick boards, lags can be attached relatively rarely. Well, a thin and not special durable coating requires to put more lag.

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Choose the distance between lags should depend on the area of ​​the room and its structural features

Dependence can be considered on a pair of examples. For example, the thickness of the floorboard is 30 mm, it means that the interval between lags is half meter. Or a thickness of 40 mm, therefore, the step between lags is 700 mm.

Straight, the exact calculation is not needed. Sufficient will take simply the distance between our lags averaged value. And if at the end of the installation you saw that the distance is inaccurate, take less step between these last lags, and the design will be durable.

Brous size: lags for the floor

The length of the bar must approximately 3 cm be less than the width and the length of the room, where the floor is placed. Lagged Length must be less than the length of the room to avoid the deformation of the design, if the temperature differences happen. It's good to make lags from solid materials, but there can be a bar need to lengthen.

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Around two elements according to the rules:

  • Under the splicing site should be supporting elements, for example, pillars;
  • If neighboring lags are spliced, then the splicing points have relative to each other with a displacement.

The compound must correspond to these conditions, otherwise there may be a threat of low floor stiffness in the very place where the timber is combed. Neighboring lags are spliced ​​with a displacement of meter. This fact affects the size of the bars taken.

Algorithm: Floor laying on lags with your own hands

Stop the wooden lag is needed with the angular part of the room. Then, the first row usually places with a tongue relative to the wall and, in this case, the slot between the wall and the lag should be 1 cm equal to (to avoid wood deformation). Then a number of lag are placed offset relative to the first lag, about several BRUSIV.

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Before editing, lags should be familiar with the recommendations of experts and watch the learning video

So that firmly boards were attached to the ground, you need to knock a lot with a construction hammer tree. For fastening it is necessary. Boards are attached along the wall, fixed with screws. Screws can be on the surface, it does not matter, they will close their plinth.

Tip: How to strengthen sex lags

Here everything is individually, but there are some general rules. For example, if on the same level there are sex lags and a strapping bottom timber, then it can be coppped with rolling brackets with each other, or perforated corners will help. If the lags are located below the strapping bar, then the strut bracket, metallic.

Roughly speaking, the main goal of the amplification is the rigid fixation of the lag of the floor and the bars of the Lower Crown. In this case, when strengthening the flooring, the flooring will stop talked. Also, as an option, you can use the floors to eliminate the cracks, and the gaps simply overlap with the plinths.

How to put lags on the floor (video)

Today, when the floor can be seized, pour, make polymer coatings, use plastic parts, brick splashes, etc., many refuse many repair methods. But sometimes instead of complex and expensive designs require old and proven ways. The same floor on lags, which "make friends" and with wooden, and with a brick house.

Good luck in repair!

Details: Lags (photo examples)

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

Laggers for the floor: the size of the bar and such a distance between the lags, the table and the floor how to strengthen, the device in the house

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